Work Type Definition and Submittal Requirements
6.7 Cone Penetration Test
Work Type Definition
Page 1 details the work type definition. In order to become pre-qualified for this work type, please see the “Work Type Submittal Requirements” on page 2.
I. Description
Investigations will identify and locate, both horizontally and vertically, significant soil types, ground water conditions, and establish the characteristics of the subsurface materials by in-situ testing. The methodology involved includes on-site investigations by performing Electronic Cone Penetration Tests.
II. Standards and Specifications
Standards and specifications required for a project under this work type may include the following:
A. All tasks will be performed in accordance with current ASTM, AASHTO, and MnDOT standards and specifications. All investigations will be conducted in accordance with current Minnesota Department of Health Regulations. MnDOT’s current Specifications for Subsurface Investigation & Geotechnical Analysis and Design Recommendations.
III. Provided By MnDOT
Information to be supplied by MnDOT for a project may include the following:
A. Plans showing existing topography, proposed alignments, and locations of the existing and proposed structures.
B. Information (plans) showing property ownership information for boring locations off of State Right-of-Way.
C. Bridge benchmark information for determining boring elevations.
D. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and MnDOT Standard Specifications.
IV. Provided by Consultant
Deliverables to be supplied by the consultant for a project may include the following:
A. Final Cone Penetration Test Investigation Report
a. Electronic data for data collection (.dat file) and final logs (.gpj file)
b. Hard copy of final logs (.pdf)
c. Weekly progress reports.
d. Minnesota Department of Health sealing records.
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Work Type Definition and Submittal Requirements
6.7 Cone Penetration Test
Work Type Submittal Requirements
A consultant firm becomes pre-qualified based on the qualifications of the personnel that are employed by the firm.
Key Personnel RequirementsMinimum Number of Staff: / · One person with Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) registered/licensed Monitoring Well (or equivalent).
· One professional engineer with relevant experience.
Professional Certification/Licensure: / · Minnesota Department of Health registered/licensed Monitoring Well Contractor (or equivalent).
· Qualified professional engineer must be a licensed Civil Engineer with the Minnesota State Board of Professional Engineers.
Work Type Submittal Requirements*
I. Resume and Relevant Project Experience Form (Form PQ1)
Submit in Word format / A. Complete Parts 1, 1A, 2 and 3 of Form PQ1
Part 1: Fill out general information and names of personnel
Part 1A: Fill out for each person submitted. Qualified personnel must have a minimum of five years experience in the activities required. Experience of the qualified staff must be demonstrated by reference to at least two completed projects (maximum of five) in the last five years.
Part 2: Examples listed should correlate to those submitted for “Project Example Requirements.”
Part 3: List of production staff sufficient to conduct testing.
II. Project Example Requirements
Submit in PDF format / A. Submit one example performed by submitted personnel of a CPT log from a completed project within the last five years.
III. Proof of Professional Certification/Licensure
Submit in PDF format / A. Provide current copy of applicable Professional Certification/Licensure.
*Work Type Submittal Instructions:
Create a CD or flash drive that includes the following individual files or folders in this order:
I. Resume and Relevant Project Experience Form (Form PQ1)
II. Project Example Requirements (this should be a folder that includes individual files clearly named according to Part 2 of the PQ1)
III. Proof of Professional Certification/Licensure
Each file should be saved in the format identified above.
Submit 5 copies of the CD or flash drive.
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