Installation of Harley Deuce Risers on a 1400 Intruder with Internal Wiring
Materials Needed: (Purchased all items at Ace Hardware)
(2) ½-13 x 3” Hardened Hex-Head Bolts $ .90 each
(2) ½” Flat Washers $ .16 each
(2) ½” Lock Washers $ .13 each
(2) M24 Hardened Washers $ 1.70 each
Super Glue
Liquid Dish Soap
1 Foot section of Clear Vinyl Tubing (5/8” OD x ½” ID) $ 1.00
1 Foot of ½” white PVC Pipe (actual size is 7/8” OD x 9/16” ID) Sched 40 $ 1.00
“Blue” Locktite
The one thing I want you to notice is how inexpensive these items were. I didn’t price out the Dish Soap, Locktite, or the Super Glue. I already had them. I paid $ 55.00 delivered for the risers on EBAY.
(Insert photo of riser, washer,& bolt. Also insert photo of PVC and clear tubing)
The first thing you want to do is remove the headlight lens assembly. Then unplug (disconnect) and of the internal wires inside the headlight assembly. Next remove the headlight housing from the fork. Next remove the backplate from the headlight housing and feed all wiring out the rear of the housing.
Remove all controls from the handlebars. Since you have internal wiring, most of these items will hang from the bars. You’ll need to reroute your throttle cable outside the fork tubes.
Next you remove the riser caps and gently pull up on the handlebars while straightening the wiring as it travels through the bottom side of the risers. Once you have the bars removed it’s time to work the wiring out of the bars. Do this slowly, pushing on one end of the cables while pulling on the other.
Once this is done and all wiring is removed from the bars, reinstall the bars on the risers. I have no idea what size metric socket it takes to remove the risers, but a 1-1/4” socket works just fine. Remove the risers.
When you have the risers removed, save two of the large flat washers and all of the rubber washers. You’ll need these when mounting the Harley Deuce Risers.
You’ll notice that the upper triple tree has bushings pressed into it. These are steel sleeves surrounded by rubber. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REMOVE THESE!
(Insert Photo of Triple Tree Bushing)
First measure the length of the triple tree bushings. Mine were about 1-3/8” long. I cut two pieces of PVC Pipe 1-5/16” long. (Note: These pieces need to be slightly shorter than the triple tree bushings.)
Next insert the Clear Vinyl Tubing through one piece of the PVC so that about ½” of Clear tubing comes out the other side. Next with a sharp blade trim the Clear Tubing even with both ends of the PVC Pipe. Do this on both pieces of PVC.
(Insert photo of PVC & clear assembled)
Next work a small screwdriver between the PVC and the Clear Tubing and put a drop of Super Glue in there. Then pry the Clear Tubing back against the side of the PVC. Do this in one spot on both ends of the PVC.
Now take the ½-13 x 3” bolt and install the lock washer and then the ½” flat washer. Next squirt some Liquid Dish Soap on the bolt covering the threads. Now start screwing the PVC assembly on the bolt by hand. When it starts getting difficult to turn use a socket and ratchet on one end and a pair of channel locks to hold the PVC.
Once you’ve determined that the PVC has completely cleared the threads, sit the bolt on it’s head, take the extra piece of PVC, slide it over the bolt, and drive the PVC assembly down on the bolt until it makes contact with the flat washer. Repeat this with the other bolt.
(Insert photo of Bolt Assembly)
Now we are ready to start mounting the risers. First install one of the large flat washers from the original risers and then a rubber washer on the bolt assembly.
This assembly should now be as follows on the bolt:
Bolt Head, lock washer, ½” flat washer, large flat washer, and rubber washer. Of course the PVC assembly is on it also. (NOTE: Clean all of the soap off the threads)
Put some “blue” Locktite on the threads and insert the bolt assembly through the triple tree from the bottom. Holding it in place, put one rubber washer on the top of the triple tree bushing, and then place the M24 Washer on top of it. (You’ll notice that the M24 washer has the perfect ID for the bottom of the Deuce Riser.) Next thread the riser onto the bolt assembly. Make sure that the bottom and top rubber washers are on the triple tree bushing and that the M24 washer is centered on the riser. Do not tighten completely. Just snug them enough to hold the risers in place.
Next mount the handlebars on the risers. Now you are ready to finish tightening the riser mounting bolts.
(Insert photo of Risers Mounted & Risers Mounted 2)
Simply reroute all wiring externally, and reassembly everything reverse order of removal.