Multi Agency Team and Children and Young People’s Panel Step UP Pathway to Children’s Social Care
Universal & Universal Plus Services / Children’s Social Care

Safeguarding & Child Protection

All settings and agencies are required to set and follow Safeguarding and Child Protection procedures. The MAT and CHYPP panel arrangements do not replace these procedures.

Safeguarding and Child Protection concerns must be referred to First Response as soon as they are identified, in accordance with agreed procedures.

Children’s Social Care (CSC) Step DOWN Pathway to Multi Agency Team (MAT) and Children’s Centres
for Children age 0-5
Children’s Social Care / Universal & Universal Plus Services

1. MAT Meetings- fortnightly at Sebright, Ann Tayler, Woodberry Down, Tyssen, Linden and Daubeney Strategic Children’s Centres – see contact list 2. CAF- Common Assessment Framework form

Children’s Social Care (CSC) Step DOWN Pathway to Schools and Children and Young People’s Panel (CHYPP) for Children and Young People age 6+

Children’s Social Care / Universal & Universal Plus Services

Step ACCROSS Pathway between Multi Agency Team (MAT) and Children And Young People’s Panel (CHYPP)

  • The decision as to which panel/agency is best placed to support a family must be based on need, rather than a set referral procedure.
  • For families with children across both age ranges, assessment of the needs of the children will inform the decision as to which panel is best placed to meet them.
  • In some cases, both MAT and CHYPP may be working with a family and a named professional will coordinate the sharing of information and the plan for joint working.
  • For cases with MAT where a child turns 6, there should not be an assumption of automatic step across to CHYPP. The needs assessment will determine whether MAT should hold the case or if and when the case will step across to CHYPP/ Young Hackney.
  • In cases with CHYPP, where the young people becomes a parent, the needs assessment for the baby will determine whether the family is supported to access Universal Children’s Centre services or if the CAF Part 1 should be submitted to MAT.
  • Where appropriate (following risk assessment), consent of families, young people and children around information sharing is obtained and that they know who it is being shared with.