2016-2017 – worked example from Essex School – by kind permission

Crossing the exceeding threshold- Moderation 2017

Early learning goal / Description of
‘expected’ / Description of ‘exceeding’ / What does exceeding look like in your setting? What are we looking for? / Planning and provision
ELG 01 Listening and attention / Children listen attentively in a range of situations. They listen to stories, accurately anticipating key events and respond to what they hear with relevant comments, questions or actions. They give their attention to what others say and respond appropriately, while engaged in another activity. / Children listen to instructions and follow them accurately, asking for clarification if necessary. They listen attentively with sustained concentration to follow a story without pictures or props. They can listen in a larger group, for example, at assembly. / Children are able to listen and focus during carpet time/inputs (30 mins). They can respond appropriately to instructions i.e. - register and lunch choices. They listen for more sustained periods of time including a range of contexts (PE, assembly, Forest) and aren’t distracted. Children listen and respond to each other as an integral part of our class expectations including circle time and show and tell. / Children are given a range of opportunities to exercise their listening skills independently and creatively (audio books on the iPad, think-pair-share, circle time). High expectations and ‘good listening skills’ were emphasised from the start (crossed legs, lips closed, ears listening, eyes this way and brain boxes on) and are key in our carpet time. Children are immersed in sustained play. Exceeding pupils also partake in guided reading, concentrating for a sustained period of time. Children are highly responsive to non-verbal cues (clapping patterns) and listen attentively.
ELG 02 Understanding / Children follow instructions involving several ideas or actions. They answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about their experiences and in response to stories or events. / After listening to stories children can express views about events or characters in the story and answer questions about why things happened. They can carry out instructions which contain several parts in a sequence. / Children ask ‘why’ and ‘how’ in response to something they’ve encountered and are keen to share their views often linking it to their experiences at home. Children’s responses are recorded on our ‘experience table’ which informs planning/objectives. Children can follow instructions involving several ideas and actions (using a programme on the iPad, PE, arts and crafts, Nativity). Children take their learning to their child initiated learning (treasure hunt, Burglar Bill). / Experience planning involves ‘today’s big question’ providing children opportunities to give opinions e.g. ‘why do we get cross?’ ‘How can we help the environment’ ‘What keeps us healthy?’ Questioning is used across the curriculum to probe children’s thinking introducing the idea of ‘backing up your point’ giving reason and evidence (e.g. number work, exploring stories). Home ‘Learning Log’ focusing on understanding opportunities.
ELG 03 Speaking / Children express themselves effectively, showing awareness of listeners’ needs. They use past, present and future forms accurately when talking about events that have happened or are to happen in the future. They develop their own narratives and explanations by connecting ideas or events. / Children show some awareness of the listener by making changes to language and non-verbal features. They recount experiences and imagine possibilities, often connecting ideas. They use a range of vocabulary in imaginative ways to add information, express ideas or to explain or justify actions or events. / Very clear spoken language. Children justify their point of view, ask questions related to something previously mentioned in a class discussion. A variety of role-play opportunities promoting use of subject specific vocabulary. Sequencing story events. Use of adjectives - descriptive language. Buzz the bear show and tell. Use of monitors to promote speaking and independence. / Superb modelling from all staff. Opportunities to discuss news, events, opinions and high value places upon speaking. Talk for writing and visual prompts have been used to develop children’s story telling. Liaising with speech and language specialist to support children’s speaking (visual coding). Children use a range of vocabulary (describing music, art work, investigation area. Children explore rhyme in poems and songs. ‘Table talk’ opportunities, what I already know, Headteacher’s award, speaking infront of the school.
ELG 04 Moving and handling / Children show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements. They move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space. They handle equipment and tools effectively, including pencils for writing. / Children can hop confidently and skip in time to music. They hold paper in position and use their preferred hand for writing, using a correct pencil grip. They are beginning to be able to write on lines and control letter size. / Extra curricular activities (cheerleading, golf,ballet).
