Regular Meeting Minutes of the Board of Directors

February 21, 2017

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Ocean Beach School District 101 was held on Tuesday, February 21, 2017at 5:30pm at OBSD District Office. Present were:

Board Members: Kathy Mathews, Board Chair, Kim Patten, Mike Robinson and Michelle Binion Absent: Larry Phelps

Administrators : Jenny Risner, Superintendent, Principals, Darin Adams & Todd Carper and Amy Huntley

Others Present: Linda Thompson, Jackie Stone, Annie Fletcher, Tammy McMullen, Tressa McMullen, Faye Cole & Natalie St. John

Call to Order

Board Chair, Kathy Mathews, declared a quorum and called the regular business meeting to order at 5:30 pm.

Flag Salute

Mathewsled the flag salute.

Approval of Regular Meeting Agenda

Mathews called for a motion to approve the Regular Meeting Agenda.

Patten moved to Approve - Vote carried 4-0

Community Input


Input from the Board

The Board celebrated the passage of both the M & O Levy and the Tech Levy. Mathews said the numbers were impressive and the Board is very pleased.

Approval of Consent Agenda

Robinson moved to Approve - Vote carried 4-0

The consent agenda included the following items:

  • January 23, 2017 Special Meeting Minutes
  • January 23, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes
  • Personnel Report, New Hires/Resignations
  • Warrants
  • Amended Academic Calendar for 2017-2018 SY
  • Accepted Equivalent Coursework/Clatsop Community College
  • Overnight Trip Request-FBLA State Conference

Action Items

Resolution 05-2016-2017: Accepting Phase II of Ilwaco HS Renovation as complete

Patten moved to Approve - Vote carried 4-0

Resolution 06-2016-2017: Accepting OP Elementary Painting Project as complete

Binion moved to Approve - Vote carried 4-0

Resolution 07-2016-2017: Accepting Ilwaco Middle School Painting Project as complete

Patten moved to Approve - Vote carried 4-0

First Reading, Procedure 3120P: Enrollment

Tabled for Second Reading

First Reading, Policy 4215: Use of Tobacco, Nicotine Products and Delivery Devices

Tabled for Second Reading

First Reading, Policy/Procedure 4060/4060P: Distribution of Material

Robinson moved to approve – vote carried 4-0

First Reading, Policy/Procedure 6114/6114P: Gifts or Donations

Insert $1000 as value required to go before the Board

Patten moved to approve – vote carried 4-0

Superintendent’s Report

Risner said she was prepared to discuss the levy if needed but since it passed, there’s no need! Risner said she appreciates the sign of support from the community and also the measures Joyce Kidd took to correct the oversight of the second ballot for the election. The M & O Levy passed with 68.5% and the Tech Levy passed with 67%.

Business Manager’s Report

Thompson shared enrollment numbers, budget status and cash flow with the Board. There was discussion about the migrant numbers possibly going down due to the threat of deportation. Cindy Guzman will be bringing in a migrant attorney to speak with families that are interested. Amy Huntley will let Risner know when that is scheduled.

Principal/Director Reports

There were no questions on Principal/Director reports.

Other Business

Risner shared that Ilwaco’s own, Kevin McNulty, was named 1B/2B Coach of the Year and also coached Ilwaco’s wrestling team to a 3rd place finish at the State Tournament. Ilwaco had 2 State champions and 7 medalists as well as being named Academic State Champions!

Mathews announce that the Board was entering into an Executive Session for 20 minutes at 6:10. They will resume the meeting to take action on the final item of the agenda, Superintendent’s Contract.

The Board returned at 6:45.

Other Action Item

Superintendent’s Contract

Patten moved to approved the Superintendent’s Contract at $140,000.00 for the 2017-18 SY – vote carried 4-0


With no further business to come before the board, Mathewsadjourned the regular meeting at 6:48 pm.



Kathy Mathews, President of the Board Jenny Risner, Secretary to the Board