Dear Band Directors:

The Hickory High School Band would like to invite you to participate in our 9th Annual Southeastern Virginia Music Games on Saturday, September 27, 2014. The contest will begin in the afternoon with the exact time to be determined by the number of bands participating.

Our competition goal is to provide bands with invaluable tapes from a distinguished panel of adjudicators. This panel was selected based on their experience in the judging field, as well as their performing and writing experiences. It is our feeling that you and your students will benefit greatly from such a wonderful panel. We are looking forward to having a wonderful audience in the 7,500 seat stadium here at Hickory HS. It is also our hope that you are able to enjoy some of the many activities available in this area. Virginia Beach is 25 minutes away, and Williamsburg’s Busch Gardens and Colonial Williamsburg are just an hour away.

Classification:The bands will be divided into four classes by size according to the number of playing members. These classes will be determined by

natural breaks in the registered bands. Bands will be scheduled within their classes by earliest postmark. We must receive your check and application to register.

Awards:1st, 2nd, 3rd place band in each class

1st and 2nd place in Guard, Percussion, and Drum Major in each class

Best Music, Best GE, Best Visual (overall)

Grand Champion (overall)

Judges:There will be a panel of 8 judges. The breakdown will be as follows:

2 Music GE1 Music Ensemble1 Percussion

1 Visual GE1 Visual Ensemble1 Guard

1 Drum Major

Music GE – 25% (2 scores will be averaged for a total of 25%)

Music Ensemble – 25%

Visual GE – 20%

Visual Ensemble – 20%

Guard – 5%

Percussion – 5%

Enclosed you will find a Registration Form which must be postmarked by September 6, 2013. The registration fee is $100, and checks should be made payable to HBPA (Hickory Band Parents Association). If you have any questions about our competition, please don’t hesitate to call.

For additional information check our website

This panel is an outstanding group of adjudicators! We hope you will enjoy their taped

comments as much as we have in the past.

This year’s judges include:

Tina Hans, Drum Majors

Carl Bly, Music

Taylor Criswell, Music

Rico Casteen, Visual GE

Chris LaPointe, Visual Ensemble

Doug Casteen, Guard Judge

If you have any questions, please contact David Enloe or Crystal Cox at 757-421-7170 or email us at or

Southeastern Virginia Music Games

Please return, along with $100 registration fee payable to

Hickory Band Parents Association by Friday September 5, 2014:

Hickory High School Band

1996 Hawk Blvd.

Chesapeake, VA 23322

Name of School:______Name of Band: ______


Telephone: Day______Night:______Cell:______


Band Director(s):______

Assistant Director(s)______

Other Staff:______

Number in each section: Winds___ Percussion___Guard/Aux____DMs___

Number of buses____Number of equipment vehicles____

Do you need assistance in transporting equipment to the field? Yes____No____

Are you in need of an electrical outlet? Yes_____ No_____

Name of Pit Coordinator ______

Press Box/ Program Information Form

Please turn this in by September 5, 2014

(Type/Print Neatly)

School Name:______

Drum Major(s):______

Section Leaders:______




Show Title:______

Show Repertoire:______


Other information about the band or show:______




