TO: Fleet Managers
FROM: Jim Breitzman, MFMA Special Projects
DATE: April 18, 2016
RE: Snow/Ice Plow Blade Survey Results
The Municipal Fleet Managers Association had requested a survey on the above topic recently. We received thirteen (13) responses. Thank you for your time filling out the survey. Please contact me if you have any questions at 847-590-8834.
1) What kind, style or systems of blades do you use on your front plows?
8-Carbon Steel-5/8,3/4,7/8,4-8”; 2-Winter/Valk Carbide; I.C.E. carbide insert w/carbon cover; Carbide; Newer plows carbide/older carbon steel
How long do they last on average? 2-Full Winter; 2 years-carbide; 3-½ season; Varies; 5 years carbide; 4 years plus carbide; 3-4 seasons carbide; 6 storms steel; Depends on usage; 5 years plus w/carbide/2-3 storms steel
2) What kind, style or systems of blades do you use on your underbody plows?
9-N/A; 2-Steel; Kennmetal carbide #PB760H; Two 5/8” curved carbon steel blades stacked and 2 trucks with carbide
How long do they last on average? 9-NA; 1-2 seasons steel; 5-6 storms steel; 4 years Kennmetal; 4-5 storms steel stacked/3 years carbide
3) What type of curb shoe do you use on your plows?
6-Winter Eq. HD guard; 2-Carbon steel; 2-6” tall w/round steel on end; Custom from Bonnell/3 bolt w/wrap; Carbide block or Steel wrap; 8” wrap arounds/round bar; Custom made ¾” to 2” bar;
4) Do you use plow wheels? 1-Yes / 12-No; yes on some older plows
5) Do you use tripping blades or moldboard trip on front plows? 10-blade / 2-moldboard / ? / 1-Both
6) Have you ever used the Kuper blade system? Yes / 13-No
Are they worth the cost? 1-Looking into it