Session 1A Facilitator’s Guide: Overview of the3-8 Modules

Sequence of Sessions

Overall Learning Objectives of this February 2014 Network Team Institute
New Participants Only
  • I can describe the structure and content of the 3-8 ELA Modules.
Teacher Targets:
  • I can analyze and problem solve systemic issues related to meeting students’ reading foundation and other skill needs.
  • I can adapt module lessons to meet students’ specific needs.
  • I can adapt or design assessments for use within the context of the modules while still maintaining their alignment to module targets.
  • I can analyze current research regarding reading foundations in the elementary grades and the use of recommended text lists in the middle grades and determine the impact on my classroom practice.
  • I can analyze the Foundational Reading and Language Standards Supplemental Materials Strand to determine the impact on my classroom practice.
  • I can describe the relationship between improved literacy performance and instructional focus on reading foundations skills.
  • I can analyze the use of recommended texts to support literacy instruction to determine the impact on my classroom practice.
  • I can effectively use the Recommended Text List to support and enhance ELA instruction.
Principal/Leader Learning Targets:
  • I can analyze and problem solve systemic issues related to meeting students’ reading foundation and other skill needs
  • I can strengthen my walkthrough practices to ensure my school’s alignment to the Common Core Standards and shifts.
  • I can develop a comprehensive professional development plan to support Common Core implementation in the 2014-15 school year
  • I can analyze current research regarding reading foundations in the elementary grades and the use of recommended text lists in the middle grades and determine the impact on my practice
  • I can analyze staffing practices to ensure that all students are maximizing literacy instructional time.
  • I can create a set of action steps to refine my staffing practices.

High-Level Purpose of this Session

  • Introduce participants to Expeditionary Learning’s curriculum.

Related Learning Experiences

  • This session is the foundation for any other sessions to follow for new participants.

Key Points

  • Participants need an understanding of the structure of the modules in order to carry this work forward in their school/district.

Session Outcomes

What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this session? / How will we know that they are able to do this?
  1. I can describe the foundational characteristics of the modules and component parts.
  2. I can describe how the modules increase in complexity over time.
  • Listening to conversations and feedback.
  • Observing while participants work in protocols.

Session Overview

Section / Time / Overview / Prepared Resources / Facilitator Preparation
1. Introduction to the Modules / 17 minutes / Participants will be introduced to the norms and do a self -evaluation.
Participants will receive a brief overview of structure and content of modules via facilitator powerpoint slides /
  • Introduction to the Modules_ PPT.pptx
  • Norms for Collaboration.pdf
  • Norms Self Evaluation.pdf
/ Review agendas and read all documents that participants will read. Work through activities with “participant eyes”.
2. Overview of Modules (via Module Sampler) / 37 minutes / Participants will engage in a 3-2-1 activity while they are learning about the modulesvia the module sampler. They will also participate in discussion with small groups. /
  • 3. Notecatcher_3_2_1 Session 1A_February 2014 NTI
  • Module Samplers
  • Curriculum Maps

3. Synthesis and Closing / 6 minutes / Participants will synthesize their learning from this session

Session Roadmap

Section 1: Introduction to the Modules / Time:9:45-10:02
[17minutes] In this session participants will be introduced the the norms of collaboration and do a self-rating scale. Participants will receive a brief overview of structure and content of modules via facilitator powerpointslides. / Materials used include:
Introduction to the Modules_ PPT.pptx
Norms for Collaboration.pdf
Norms Self Evaluation.pdf
Time / Slide #/ Pic of Slide / Script/ Activity directions / GROUP
8 min / /
  • Intro slides of “Who We Are” (Expeditionary Learning) (3 min)
  • Intro participants to the Norms of Collaboration. Discuss briefly how norms enrich protocols and ensure that conversations maintain a professional and collegial tone while digging deeply into challenging issues. (1 min.)
  • Ask participants to rate themselves on the Likert Scale and share at least one place where they rated themselves toward the top of the scale and another place where they could grow with a shoulder partner a they introduce at tables (4 min)
/ Whole group, split tables
1 min / /
  • Introduce participants to learning targets for this NTI for all sessions.
/ Whole group
2 min / /
  • Facilitator Note: Take a few minutes to set the purpose and tone for this NTI. Say something like, “The focus of the NTI for Grades 3-8 ELA is on the effective use of the literacy time schools may have available in addition to the time set aside for core instruction. Participants will learn research-based recommendations for teaching the reading foundation standards in grades 3-5 and methods for helping grades 6-8 readers by using the Recommended Text Lists to support students who may be receiving academic intervention, special education and/or ELL supports. In addition to the focus on foundational standards, we will continue to explore strategies for adapting the modules , including looking at module assessments.”

