Scoring Guide for NW Teacher Candidates
5 points / 3 points / 1 points / 0 pointsLesson plans / A well developed
Lesson plan for every lesson taught / Lesson plans for lessons observed and marginal plans for other lessons / Lesson plans for lessons observed, no lesson plans for other lessons / No lesson plans
MoPTA / All tasks reviewed by me and scored by due date. / All tasks turned in on timeand passed with few rewrites / All tasks turned in on time with several rewrites / Tasks not completed on time
Observations and Coaching / Lessons observed are taught according to plan and no glaring mistakes in content or pedagogy. Takes coaching very well. / Lessons observed are taught with sketchy plans that are not adhered to and/or some mistakes in content and/or pedagogy. Takes coaching well. / Lessons observed are taught without plan, several mistakes made in content and/or pedagogy. Does not respond well to coaching. / Lessons observed are taught extremely poorly with little to no learning occurring.
Cooperating Teacher Evaluation / Cooperating teacher gives above average rankings and suggests an A for a grade. / Cooperating teacher gives average rankings suggests a B for a grade. / Cooperating teacher gives
average or below average rankings and suggests a C for a grade. / Rankings are mostly below average and one or both cooperating teachers suggest <C.
Management / There is a defined plan in place and is implemented successfully. Modifications made as needed. / There is a defined plan in place but is not being implemented successfully. / There is some attempt to manage the class but there is no defined plan. / No management plan is in place.
Professionalism / Attire is professional. Attendance at school, professional meetings, etc. is excellent. Collegial relationships are formed. / Attire is a concern once or attendance is good but not excellent. Collegial relationships are built. / Attire is a concern more than once or attendance is questionable. Few collegial relationships are built. / Student has not behaved in a professional manner.
27-30 points earns an A
24-26 points earns a B
21-23 points earns a C
A well-developed lesson plan follows a design such as Hunter, Learning Cycle, or one used by the school district. Objectives must be stated, activity materials included, examples included, instructional strategies, activities, and method of evaluating the objectives given.
MoPTA Deadlines: Task 1 – February 5, 2015
Tasks 2 & 3 – March 5, 2015
Task 4 –April 2, 2015
Dr. Margaret Buerman, January 2015