Numerous examples of listening to the beat, fantastic rhythm and co-ordination. Excellent fine motor control. Correct pencil grip, many ask for paper with lines. Performing (nativity and poetry slam) involving movement. Development of scissor skills. / Funky Finger activities to practice fine motor skills. Extra-curricular activities cheer leading, football.
Forest school.
PE lessons with skills progression, throwing and catching, balancing, games etc. Phonological awareness/ counting activities related to PE and music. Pencil grips if necessary. Dough disco, wake and shake! iPad letter formation, typing skills.Parachute games, climbing and balancing (pirate training), cutlery skills, den building and joining, cooking.
ELG 05 Health and self-care / Children know the importance for good health of physical exercise, and a healthy diet, and talk about ways to keep healthy and safe. They manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs successfully, including dressing and going to the toilet independently. / Children know about, and can make healthy choices in relation to, healthy eating and exercise. They can dress and undress independently, successfully managing fastening buttons or laces. / Extra- curricular activities (cheer leading, breakfast and after school club) has further developed children’s self care. Healthy life style is promoted in the setting (sharing snack platter) and children will select a healthy snack and milk as “it is good for our teeth and bones”. All children are extremely independent when getting changed for PE. Children know the importance of basic hygiene including washing hands often referring to “getting rid of germs”. We give multiple opportunities to taste new/unusual healthy foods - very successful. Apron messy play. Goggles, science experiments. / Snack time. Practice dressing at home. Speed trial and rewards for tidying and folding clothes. Use of ‘snackerdoodle’ on the iPads for children to create and explore healthy food choices. Class expectation of looking after the classroom ‘tidy up time’ song and belongings. Exploring the importance of dental hygiene. “Eating vegetables makes us strong”. Cooking promoting hygiene, monitors water station. Children can decipher whether they need to take their jumper off, hat and scarves cold weather. Heart rate and stretching muscles key aspect of all PE sessions.
6. Self-confidence and self-awareness / Self-confidence and self-awareness: children are confident to try new activities, and say why they like some activities more than others. They are confident to speak in a familiar group, will talk about their ideas, and will choose the resources they need for their chosen activities. They say when they do or don’t need help. / Children are confident speaking to a class group. They can talk about the things they enjoy, and are good at, and about the things they do not find easy. They are resourceful in finding support when they need help or information. They can talk about the plans they have made to carry out activities and what they might change if they were to repeat them. / Children are eager to share their weekend/achievements with the class (Buzz the Bear) through a whole class show and tell. Almost all children will exceed. Have all been up in Headteacher’s assembly and shared their nomination. Children will reference whole school ‘Mr Trogan’ skills e.g. “I am an confident character because ”. Children will confidently and independently select resources for chosen activities. They ask for help after trying for themselves. Children are very keen to share learning and will often ‘critique’ their work based on success criteria identifying their next steps and what they will do next time. Children enjoy new experiences (panto). Resources are child level and accessible in the setting. Children could confidently articulate learning to international visitors. Lots of peer support. Challenge time encourages persistence and resilience. / Provide opportunities to fail (challenge time, problem solving). Moving into the zone of proximal development supported through showing staff learning at the same time. Reflecting on and revisiting experiences “what do I know, what do I want to find out, what have I learned”. Opportunities for independence, monitors. Sensory experiences eating a gingerbread man mindfully, what do we notice? Using our senses. ‘Sensory tub’ during child initiated.
7. Managing feelings and behaviour / Managing feelings and behaviour: children talk about how they and others show feelings, talk about their own and others’ behaviour, and its consequences, and know that some behaviour is unacceptable. They work as part of a group or class, and understand and follow the rules. They adjust their behaviour to different situations, and take changes of routine in their stride. / Children know some ways to manage their feelings and are beginning to use these to maintain control. They can listen to each other’s suggestions and plan how to achieve an outcome without adult help. They know when and how to stand up for themselves appropriately. They can stop and think before acting and they can wait for things they want. / Demonstrate ‘level’ behaviour on all occasions. Can self-soothe if necessary in the ‘calm corner’/quiet time. Morals, discussing other children’s behaviour and why it is/isn’t appropriate. We have class rules (decided together)/consistent use of ‘going for gold’ behaviour chart/marbles in the jar. Daily independent learning opportunities. Open discussions/social stories why is this fair/unfair/right or wrong? Use of classroom monitors. / Opportunities to discuss morality relating to traditional tales/familiar stories. Be aware of traveller/ shooting comments! Developing understanding of emotions through song ‘keep on smiling’. Rainbow, sunshine, rain feelings chart. to develop children's emotional literacy. Everyday superheroes (right and wrong). Promoting good choices throughout setting. Children manage risks and are aware of dangers (estate walk). Sharing of resources. Modelling ‘kind words’ manners please and thank you.
