/ Application for:
Action 1 - Youth for Europe
Sub-Action 1.1 - Youth Exchanges
Version valid as of 1 January 2010
Please fill in all relevant sections of this application. It is compulsory to annex ALL documents requested in the check list. Please consult the Programme Guide to find all the information you need to lead your project and to fill in this application form.
Part I. Project identification and summary
Project number
To be filled in by the Executive Agency or the National Agency
/ Postmark/Date of receipt
Name of the applicant
Please indicate the name and acronym of the applicant organisation/group. / IYC Friends Litomyšl
Title of the project
Please give a short title to the project.
International Youth Camp (IYC) 2010: CZECH-IN FOR EUROPE
Type of Activity
Please tick the boxes corresponding to the exchange for which you are submitting this application. For more information, please consult Part B, Action 1.1 of the Programme Guide.
This project is a Youth Exchange of the following type:
(tick one box only) / bilateral (2 promoters from different Programme Countries1)
trilateral (3 promoters from different Programme Countries1)
multilateral (at least 4 promoters from different Programme Countries1)
1 At least 1 promoter from an EU country must be involved.
Duration of the project2
Please indicate the total duration of the project from preparation to evaluation, and also the start and end dates of the actual Exchange Activity.
Start date of the project3:
(date when the first costs incur) / 01/07/2010 / End date of the project:
(date when the last costs incur) / 31/01/2011
The Activity starts: / 01/08/2010 /
The Activity ends4: / 16/08/2010
Total duration of the Activity (in days), excluding travel days : / 14
Venue(s) / Základní škola T.G.Masaryka Litomyšl, T.G.Masaryka 1145, 570 01 Litomyšl
2 Maximum duration of the project: 15 months.
3 Please consult the part C of the Programme Guide ("Respect the deadline").
4 Duration of the Activity: between 6 and 21 days (travel days excluded).
Part I. Project identification and summary (cont.)
Relevance to the general objectives of the Youth in Action Programme
Please tick relevant box(es).
The project:
promotes young people’s active citizenship in general and their European citizenship in particular;
develops solidarity and promote tolerance among young people, in particular in order to foster social cohesion in the European Union;
fosters mutual understanding between young people in different countries;
contributes to developing the quality of support systems for youth activities and the capabilities of civil society organisations in the youth field;
promotes European cooperation in the youth field.
Relevance to the priorities of the Youth in Action Programme
Please tick relevant box(es).
Permanent thematic priorities / Annual priorities
European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion
Youth unemployment
Global challenges (such as sustainable development, climate
change, migrations and the Millennium Development Goals)
European Citizenship
Participation of young people
Cultural diversity
Inclusion of young people with fewer
National priorities
If so, please specify:
Main themes for the Activity
Please tick not more than 2 boxes.
European awareness / Minorities
Inter-religious dialogue / Urban/Rural development
Anti-discrimination / Youth policies
Art and culture / Media and communications/Youth information
Gender equality / Education through sport and outdoor activities
Disability / Health
Roma Communities / Environment
Non-discrimination based on sexual
orientation / Other - If so, please specify:
Part I. Project identification and summary (cont.)
Summary of the project
Please give a short description of your project (approximately 10-15 lines). Please note that if your project is approved, this paragraph may be used for publication. Therefore be accurate and include the venue, the type of project, the theme, the objectives, the duration in days, the countries involved, the number of participants, the implemented activities and the methods applied. This summary should be completed in English, French or German, regardless of which language you use to fill in the rest of this application. Please be concise and clear.
Our project aims to offer youngsters from all over Europe the possibility to meet and get to know and understand other cultures during 2 weeks in an international and friendly atmosphere. They will have the possibility to acquire knowledge not only in workshops but also during discussion evenings and other additional activities. Our objectives are to provide the youngsters with the necessary tools to acquire or develop skills related to diverse fields of culture, sports and media, and to awake in them a European consciousness, to prevent prejudices and stereotypes and to show them the advantages that today’s Europe offers them, both personally and professionally.
In the beautiful town of Litomyšl, Czech republic, 60 youngsters from seven European countries (Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, France and Hungary) will work and learn together in workshops led by experienced trainers from all over Europe. In addition special activities will take place to bring the participants to debates and informative evenings dealing with topics such as interculturality, European awareness and the European programmes, with stress on the similarities between the different European countries and cultures that unite us all.
The methods to be used are participative, participant-focused and to be carried out in an atmosphere of respect and collaboration.
Composition of the partnership
Name of promoter / Country / Role in the project
IYC Friends Litomyšl / Czech Republic / Coordinator
Jugendring Enzkreis / Germany / Partner
Provincia Reggio Emilia / Italy / Partner
Diputación de Albacete / Spain / Partner
Urzad Miasta Myslowice / Poland / Partner
Baobab Bernin / France / Partner
Komitat Györ-Moson-Sopron / Hungary / Partner
TOTAL number of promoters / 7
Part II. Applicant
A. Details of the applicant
Name / IYC Friends
Street address / Na Lánech 478
Postcode / 570 001 / City / Litomyšl
Region / Pardubice / Country / Czech Republic
Email / / Website
Telephone / +420737702962 / Telefax
Person authorised to sign the contract on behalf of the applicant (legal representative)
Family name (Ms/Mr) / Novotná / First name / Karina
Position/function / coordinator
Person in charge of the project (contact person)
Family name (Ms/Mr) / Novotná / First name / Karina
Position/function / coordinator
Email /
Telephone / +420737702962 / Telefax
B. Profile of the applicant
Type and status / Non profit/non governmental organisation / Informal group of young people
Body active at European level in the youth field (ENGO) / Other – please specify:
Activity level / Local / Regional / National / European/International
Please give a short description of your organisation/group (regular activities, member of, etc.) and describe your competencies and motivation to complete the proposed project.
