Membership CommitteeFINAL

January 21, 2015

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Membership Committee

January 21, 2015

Conference Call/Webinar

Present / Consultants/Staff/Guests/ Present
Dr. Brian Christian (7), Vice Chair
Dr. Jay Freedman (2)
Dr. George Puhak (3) / Dr. Stephen Radack, PDA President
Ms. Mary Donlin, Director of Membership
Dr. John Coole (6)
Dr. Ted Rockwell (8)
Dr. Steven Iszkula (9)
Dr. Jeffrey Horowitz (4)
Dr. Michael Vener (5)
Dr. Michael Korch(10)
Dr. Nicole Johnson, ADA Consultant, via conference call
Dr. Nicole Quezada, Trustee Liaison

District 1 is currently vacant.

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Dr. Brian Christian.

Approval of the Minutes

The committee unanimously adopted the minutes of September 26, 2014.

ADA Signing Day - request volunteer participation – Dates not yet selected

Staff is working with ASDA leaders to select dates for the 2015 Signing Day event. The following is a summary of the proposed activities:

●Temple University – Lunch program

●University of Pennsylvania – Afternoon program

●University of Pittsburgh – Lunch program

●Post Signing Day Finale – New program for 2015 as proposed by the Recruitment and Retention Strike Force, objective will be to increase engagement with fourth-year dental students and emphasize the importance of membership.

In addition to the above events, ADA Staff has informed PDA that Dr. Kathleen O’Loughlin may participate in Pennsylvania Signing Day activities.

Staff was directed to share the dates for ADA Signing Day as soon as they are finalized (01/15MCDA1). MC was requested to participate in both the daytime and evening Signing Day events (01/15MCDA2). Staff was also directed to work with administrators at the dental schools to try to put PDA events on the school calendar (01/15MCDA3).

Temple White Coat Ceremony (WCC)

PDA will sponsor the Temple WCC for third-year dental students and will be featured in the program. Dr. Wade Newman will be one of four speakers at the ceremony. In addition, PDA has permission to bring up to 10 guests to attend the ceremony and following reception. The ceremony takes place on Friday, May 1 from 3 p.m. - 5 p.m., followed by a reception with students and their guests. Dr. Jay Freedman agreed to attend WCC at Temple (01/15MCDA4).

Non-renew Contact

Due to the discontinuation of the House of Delegates and district caucus meetings there will no longer be an in-person opportunity to discuss recruitment and retention activities and statistics with district leaders. As a result the MC discussed the following methods for distributing non-renew rosters:

Continue to highlight the non-renews on the quarterly electronic rosters sent in March and June. Remind district and local secretaries to share the roster with other leaders and encourage them to send personal email or notes to the non-renews. Provide sample text for contacting non-renews (01/15MCDA5).

The week of March 16, mail the rosters and note cards to the district and local presidents with a request that they use the information for non-renew outreach. Second District’s meeting is scheduled for March 12, so the rosters and note cards will be sent on March 9 (01/15MCDA6).

The week of March 16, upload the non-renew rosters and sample note card text to the Council of Presidents, MC and New Dentist Committee SoNet groups. Send an email to each group alerting them that the information is in the library and encourage them to use it for personally contacting the non-renews (01/15MCDA7).

MC agreed that a non-renew volunteer leader isn’t necessary. Each MC representative is responsible for tracking non-renew contacts and working with district/local leaders to ensure that the non-renews are personally contacted (01/15MCDA8).

Membership Report for PDA Annual Meeting

Due to the new focus and expected new audience for PDA’s Annual Meeting and Dental Expo, MC discussed ideas for possible membership related content in PDA’s Annual Report. Ideas included:

Membership statistics by county including the number of members and market share percentage (01/15MCDA9).

A statistical summary by type of attendee and course location to PDA’s Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting course (01/15MCDA10).

A brief overview of programs offered for new dentists and dental students (01/15MCDA11).

Non-member Outreach

During the June 27, 2014 meeting, one of the target markets that MC agreed are non-members who have a lapse in membership in the past three years. At that time, Dr. Montgomery agreed to be the volunteer leader for this market segment. Due to Dr. Montgomery’s relocation Wisconsin, the MC discussed the need to appoint a new volunteer leader.

Ms. Donlin informed MC that for 2015 ADA will recognize Pennsylvania as one of the five states with the greatest opportunity for growth (California, Florida, New York and Texas). ADA and PDA are offering non-members who practice in an “opportunity for growth state” a one-time fifty percent reduction in dues in 2015 thru 2017. To date, as a result of a December mailing PDA has gained 43 members from the campaign. Ms. Donlin also informed MC that a second mailing to non-members was sent on Tuesday, January 20 and the ADA is sending a non-member mailing in late January. Finally, PDA plans to conduct an electronic non-member campaign.

Due to the SPI campaign, MC agreed that at this time it isn’t necessary to appoint a replacement volunteer leader (01/15MCDA12). MC was encouraged to more routinely use the SoNet to continue to generate and discuss ideas for non-member recruitment.

Council Self-Evaluation and 2015 Goals

Increase membership in PDA by limiting the number of active member non-renews to 75 by 12/31/2014. As of December 31, 2014, there were 103 active member non-renews. MC agreed to decrease this goal to 70 non-renews for 2015.

Increase membership in PDA by gaining a total of 285 new and reinstated members by 12/31/2014. As of December 31, 2014, PDA gained a total of 262 new and reinstated members. MC agreed to increase this goal to 325 new and reinstated members for 2015.

Increase membership in PDA by gaining a total of 65 reinstated active members. As of December 31, 2014, PDA gained a total of 54 reinstated active members. MC agreed to increase this goal to 85 reinstated members for 2015.

Increase personal contact with members. MC will continue conducting the Recruitment and Retention Webinar, encourage local leaders’ involvement in contacting new member and non-members through personal phone calls, writing and sending personal note cards, welcome letters and invitations to local meetings. MC will request local leaders to consider appointing a volunteer who will serve as the new member host. MC agreed to continue this goal for 2015.

Election of Chair and Vice Chair

The council unanimously elected Dr. Steven Iszkula as chair for 2015-16. The MC agreed to elect a Vice Chair during the June 26, 2015 meeting.

Future Meeting Dates

The committee will meet on the following dates:

●Friday, June 26, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. – Harrisburg, PA

●Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. - Webinar/Conference call

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

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