1.1.The Chairperson, Mabel Sikiti welcomed the officiating NOB, Bulelani Busakwe and everyone who came to the AGM.

1.2.The chairperson further expressed her disappointment as to the lateness of the members in coming to the meeting

1.3.Chairperson lastly asked all to observe a moment of silence for our two fallen comrades, comrade, Rachel Boleme, our former Deputy Chairperson and Comrade Malefane Moeti, also a former Deputy Chairperson of the province prior to moving to Head office.


2.1.Apology tendered by comrades Sizwe and Beauty that they will be late.

2.2.Also Comrade Manfred tendered an apology because he had to attend to a strike in one of the 2010 World Cup Stadium projects.


3.1.The chairperson certified the meeting as forming a quorum to continue with the AGM.


4.1.Minutes were circulated to members prior to the meeting and therefore comrade Louis moved for the minutes to be adopted and he was seconded by comrade Silas


5.1.No matters arising from the minutes.


6.1.Report also circulated before the meeting for members to go through it. The only point corrected on the report was the staff compliment. Point 1, which said staff compliment is 14 instead of 15, which had been corrected as well.

6.2.Report accepted by the members as is.


7.1.Point made by PEC member that observation of protocol should be enforced in as far filing of grievances by general members, specific example being the grievances of comrade Manfred who had filed a second grievance according to the report on his own and involved PEC at a later stage of the process.

7.1.1.Issue of comrade Manfred being inactive was raised and that he should be addressed.

7.1.2.The incoming secretary is to dispatch a correspondence immediately to the said member, Manfred Louw, to get his reasons in writing as to why he has managed to miss three consecutive meetings.

7.2.Concern raised around PSA as to whether they are growing and their stance in the CCMA and other agency payers in that the agency should be increased because they are paying a fraction of what the members are paying but get full benefits from the efforts of the CSA.



8.1.1.Comrade Bulelani informed the meeting that the ultimate guide is the Constitution of the CSA, which states clearly that any member who is inactive and has absented him or herself from three (3) or more consecutive meetings should be approached by correspondence by the provincial secretary to respond in writing as to why and if no response, that member is to meet with the PEC for disciplinary action.


8.2.1.Comrade Bulelani confirmed to the members that PSA is not a recognized union within the CCMA. PSA may not represent any of its members in any disciplinary action and or grievance, at the CCMA. PSA may represent its members within the CCMA only if a 7.11 dispute has filed for that particular member in front of the CCMA as a dispute resolution body.


8.3.1.There are still talks regarding the increase of the agency fee to be the same R100. Then agreement is still not finalized with CCMA management due to the fact that the director said she would sign the agreement only if the CSA is to provide her annually every April with financial status of the organization. The CSA opposes that, as they are only accountable to eth registrar of Labour and not the director.

8.3.2.The CSA is about to lodge a dispute if CCMA does not sign this agreement soon.


8.4.1.Comrade Bulelani commented on this issue, stating the Gauteng office’s AGM, which was to be held on the 16th of May 2008. Out of the 161 members of that province, 36 were present and the quorum was not formed and the meeting had to be adjourned. People did not attend the meeting even though they were given time off. All those people who did not come to the meeting and took time off from the CCMA got written warnings as they state CCMA time to go and do their own things.

8.4.2.He further stated that that showed a lack of discipline and commitment and seriousness, and advised members to start taking the organization seriously.

8.4.3.He stated that as CSA as an organization, when we go into battles like strikes, strength is drawn from the members not from the subscriptions they pay.

8.4.4.Further that such behaviour is demoralizing to the PEC as well. PEC to ask for written explanation when they don’t attend meetings without apology immediately when it happens.

8.4.5.Purpose of he NOB’s presence to the CSA AGM’S is because it’s considered to be a provincial congress, hence to be treated as such.


8.5.1.There was undertaking by the director of he CCMA that this process would not affect members in a negative way the CFO.

8.5.2.The driver of the process however is failing in how to go about to do this and has even approached individual members about issues amongst others, their new job descriptions.

8.5.3.The NOB’s are unable to keep up with the process and therefore failing’ s due to their number as there are lots of issues for the attention of the NOB’s but the number of NOB in terms of active members of the NOB’S board vs. the workload is not proportionate. NOB’s awaiting a reply on a lot of issues from management including the restructuring on the 24th July 2008.


8.6.1.Comrade Bulelani stated that the board has failed to do much towards the merger resolution. That they have not been able to secure a single meeting with the NOB’s of NEHAWU during the last two years since the resolution was taken. Comrade Bulelani expressed the feeling of fear as to the CSA loosing cadres and running out of speed against the CCMA, which is being beefed up daily. Lastly that is now everyone’s task to find the next leaders of the organization as they are coming to the end of their term.


9.1.Mobilise the PSA members back into the CSA so that next AGM; there is only two out of the five left in the province.

9.2.Encourage and motivate new, old and inactive members of the CSA.

9.3.Give a proper orientation of the CSA new members.

9.4.Constitutional workshop to be held yearly to familiarize members with the constitution of the CSA.

9.5.Encourage members to do their jobs on the line, members should know they are employees first and CSA members.

9.6.NOB’s to get onto the bonus issue immediately as CSA Free State wants the issue to be taken all the way and dispute to be filed urgently if unresolved at their next meeting.

9.7.Telephone issue: management to reveal to the PEC the provincial telephone budget to see how much is spent monthly to see why members are paying for phone calls whereas other provinces are not paying despite what CCMA policy says.


10.1.The elections where overseen by comrade Bulelani, a member of the NOB’S.

10.2.Nominations where as follows:

  • ChairpersonComrades Louis and Mabel
  • Deputy ChairpersonComrades Bonang and Nqobile
  • SecretaryComrade Thaale
  • TreasurerComrades Bonang and Vuyo
  • Additional memberComrade Silas.

The members decided to retain comrade Thaale as the Provincial Secretary and Comrade Silas as the Additional member of the PEC. Therefore no votes were cast for these two positions.

10.3.After the casting votes, the PEC was as follows:

  • ChairpersonComrade Mabel Sikiti
  • Deputy ChairpersonComrade Bonang Matli
  • SecretaryComrade Thaale Thothela
  • TreasurerComrade Vuyo Basholo
  • Additional memberComrade Silas.Segole

Comrade Bulelani thanked all for their co-operation during the meeting and the elections.

10.4.Address by the new Chairperson: The Chairperson thanked everyone for his or her co-operation during the course of the whole meeting. She thanked the officiating NOB Bulelani Busakwe for his contribution and insight.

  1. The newly elected Chairperson, Mabel Sikiti officially closed the meeting at 16:00.