1 min / /
  • Learning target: I can describe the structure and content of the 3-8 ELA curriculum modules.

5 min /
  • Show PPT slides regarding the structure of the modules.
  • Key ideas:Each module is three units. Building background, extended reading/research, deep writing. There is writing in all portions of the modules, but the writing process is fully employed in Unit 3. In MS modules, there are two full-length pieces of writing: literacy essay at the end of unit 2 and the unit 3 performance task.
  • Curriculum plan shows choices (2A/2B, 3A/3B) in elementary. There will be choices in MS, but they are not yet completed.
/ Whole group
Section 2:Overview of Modules (via Module Sampler) / Time: 10:02-10:39
[37minutes] In this session participants learn the components of the modules. / Materials used include:
Notecatcher_3_2_1 Session 1A_February 2014 NTI
Module Sampler curriculum plan (first page of each sampler)
Module Samplers
Curriculum Maps
Time / Slide #/ Pic of Slide / Script/ Activity directions / GROUP
4 min / /
  • Orient participants to the first document in their Module Sampler known as the Curriculum Plan. Preview the purpose of this document: to give a year at a glance and give them a few minutes to read over the information for their grade level.
  • Be sure they notice the headings “Becoming a Close Reader,” “Researching to Build Knowledge (NOTE TO FACILITATOR: elementary is different that middle once you get past the first heading – be sure to look at an elementary and middle level module sampler prior to this session), etc. This is how standards are arranged to provide focus on a coherent set of standards at a time. Not all standards are taught in all modules – they are strategically “clumped.” (NOTE TO FACILITATOR: BE SURE TO LOOK AT A CURRICULUM PLAN TO SEE HOW THIS IS TRUE PRIOR TO THIS SESSION).
/ Solo, split table groups
6 min / /
  • Introduce the Curriculum Maps. These are the highest-level grade level documents; they help you understand the scope of the curriculum for the year. Participants should read the “front matter,” as it introduces the specifics that the map contains. While participants are looking at this information may want to capture some key notices or wonders about the Curriculum Maps or the Curriculum Plan in their participant notebook or on sticky notes (4 minutes)
  • Turn and Talk about your notices and wonders (2 minute)

20 minutes / /
  • (In groups of 4) Participants will engage in a protocol to dive more deeply into the contents of their module sampler. Each participant will become an expert on one section of the sampler and record their “3-2-1’s” as follows: 3- characteristics of their section, 2- surprising or interesting elements to share with colleagues, 1- most important point to remember from their section of the sampler. (Groups of 4 looking at the following sections of the sampler: Module Overview, Unit Overview(s), Assessments and/or Assessment Lesson, First week of lessons) (11 minutes)
  • Participants will share their 3-2-1 with other members of their half table group making sure to hear about each section of the sampler for 2 minutes (9 minutes).

5 min /

  • Draw participants’ attention to the remainder of their module samplers. At this point you are going to give them a quick overview so they know what they are looking at and will be equipped to go more deeply over the course of the next few days. Talk through the slides and guides participants through the sections of the sampler that are appropriate
  • Show and discuss PPT slides regarding overview/structure of modules, units, lessons, etc. This is a brief overview.
  • Key ideas:The important information in the Module and Unit Overviews and the structure of the lessons.
  • That lessons can and should be adapted to meet students’ needs. The 3-8 ELA Module lessons are not scripts meant to be followed without regard for how students are progressing. This will be a focus of some of the work at this NTI, especially day 2 sessions.

2 /
  • Acknowledge that there is a lot of material and that this session is only the beginning of their learning about the materials and the curriculum.

Section 3: Synthesis and Closure / Time: 10:39-10:45
[6 minutes] Participants will synthesize their learning by “whipping” around the table to hear each persons “best” learning from this session. / Materials used include:
Time / Slide #/ Pic of Slide / Script/ Activity directions / GROUP
2 min / /
  • Spend two minutes quietly synthesizing your learning from this session in your participant notebook and be prepared to share your “best” learning with your table group.Whip around the table: Each participant share his or her “best” learning point from this session (approximately 30 seconds per participant)
/ Whole group, split tables
4 min /
  • Whip around the table: Each participant share his or her “best” learning point from this session (approximately 30 seconds per participant).
/ Whole group

Turnkey Materials Provided

  • Facilitator’s Guide and Powerpoint
  • Notecatcher_3_2_1 Session 1A_February 2014 NTI