Official Minutes

SBDM Meeting

Greysbranch Elementary

May 12, 2014

Location: Library Time: 3:30 pm

I.Meeting called to order at 3:41 pm_

II. Roll Call Yes/No

Mary Kay Ruark, Parent Yes______

Jeff Dupuy, Parent No______

Glenda Blevins, Teacher Yes ______

Anita Prater, Teacher Yes______

Lee Ann Stout, Teacher Yes______

Jeff Wireman, Principal Yes ______

III. Approval of agenda

Motion: L. Stout 2nd: A. Prater Vote: Consensus

IV. Approval of minutes from meeting held on April 14, 2014

Motion: A. Prater 2nd: M. Ruark Vote:Consensus

V. Announcements: Mr. Wireman made the following announcements

2014-15 SBDM members: Jeff Dupuy, Mary Kay Ruark, Glenda Blevins, Anita Prater, Lee Ann Stout

SBDM training will be offered in several sessions in late May and June, dates TBA

2014-15 PTO President: Miranda Stevens, Vice President: Shauna Logan

May 12 3:30 SBDM meeting

May 14 3:30 PTO/ Family Reading

May 28 Field Day

May 19 Kprep Rally with special guest

May 20 Begin KPREP

June 5 AR end of year activity

May 30 Field Day rain day

May 29 Talent Show

June 2 8:30 K program and awards

June 2 1:30 5th grade awards

June 3 8:30 1st grade awards

June 3 1:30 2nd grade awards

June 4 8:30 3rd grade awards ( Conley and Gullett)

June 4 9:30 3rd grade award (Blair and Newland)

June 4 1:30 4th grade awards

June 6 1:00 5th grade end of year program

July 28-29 Kindergarten POPS

VI. BOE 2014-2015 section 7 allocation meeting report-Mr. Wireman gave report, no section 7 money, however Title I money increased from original allocation of $103,000.00 to $137,000.00 for 2014-15.

VII. PLC/SBDM Committee Reports:No Reports

VIII.GES Paid Instructional Assistant Position

Motion made by L. Stout and 2nd by G. Blevins to pay from Title I funds one 7 hr. instructional assistant position. Vote: Consensus

IX. Program Renewals-Study Island 3rd,4th ,5th ($3,196.80), AR school wide($2,880.00), and Education City K-2nd ($938.00)

Motion made by A. Prater and 2nd by L. Stout to approve purchasing these programs for 2014-2015.

Vote: Consensus

X. PD Plan approval-Motion made by M. Ruark and 2nd by G. Blevins to approve the 2014-15 PD plan. (Attached)

XI.Selection of Vice Chair- Anita Prater was selected as Vice Chair.

XII.Selection of Recorder- Jeff Wireman was selected as recorder

XIII.Review Policy 2.11-meeting dates and time- 1st Reading to change meeting time 3:30 to 3:45pm and change the words from assigned agenda form to a request.

XIV.Budget Report

·  SBDM- $8,832.00 ( estimated carryover) 2014-15- $41,875.00 minus employee cost $38,500.00

·  PD- $817.00

·  Title I-2014-15-$ 137,819.00 minus employee cost


XV. Public Comment: No Comment

XVI. Adjournment:

Motion made by A. Prater and 2nd by l. Stout to adjourn. Vote: Consensus

Meeting adjourned at 4:26 pm

Special meeting will be held on June 3rd at 3:30pm


Jeff Wireman Anita Prater

Greysbranch Elementary

Policy # 2.11

Council Meetings

·  Scheduled by the Chairperson as needed, but at least monthly during the school year, unless school is cancelled.

·  The regular monthly meetings shall be the second Monday of each school month at 3:30 PM change to 3:45

·  Meetings of the Council and Council Committees abide by the Open Meetings laws.

·  The Chairperson shall prepare the agenda for Council meetings.

·  All Council Committees are always included on the agenda for regular monthly meetings.

·  Individuals requesting an item be included on the agenda must complete and submit to the Chairperson a signed agenda form change to a request at least one week prior to the meeting.

First Reading: 5/12/14

Second Reading:

Review Date:

SBDM Chair: ______

Jeff Wireman

Vice Chair: ______

Anita Prater