Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 20th July 2011 at 7 p.m. at Upavon Village Hall, following the Annual Parish Meeting

Present: Paul Cowan, Chairman, (PC), Robert Bruce, Vice Chairman, (RB), Noel Maskell (NM), Ralph Hilliard, (RHil), Peter Williams (PW), Eric Hagon, (EH), Russ Appleton, (RA), Paul Baggaley, (PB), John Cabra, (JC), Robert Hall, (RH), (Wiltshire Council), Pat Eyre, (Clerk), (PE),

Apologies: Tony Willman (TW), Julie Swansborough (JS), Alistair Gammie (AG), Paula Brown (Chairman, UCG), (PB), Alan Saunders (Trenchard Lines), (AS), Richard Barratt (Neighbourhood Police), (RBa), Cath Hollands (Neighbourhood Police), (CH)

(WC = Wiltshire Council, UCG = Upavon Community Group)


2. Adjournment - Malcolm Crump had agreed to consider becoming Speed Watch Co-ordinator.
- 21 Avon Square - Enforcement orders were still being processed in this matter. Wiltshire Council is allocating funding for this, as confirmed by Robert Hall.
- Neither Richard Barratt or Cath Hollands were present but a Police Report had been received. There had been a number of incidents reported over the past 4 weeks - anti social behaviour regarding neighbour issues, anti-social behaviour in the Watson Close area including a male speeding around the village on a scrambler bkie without wearing a helmet. Unknown suspects had forced entry into a barn and stolen diesel fuel from a tank.. Oil had been poured out inside the barn and set on fire. The damage had been minimal. There was also a report of a telephone scam where people were phoned and informed that they were due a rebate from the government over payment for utilities. They were told to go to the post office to pay in money to a company using a reference code. This is a scam and they will not receive any money. Speed checks had and will continue to be made by local officers. Work is continuing regarding community speedwatch. Residents are asked to remain vigilant and report anything suspicious to the police.
Robert Bruce had asked that the village be involved in any celebrations of the Centenary of the Central Flying School on 15.5.12. Peter Williams suggested some contacts which could be useful. Paul Cowan agreed to contact Cranwell. / PC/RB
3. The Minutes of the meeting 15.6.11 were agreed and signed.
4. Matters Arising - the lamposts which had been reported as leaning sometime ago were still leaning. The deadline for applications for funding under the PIG scheme had now expired. / PC
5. Planning/Development Control -
E/11/0270/FUL and amended plans - 3 Devizes Road - house and garage - no objections
E11/0605/FUL - 12 Pewsey Road - dwelling and double garage - no objections and revised application E/11/0665/FUL - granted
E/11/0652/TCA - 11 High Street - tree works - granted
E/11/0578/TCA - 5 Vicarage Lane - tree works -granted
E/11/0833/FUL - hangar, Trenchard Lines - no objections
Wiltshire's Core Strategy for Development - Paul Cowan, Robert Bruce and Peter Williams had been to a meeting and reported that the Area Boards were now planning a strategy regarding how many houses would be needed in the area. It was anticipated that the majority of these would be in urban areas.
Paul Cowan reported that he had been approached by a developer on behalf of Mr. Andrews with regard to possible development of the 'Chicken Farm' site. Robert Bruce, Paul Cowan and Peter Williams agreed to meet to discuss the details further and to respond to the developer. / RB/PC/PW
6. Parish Plan - Restoration of red telephone boxes - this work was nearing completion. Robert Bruce agreed to place a notice in Together Magazine asking for resident's suggestions regarding their future use.
A345 footpath from Riverside - Paul Cowan offered to rotivate the bank in preparation for seeding with the help of volunteers. Noel Maskell had not been able to contact the owner of Grey Flags in order to obtain his written permission for part of the second phase of the footpath to cross his property. This would have been needed in order to apply for funding under the PIGS scheme. Noel Maskell agreed to investigate the boundary of the site. All other owners had agreed to the proposed footpath.
Speedwatch - As recorded above, Malcolm Crump had agreed to consider becoming the co-ordinator.
Footpaths and bridleways - Russ Appleton had asked Wiltshire to strim the footpaths.
Upavon Community Group - Paula Brown was not present. Peter Williams reported that the group was waiting for a second quote foe the proposed 'trackway'.
