Student Government Program Awards
2013 Criteria
The Student Government Student Organization Advisory Board selects recipients for four program awards each year. Applications for these awards are located on the display rack in the KimmelLeadershipCenter and on . The awards are
non-monetary and for recognition purposes only.
The awards and specific criteria are:
New Program of the Year:This award recognizes a student organization program that has been sponsored for less than three years, and will be based upon diversity, attendance, educational value, among other characteristics, as deemed fit by the awards committee.
Diverse Program of the Year:This award recognizes a student organization program that has a diverse appeal. The award will be judged upon the scholastic value of the program, attendance, and other characteristics as deemed fit by the awards committee.
Educational Program of the Year:This award recognizes a student organization program that has scholastic appeal. The award will be judged upon the scholastic value of the program, attendance, and other characteristics as deemed fit by the awards committee.
Traditional Program of the Year:This award recognizes a student organization program that has been sponsored annually for three years or more, and will be based upon diversity, attendance, educational value, among other characteristics, as deemed fit by the awards committee.
The following criteria apply to ALL awards:
- Programs must have been held between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013.
- An organization may submit only one program per year per category.
- An organization may only submit a program for one category.
- If a program won an award in the previous year, it is ineligible to win the same award (but may be submitted in a different category if applicable).
- An organization may submit a different program to a category that it won in the previous year, as long as the organization only submits that program.
- The Student Organization Advisory Board reserves the right to move a program into another category.
- The Student Organization Advisory Board reserves the right to make no award if in its judgment no nomination warrants such recognition.
Applications must be received in the Kimmel Leadership Center
by4 p.m. onFriday, April 5, 2013.