“IYC Friends Litomyšl” is group of former participants of the International Youth Camp. We are at the moment 8 friends who met during the camps and we continue in our friendship that started there. We organize informal meetings – also transnational (Germany, Poland, Italy) – where we exchange our experiences as students or at work. If we can we go and visit the camp during summer for the last days to remember this adventure, to share the atmosphere and to meet the new participants. The IYC simply became part of our lives.
We have proposed to bring the IYC this year to our home town because we want this project to be done here. We know by experience that it is a very good opportunity for youngsters to get to know new countries and the local culture of the region. And it is the best chance to meet people from other cities all around Europe. So we want to take the challenge and do our best in Litomyšl.
We also think that for the town it is a good possibility to be “put on the European map” and to improve the partnerships between the cities all around Europe. Some other actions take place in Litomyšl during the year, based on the town twinning. But to invite 60 young people for two weeks to work together here is something special. It has happened just once, in 1993, when the camp took place here for the first time, and we are very much looking forward to be the ones that can organize it here once more.
Has your organisation/group already received a EU grant?
Yes - specify funding received or applied for in the last financial year:
Part IV. Participants in the project
If more space is needed, please add rows.
A. Information on the YOUNG PEOPLE directly involved in the project
Please give information about the composition of the group of young people by country of residence participating in the project (not including the group leaders).
Country of residence / Total number of young people5 / Name of the promoter6 / Distribution by gender / Distribution by age group7
M / F / 13-14 / 15-17 / 18-25 / 26-30
Czech Rep. / 9 / IYC Friends Litomyšl / 4 / 5 / 2 / 7
Germany / 9 / Jugendring Enzkreis / 4 / 5 / 3 / 6
Italy / 9 / Provincia Reggio Emilia / 5 / 4 / 1 / 8
Spain / 9 / Diputación de Albacete / 5 / 4 / 2 / 7
Poland / 8 / Urzad Miasta Myslowice / 4 / 4 / 1 / 7
France / 8 / Baobab Bernin / 4 / 4 / 2 / 6
Hungary / 8 / Komitat Györ-Moson-Sopron / 4 / 4 / 8
Subtotal / 60
5 From 16 to 60 participants - minimum 8 participants per group (for a bilateral Youth Exchange), minimum 6 participants per group (for a Trilateral Youth Exchange) and minimum 4 participants per group (for a Multilateral Youth Exchange).
6 Please specify whether it sends or hosts participants.
7 Young people aged between 13 and 25 and legally resident in a Programme Country can participate in a Youth Exchange. Up to 20% of participants may be aged between 25 and 30, at the application deadline.
B. Information on the GROUP LEADERS directly involved in the project
Please note that the group leaders should only be mentioned in this table, not in table A.
Country of residence / Total number of group leaders8 / Promoter / Distribution by gender
M / F
Czech Rep. / 3 / IYC Friends Litomyšl / 1 / 2
Germany / 3 / Jugendring Enzkreis / 2 / 1
Italy / 2 / Provincia Reggio Emilia / 1 / 1
Spain / 3 / Diputación de Albacete / 1 / 2
Poland / 1 / Urzad Miasta Myslowice / 1
France / 1 / Baobab Bernin / 1
Hungary / 1 / Komitat Györ-Moson-Sopron / 1
Subtotal / 14
8 Minimum 1 group leader per promoter.
TOTAL of participants (young people and group leaders) / 74
Part V. Project description
The points below are intended to serve as a guide for your description of the proposed activities. The information that is requested will be very important in the selection process, and later for the running of the project. For further information, please consult the Programme Guide, part B – Action 1.1.
If more space is needed, please extend boxes.
Objectives and priorities:
Please explain the context, the origin and the objectives of your project and in which way it meets the objectives and the priorities of the Youth in Action Programme.
The International Youth Camp (IYC) is a multilateral international youth exchange that takes place every year in a different country and city. It aims to create an understanding of the things in common as well as the cultural differences between the young people in the participating countries and their living conditions and their youth cultures.
While the first IYCs in the late 80s and early 90s were mainly organized to bring people together and make them aware of the fact that there is “a world outside”, this changed around 1996 when the European Union was getting more and more a matter of public interest also for young people.
Since the year 2002 the IYC strongly aims to create awareness among young people of the fact that we are all Europeans – or in other words, it tries to help to create “European citizenship”. Many participants, after the experience, said that their viewpoint of being “European” has changed a lot (examples can be found in the annex to this application, “How the International Youth Camp has changed my life”).
The IYC has developed from the existing network of partner communities and regions which have organised themselves to provide the financial support and the necessary effective organisation to offer European youngsters the opportunity to get to know other cultures and people and thus to enlarge their horizons. In the beginning there were participants from Germany, Poland, France and Italy; during the years young people from nearly every country in Europe have participated – except (unfortunately) the Scandinavian countries. Young people from Czech Republic participated for the first time in 1990 (and constantly since then).
Still, the youngsters who participate come from towns and provinces that are twinned to each other, thus giving them the chance to organize other projects and encounters on the safe ground of existing relations. But the IYC also aims to create new networks for projects – in fact it is a network in itself: other projects have come out of the IYC and its participants, some of them funded by the Youth in Action program:
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