Budget - Robert Bruce reported that after payment of expenses (totalling £470) for Villagers' Day £780 would be returned to the general budget. £42.56 had also been collected which would be donated to URC LINK. The Steering Group would be meeting to discuss possible arrangements for next year.
Village Fun Day - 9/7/11 - This had been a success and Robert Bruce would be placing a 'thank you' notice to everyone in the next issue of Together magazine. / RB
7. Upper and Lower Playing Fields - Russ Appleton reported that there had been further vandalism in the Upper Playing Field and much of the equipment was in need of repair or replacement. Attention was drawn to the possibility of applying to the Landfill Communities Fund for funding. Paul Cowan agreed to investigate. It was agreed that Russ should order topping up bark for the Upper and Lower Fields where necessary. Larger 'Bin it and bag it' signs were needed. Paul Cowan agreed to contact Julie Swansborough. / PC
8. Village maintenance - Julie Swansborough was not present but it was reported that work continued on the village seats.
Old gas lamp at Avon Square - Paul Cowan reported that the scaffolding had been delivered and he would shortly be inspecting the lamp.
Russ Appleton reported that the village entrance signs at the top end of the village were still not fully secure and needed attention.
The contractors who mow the Upper Playing Field had requested that the trees were pruned in order to allow the tractor easier access.
A resident had been concerned that the cemetery was not being mown.
A request had been received for additional signage to encourage traffic to slow down at the bridge to allow geese and ducks and their young to cross the road. / JS
9. Litter picking - There had been 2 successful 'picks' both before and after Villagers' Day. Several sacks of rubbish had also been taken to the skip. / JS
10. Web site - John Cabra reported that the site had now been updated and the Minutes section updated. / JC/AG
11. Other items - Route 5 bus service - Paul Cowan had sent the results of the survey to the bus company, Claire Perry, and Wiltshire but there had been no further response. He was investigating the 'Save our Buses' campaign.
A345 - Enford Council had carried out a thorough survey of the traffic on the A345 which showed a massive increase in the volume of traffic, particularly HGVs, using this ancient drover's road. It was also reported that villages along the A360 were trying to get traffic diverted from this road towards the A345. It was agreed that Paul Cowan draw up a report to be sent to Stan Bagwell (Enford) and to the Transport and Road Safety Sub Group, Pewsey Community Area Partnership. This should also include the report made by the Public Safety Group Meeting of the Parish Council on 18.7.11
Upavon Baptist Chapel had requested permission to hold an Open Air Service on land in Watson Close/Avon Square. The Parish Council had no objections but pointed out that the land belonged to Sarsen Housing. Mary Jarvis had agreed to contact them. / PC
12. Finance - Cheques for payment were -
(259) P. M. Eyre - Clerk’s Salary and expenses £764.63
(260) J. Stevens - bins - July/August 180.00
(261) Wiltshire County - grounds maintenance 880.00
(262) UCG - disco, Villagers' Day 85.00
(263) R. Bruce - Woodcarver, Villagers' Day 50.00
(264) SJAB - donation 50.00
(265) J. Swansborough - litter picking 152.00
Bank balance after payment of above and allowing for unpaid cheques = £12480.55
It was reported that the accounts were still with the external auditor, awaiting expiry of the period when members of the public may inspect the accounts on July 29th. / PE
13. Clerk’s notes and correspondence - councillors attendance figures for May 2010 - June 2011were distributed.
14. Items for the Magazine - see above.
15. AOB - There had been no further responses to the notification of a vacancy on the Council. Paul Cowan to speak to Eric Hagon and Paul Baggaley.
New Councillors Courses - Peter Williams reported that the course had been worthwhile, thorough and interesting.
It was felt that the Council should seriously consider the purchase of a 'Smiling Sid' speed detection device, possibly to be shared with adjoining parishes and if possible meet with all villages on the A345. / PC
The meeting closed at 9 p.m.



Next meeting -Wednesday 21st September 2011 at 7.00 p.m. in the Village Hall (no meeting in August)