For citing the overall publication:
“Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. 2007. Water for Food, Water for Life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London: Earthscan, and Colombo: International Water Management Institute.”
When citing chapters from the book, Water for Food, Water for Life:
Chapter 1
Molden, David; Faures, Jean-Marc; Finlayson, Max; Gitay, Habiba; Muylwijk, Joke; Schipper, Lisa Vallee, Domitille Coates, David; 2007. Setting the scene. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. pp.41-53
Chapter 2
Molden, David; Frenken, Karen; Barker, Randolph; de Fraiture, Charlotte; Mati, Bancy; Svendsen, Mark Sadoff, Claudia Finlayson, Max Atapattu, Sithara Giordano, Mark Inocencio, Arlene Lannerstad, Mats Manning, Nadia Molle, Francois Smedema, Bert Vallee, Domitille; 2007. Trends in water and agricultural development. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. pp.57-89
Chapter 3
de Fraiture, Charlotte; Wichelns, Dennis; Rockstrom, Johan; Kemp-Benedict, Eric; Eriyagama, Nishadi; Gordon, Line J. Hanjra, Munir, A. Hoogeveen, Jippe Huber-Lee, Annette Karlberg, Louise; 2007. Looking ahead to 2050: Scenarios of alternative investment approaches. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. pp.91-145
Chapter 4
Castillo, Gina E.; Namara, Regassa; Ravnborg, Helle Munk; Hanjra, Munir, A.; Smith, Laurence; Hussein, Maliha H. Bene, Christopher Cook, Simon Hirsch, Danielle Polak, Paul Valee, Domitille van Koppen, Barbara; 2007. Reversing the flow: Agricultural water management pathways for poverty reduction. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. pp.149-191
Chapter 5
Merrey, D. J.; Meinzen-Dick, R.; Mollinga, P. P.; Karar, E.; Huppert, W.; Rees, J.; Vera, J.; Wegerich, K.; van der Zaag, P. 2007. Policy and institutional reform: The art of the possible. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. pp.193-231.
Chapter 6
Falkenmark, Malin; Finlayson, Max; Gordon, Line J.; Bennett, Elena M.; Chiuta, Tabeth Matiza; Coates, D. Ghosh, N. Gopalakrishnan, M. de Groot, R. S. Jacks, G. Kendy, E. Oyebande, L. Moore, M. Peterson, G. D. Portuguez, J. M. Seesink, K. Tharme, Rebecca Wasson, R.; 2007. Agriculture, water, and ecosystems: Avoiding the costs of going too far. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. pp.233-277
Chapter 7
Molden, David; Oweis, Theib Y.; Pasquale, Steduto; Kijne, Jacob W.; Hanjra, Munir A; Bindraban, Prem S. Bouman, Bas Antonius Maria Cook, Simon Erenstein, Olaf Farahani, Hamid Hachum, Ahmed Hoogeveen, Jippe Mahoo, Henry Nangia, Vinay Peden, Don Sikka, Alok Silva, Paula Turral, Hugh Upadhyaya Ashutosh Zwart, Sander; 2007. Pathways for increasing agricultural water productivity. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. pp.279-310
Chaopter 8
Rockstrom, J.; Hatibu, N.; Oweis, T. Y.; Wani, S.; Barron, J.; Bruggeman, A.; Farahani, J.; Karlberg, L.; Qiang, Z. 2007. Managing water in rainfed agriculture. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. pp.315-352.
Chapter 9
Faures, Jean-Marc; Svendsen, Mark; Turral, Hugh; Berkhoff, Jeremy; Bhattarai, Madhusudan; Caliz, Ana Maria Darghouth, Salah Doukkali, Mohammed Rachid El-Kady, Mona Facon, Thierry Gopalakrishnan, M. Groenfeldt, David Hoanh, Chu Thai Hussain, Intizar Jamin, Jean-Yves Konradsen, Flemming Leon, Alejandro Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Miller, Kathleen Mirza, Monirul Ringler, Claudia Schipper, Liza Senzanje, Aidan Tadesse, Girma Tharme, Rebecca van Hofwegen, Paul Wahaj, Robina Varela-Ortega, Consuelo Yoder, Robert Zhanyi, Gao; 2007. Reinventing irrigation. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka:
Chapter 10
Shah, Tushaar; Burke, Jacob; Villholth, Karen; Angelica, Maria; Custodio, Emilio; Daibes, Fadia Hoogesteger, Jaime Giordano, Mark Girman, Jan van der Gun, Jack Kendy, Eloise Kijne, Jacob W. Llamas, Ramon Masiyandima, Mutsa Margat, Jean Marin, Luis Peck, John Rozelle, Scott Sharma, Bharat Vincent, Linden Wang, Jinxia; 2007. Groundwater: A global assessment of scale and significance. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka:
Chapter 11
Qadir, Manzoor; Wichelns, Dennis; Raschid-Sally, Liqa; Minhas, Paramjit Singh; Drechsel, Pay; Bahri, Akissa McCornick, Peter Abaidoo, Robert Attia, Fatma El-Guindy, Samia Ensink, Jeroen H. J. Jimenez, Blanca Kijne, Jacob W. Koo-Oshima, Sasha Oster, J. D. Oyebande, Lekan Sagardoy, Juan Antonio van der Hoek, Wim; 2007. Agricultural use of marginal-quality water: Opportunities and challenges. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. pp.425-457
Chapter 12
Dugan, Patrick; Sugunan, Veliyil Vasu; Welcomme, Robin L.; Bene, Christophe; Brummett, Randall, E.; Beveridge, Malcolm C. M. Kofi, Abban Amerasinghe, Upali Arthington, Angela Blixt, Marco Chimatiro, Sloans Katiha, Pradeep King, Jackie Kolding, Jeppe Khoa, Sophie Nguyen Turpie, Jane; 2007. Inland fisheries and aquaculture. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. pp.459-483
Chapter 13
Peden, D.; Tadesse, G.; Misra, A.K .; Ahmed, F. A.; Astatke, A.; Ayalneh, W.; Herrero, M.; Kiwuwa, G.; Kumsa, T.; Mati, B.; Mpairwe, D.; Wassenaar, T.; Yimegnuhal, A. 2007. Water and livestock for human development. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. pp.485-514.
Chapter 14
Bouman, Bas; Barker, Randolph; Humphreys, Elizabeth; Tuong, To Phuc; Atlin, Gary; Bennett, John Dawe, David Dittert, Klaus Dobermann, Achim Facon, Thierry Fujimoto, Nao Gupta, Raj Haefele, Stephan Hosen, Yasukazu Ismail, Abdel Johnson, David Johnson, Sarah Khan, Shabaz Shan, Lin Masih, Ilyas Matsuno, Yutaka Pandey, Sushil Peng, Shaobing Thiyagarajan, Thruppayathangudin Muthukumarisami Wassman, Reiner; 2007. Rice: Feeding the billions. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. pp.515-549
Chapter 15
Bossio, Deborah; Critchley, William; Geheb, Kim; van Lynden, Godert; Mati, Bancy; Bhushan, Pranita Hellin, Jonathan Jacks, Gunnar Kolff, Annette Nachtergaele, Freddy Neely, Constance Peden, Don Rubiano, Jorge Shepherd, Gemma Valentin, Christian Walsh, Markus; 2007. Conserving land, protecting water. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. pp.551-583
Chapter 16
Molle, Francois; Wester, Philippus; Hirsch, Phil; Jensen, Jens R.; Murray-Rust, Hammond; Paranjpye, Vijay Pollard, Sharon van der Zaag, Pieter; 2007. River basin development and management. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. pp.585-625.