Formal Agenda for the Commissioners’ Renewable Portfolio Standard Workshop
July 26, 2007
- Opening Remarks and Welcome – Chairman Lisa Edgar
Jay Levenstein, Deputy Commissioner of Agriculture
Steve Adams, Director of Planning Strategic Projects, Florida Dept of Environmental Protection
- Foundation for a Renewable Portfolio Standard
We will discuss possible definitions of a renewable portfolio standard,consider examples of renewable portfolio standards throughout the country,and identify existing practices that Florida might implement and practicesto avoid.
Robert M. Reedy, P.E., Director, Solar Energy Division, Florida Solar EnergyCenter
Richard Zambo, P.A., Energy Regulatory Consultant
Dick Lowry, Assoc. Manager, Govt Relations, Sharp Electronics Solar Energy Solutions Group
Camille Coley, Assistant Vice President of Research, FloridaAtlanticUniversity
Tom Hartman, Director of Business Management, Resource Assessment and Planning, Florida Power & Light
Chris Kise, Special Counsel, Executive Office of the Governor
- Setting a Renewable Portfolio Standard
Our focus will be onFlorida’s options for a renewable portfolio standard. Should it be based on a megawatt hour goal, on a percentage of peak demand, on in-service rated generation capacity, or other pertinent measures.
Barry Moline, Executive Director, Florida Municipal Energy Association
Frank Ferraro, Vice President of Public Affairs, Wheelabrator Technologies
Vincent Dolan, Vice President External Relations, Progress Energy
John Masiello, Manager of Demand Side Management and Alternative Energy Strategies, Progress Energy Florida
Scott Keeley, Manager, Development of Alternative Energy, Siemens
Paul Barber, Senior Consultant, Energy Strategies
Gus Cepero, Manager, Okeelanta FloridaCrystals Facility
- Operation of a Renewable Portfolio Standard
We will identify types of incentives necessary to encourage compliance with a renewable portfolio standard, as well as consider whether a tradable renewable energy credit system could be used toward meeting the standard. Discussion will include whethertradable renewable energy credits will be limited to those created in Florida to fulfill the goals. Lastly, identifying an appropriate methodology to track progress toward meeting a renewable portfolio standard.
Jane Maxwell, Projects Coordinator, Waste Energy Solutions
Joseph Treshler, Vice President of Business Development, Covanta Energy
Katrina Pielli, Clean Energy Program Manager, US Department of Environmental Protection
Bob McGee, Manager of Marketing Services, Gulf Power
- Identification of Likely Impacts on Florida’s Economy and Consumers from a Renewable Portfolio Standard
We will identify general concerns regarding implementation of a renewable portfolio standard, including potential economic impacts, utility costs, environmental impacts, or consumer costs.
Gwen Rose, Deputy Director, Vote Solar Initiative
Kim Owens, Clean Power Coordinator, JEA
Michael Dobson, Renewable Energy Producers Association
Scott Jorgensen, President, Solarsa
Tamela Perdue, Attorney, Associated Industries of Florida
Keith McAllister, U.S. Department of Energy, Director of CHPCenterSE
William Ashburn,Director, Pricing and Financial Analysis, TECO
- Regulation and Enforcement of Renewable Portfolio Standard
We will identify potential enforcement strategies and incentives to ensure compliance with renewableportfolio standards. We will also examine strategies for mitigating potential adverse impacts resulting from the enforcement of renewable goals.
Leon Jacobs, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy
Jeff Cooper, Contracts Administrator, CountyGovernment of Lake County, Florida
Jennifer Green, Environmental Defense
Bob Krasowski, Florida Alliance for a Clean Environment
- Closing Comments