Las Vegas Lacrosse League


General Membership Meeting

Monday, August 4th, 2008


Board Members& Liaisons:

Tom Perrigo, Board Chairman and Faith Lutheran Coach

Don Kruger, Board Vice-Chairman and BulldogHigh School Asst. Coach

Eric Scholer, Board Fundraising and Arbor View HS Coach

Team Representatives:

Bishop Gorman HS: Martin Schumacher

Bulldogs Boys HS: Tammy Morse, Stacey Wade, Leslie Long,

Legacy Boys HS: Denise Gustafson

Del Webb Boys MS: Jolyn & John Gagnon

Henderson Boys HS: Carol Osip

Crusader Girls : Bob Chinn

Leavitt Boys: Nick Adler, Jamie Adler

Henderson Girls HS: Cherie Pescio

Spring Valley: Rob Tidwell


Dan Coronel, Legacy HS Coach

Will Pointdexter, LVLA Admin.

Neil Butterfield, Sling-It Lacrosse

Keith Buck, Legacy HS

Rich Fiore, Faith Lutheran HS Coach, HS Coach Liaison

Cindy Dwyer, President-Henderson Lacrosse


Jason Yates, Director of Officials

Palo Verde, Mike Jack, PVLC Board President

Palo Verde, Tyronne Kalaukua, PVLC Board Member

Crusaders Boys HS: Karen Finlayson and Rod Sterling

Miller Boys MS: Lona Finlay

Bonanza Girls HS: Gail Kuiava

Arbor View Boys HS: Jewel Peck

Crusader Boys MS: Danny Check

Greenspun Boys MS: Bob Buschow

Lawrence Boys MS: Lydia Folsom-Boske

Westside Girls HS: Cindy Allen

Bonanza Boys HS: Team Rep

Saville Boys MS: Team Rep

Call to Order: Chairman Tom Perrigo called the meeting order at 7:05pm at the West Sahara Library.

Approval of Minutes: Upon motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the July 7th, 2008 were unanimously approved as written

Dan Coronel then indicated that there was an error in the minutes concerning the Bandits; that they did not participate in the Rocky Mountain Showcase.

Upon motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the July 7th meeting were rescinded. These minutes will be resubmitted at the September meeting when corrections are completed.

Issue: Financials:

Discussion: Don announced that the League had received 2 donations of $1,000.00 each. There are still a few invoices to be paid but any remaining funds will be held for the next


Issue: Board Nominations:

Discussion: Tom Perrigo reviewed the voting process for open Board positions:

Each program will have 3 votes, with no more than one vote for any individual candidate. A program would be a HS boys team, HS girls team, and MS team. Ballots will be emailed to each team representative and must be returned by 5pm on Friday, September 1st.

There are three open board positions as Terry Allen, Don Krueger, and Darren Gagnon are moving on to other challenges: Nominees for open board positions are:

Keith Buck -Legacy

Tom Mitchell-Henderson

Nick Adler-Centennial

Bob Chinn-Faith Lutheran, Girls Co-Chair

Stacy Wade-Bulldogs

Each nominee gave a brief statement of their experience and reasons for running for a board position. Will Poindexter will collect written statements from each nominee to send to all programs.

Tom Perrigo then proposed adding two more board members for the next fiscal year due to the increasing work load on the board as well as increasing the program representation among board members.

Eric Scholer pointed out that a larger number of board members might increase the difficulty of holding board meetings, as well as creating administrative and communication challenges among a larger number of board members.

A motion was duly made and seconded to add two (2) board positions for the 2008-2009 season. The team representatives voted in favor of this resolution.

Actions/Recommendations: In order to accommodate two more board positions, the current board extended the deadline for nominations by two weeks—to August 18th, 2008 by 5:00pm. Any individual interested in running for a board position should notify Terry Allen.

Ballots will be send by email to all programs and must be returned by 5:00pm on September 1st, 2008 so that results can be revealed at the next meeting on September 8th, 2008.

Issue: Team Rep Project: ByLaw Revisions:

Tammy Morse recapped her discussions with team representative concerning reviews to the following bylaws:

Team Rep Requirement: Most teams felt that every program must send a representative to board meetings but were unsure as to how to penalize programs for non-compliance. After much discussion, a suggestion was made to exclude players of non-compliant programs from “All-Star” team selections.

Zone Variance: A long discussion of the bylaw concerning zone variances resulted in no consensus. Some board members felt that some zone variances should be allowed and that the board members could best make those decisions. Some comments suggested that the League Zone Variance policy should mirror that of the ClarkCountySchool District. There was no resolution and further discussion is required.

MiddleSchool-HighSchool team affiliation requirement: It has been suggested that every high school program must have a middle school feeder program in order to provide stability, consistency, and growth for the high school programs. There was general agreement that every high school program should be working toward this; however, the team reps were reluctant to mandate this team development.

Disciplinary Guidelines: no discussion

GirlsMiddle School programs: no discussion

Actions and Recommendations:

Tammy Morse will seek further input from team representatives.

Issue: Parent Survey

Don Kruger explained that the parent survey was cancelled as they were not able to launch last year’s survey thru sportsmanager.

Issue: Newsletter

Leslie Long has begun to collect information for a monthly/bi-monthly newsletter. Until this idea is further developed, the newsletter will be sent by email. Leslie is actively looking for ideas for articles and the following were suggested: Ask the Ref, Community Service, Fundraising, Camps, Articles on players.

Advertising will be accepted to provide funds to develop this program. (Please see attached LAX NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE 8/4/08)

Issue: Nevada Chapter of US Lacrosse

Don Kruger and Darren Gagnon continue to move forward in pursuing a chapter of US Lacrosse for Nevada. The application deadline is in November.

Issue: Coaches Report

Middle SchoolNone

High SchoolNone

GirlsCCSD will be sending out a survey-as the result of a Title 9 lawsuit, questioning families on what sport girls would most like to participate in during High School. Team Reps were asked to alert their families of the need to mention lacrosse if surveyed. Discussion ensued concerning moving the girls season to fall depending on the needs of CCSD.

Issue: Officials ReportNone


- There will be a Girls Clinic on Labor Day Weekend.

- Matt Danowski will be holding a clinic on September 20th.

- Henderson will be holding a skills oriented Fall Ball for the second year for new players or those who don’t want to travel every weekend.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45pm