8. Making relationships / Making relationships: children play co-operatively, taking turns with others. They take account of one another’s ideas about how to organise their activity. They show sensitivity to others’ needs and feelings, and form positive relationships with adults and other children. / Children play group games with rules. They understand someone else’s point of view can be different from theirs. They resolve minor disagreements through listening to each other to come up with a fair solution. They understand what bullying is and that this is unacceptable behaviour. / Showing understanding of right and wrong. Lovely examples of caring for others especially with lots of emotional development needs. Very positive relationships with all adults in the setting and can articulate what being kind is. During CIL children compromise and negotiate, taking turns. When a child is upset children appropriately comfort them. A new child has recently joined the class, all children welcomed and helped her. / Lots of cohesive team/group activities. Provide opportunities for children to work with their peers (learning patterns). Use of games during child initiated learning to promote turn taking. Lots of opportunities for ‘mixed ability’ activities. Peer assessing, lots of group work.
ELG 09 Reading / Children read and understand simple sentences. They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately. They also read some common irregular words. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read. / Children can read phonically regular words of more than 1 syllable as well as many irregular but high frequency words. They use phonic, semantic and syntactic knowledge to understand unfamiliar vocabulary. They can describe the main events in the simple stories they have read. / Minimum of Phase 3 Set 6. ‘Foxes’ phonics group some have already ‘passed’ Year One phonics screening tests. Children enjoy a wide range of books and know the difference between ‘fiction/story’ and ‘non-fiction/information’ books. Beginning to identify the punctuation read with some fluency/expression. Children choose to read books during child initiated learning for a purpose. Children apply their phonics skills across the curriculum. / Children are exposed to a wide variety of texts and stories. Strict reading policy shared with parents Books read twice with adults and then changed. Extended phonics sessions 30-40 mins. Emphasis on guided reading as well. Children know what ‘Go Words’ (HFW) are and apply these in all reading opportuneness along with phonic specific vocabulary (digraphs, trigraphs, segmenting blending etc.) Differentiated phonics activities sent home in phonics books to support school reading. Going beyond decoding, developing children’s comprehension through questioning/visual literacy ‘The Naughty Bus’. Whole class, guided and individual reading opportunities. Reading area. Phonics is implemented consistently with high expectations. Interactive reading displays/word hunts. Reading willow dome, CIL book handling skills.
ELG 10 Writing / Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible. / Children can spell phonically regular words of more than 1 syllable as well as many irregular but high frequency words. They use key features of narrative in their own writing. / Writing for a range of different purposes and contexts. Children choose to write everyday and ask for lined paper to write on or their literacy book. Stamina to write for more extended periods of time. Lots of different writing opportunities provided and a range of writing materials (chalk, paint, wikki sticks, oil pastels etc). Strong sense of narrative features supported by talk for writing (once upon a time …). Children enjoy going into the writing area where the boys in particular choose to write often creating their own purpose e.g. football songs, re-writing the Gruffalo. / Very high expectations, feedback given to all writing and opportunities for children to edit, review and make improvements. Children know and apply multi-sensory writer’s check list. I have sent home Year one Common Exception Words for HA writers to work on. Focus on making a valuable transferable skill ‘super writer’. Children who find writing challenging use other sensory methods (writing in glitter, rainbow magnetic board, brushes on the iPad). Early morning activities enable children to write about their weekend (recount). Boys in the setting enjoy writing (superhero theme). Writing materials in role play area.