Teaching Plan & Mode of Assessment
Programme: M.A. Labour Studies and Social Protection
Academic Batch: 2015-17
Semester: III
Course Title and Number / Tea Plantation Industry in India (LSSP16)Course Credits / 2
Total Credit Hours / 30
Course Anchor / Prof. Virginius Xaxa (VX)
Course Teacher(s) / Prof. Virginius Xaxa (VX)
Hour/Lecture / 2
India is one of the largest tea producers in the world. This course will highlight the historical background of this industry and its current pattern. Class, caste, gender and ethnicity have great role to place in Indian tea industry. These issues will be discussed in this course.
To make students aware of the issues of tea industry in India in historical context and contemporary time.
Lecture/Week / Topic Covered / Mode of Teaching
Lecture-1 / Conceptualising plantation systems / Lecture & Discussion
Lecture-2,3 / History of tea plantation industry / Lecture & Discussion
Lecture-4,5 / Migration and pattern of recruitment / Lecture & Discussion
Lecture-6 / Organizational structure / Lecture & Discussion
Lecture-7,8 / Conditions of work and labour / Lecture & Discussion
Lecture-9 / Planation legislation / Lecture & Discussion
Lecture-10,11 / Role of Trade unions / Lecture & Discussion
Lecture-12 / Workers’ cooperatives / Lecture & Discussion
Lecture-13 / Social welfare measure / Lecture & Discussion
Lecture-14,15 / Caste, class, gender and ethnicity in Tea Plantation Industry / Lecture & Discussion
Reading List
Bhadra, Ranjit. 1997. Social dimension of health of tea plantation workers in India, N. L. Publishers
- BhowmikSharit K., 1981. Class formation in the plantation system, New Delhi: People’s Publication House.
- BhowmikSharit K., Tea Plantation Wage Agreement: Worker's Interests Sacrificed, Economic and Political Weekly, October 8, 1994.
- Bhowmik, S. K.; Xaxa, V. & M. A. Kalam. 1996.Tea Plantation Labour in India, New Delhi: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
Chakraborty, R. N. 1997. Socio-economic development of plantation workers in North East India, N. L. Publishers
- Chatterjee, Piya. 2002. A Time for Tea: Women, Labor, and Post/Colonial Politics on an Indian Plantation, Duke University Press
- Griffiths Percival, J. 1967. The history of the Indian tea industry, Weidenfeld & Nicolson Publication
Guha, Amalendu. 2012. Planter Raj to Swaraj: Freedom Struggle & Electoral Politics in Assam 1826-1947, Tulika Books
Jain, Shobhita & Reddock, Rhoda E. 1998. Women Plantation Workers: International Experiences, Berg Publishers.
- Karotemprel, Sebastian Ray, B. Dutta (Eds.) 1990. Tea garden labourers of north east India: A multidimensional study on the Adivasis of the tea gardens of north east India, Vendrame Institute Publications (Shillong, India)
Sengupta, Sarthak. 2009. The Tea Labourers of North East India: An Anthropo-Historical Perspectives, New Delhi: Mittal Publication
Xaxa, Virginus, 1997. Economic dualism and structure of class: a study in plantation and peasant settings in north Bengal, New Delhi: Cosmos Publication.
Mode of AssessmentType of Assessment / Weightage
Assignment & Presentation / 50%
End Semester Examination / 50%