This checklist is intended to be used as a series of prompts to help Heads of Department, or staff involved in producing an induction programme to choose that programme’s content.
The checklist is not intended to be exhaustive, but is rather a list of the topics that are likely to be useful to new colleagues.
When the induction programme has been completed, the new member of staff should be asked to sign the programme and the document should be kept in the department.
Topic: / Who will cover? / CompletedFirst Day Essentials
- Please direct staff to the Induction Website
This contains essential information on University wide services, policies and procedures. Please ask staff to tick the completed column to show that they have read these core sections.
Please make sure that relevant materials are printed and given to any new staff who will not have regular access to a PC.
- Finance
- Safety
- Information Security
- Research ethics (staff involved in research)
- Using human samples (staff involved in research)
- Warwick Ventures (academic and research staff)
- Recruiting staff
- Finance
- Safety
- Information Security
- Research ethics (staff involved in research)
- Using human samples (staff involved in research)
- Warwick Ventures (academic and research staff)
- Recruiting staff
- Tour of department
- Introduction to colleagues
- Desk/office/work area
- Where to find stationery and equipment
- Any local arrangements for getting in and out of the building
- Nearest car parks
- Usual start and finish times, any flexible working arrangements
- Nearest kitchens and toilets
- Any local arrangements for tea/coffee/breaks/lunch
- Nearest café/restaurant/ staff room
- What your staff card allows you to do
- Emergency procedures, exits and where to meet
- Getting your IT user account
First Week Essentials
- Local arrangements for incoming and sending mail
- Local practice on security of personal belongings
- Local safety procedures and responsibilities including first aiders and accident reporting
- Local photocopying arrangements
- Local arrangements for notifying sickness
- Local arrangements for booking leave
- Introduction to email and diary use
- Introduction to Insite
- IT training courses, how to find and book places
- List of staff in the department and phone numbers
- Departmental organisation chart(s)
- Departmental meeting structure and calendar of any departmental meetings/events
- Using your phone
- Voice Mail
- University organisation charts
Job Introduction:
- Introduction to HOD/ manager / colleagues
- Supervision / objective setting/ annual review
- Accountabilities for the role
- Probation period and objectives
- Welcome meeting with induction “mentor”
Other local topics
Employee’s signature on completion
This record of induction should be kept in the department.