5. Reports
5.1 Introduction
There are a wide variety of reports available as standard with C.A.R.A.S. Each report has a selection screen which enables you to define the amount of information you want included in the report. For example, a date range will limit the information to that period; a funding source will limit the information to either self-funding clients or other funders.
Report selectors vary according to the report being generated and act as a filter; in other words the more selectors you use, the fewer the items that will be included in the report.
Let’s take, for example, the Problems report which shows un-allocated activities. The selectors for this report are as follows:-
Start / End Date / Group / PostcodeContract Type / Payee Source / Payee Name
By entering the same date in the Start and End Date fields, the report will include un-allocated activities for that day only. If you don’t specify any other selectors, the report will include un-allocated activities for all client groups, all postcode areas, all contract types, and all payee sources for the date range entered.
By specifying a group code, only un-allocated activities for that day and for clients within that group will be included in the report. The Postcode selector can be used in a similar way.
If a payee source such as Client or Funder is specified, you can limit the report to un-allocated activities for a single payee by entering the payee’s name.
If your organisation employs a number of care co-ordinators to handle a large client and staff database, some of the report selectors such as Group or Postcode can be used to split the clients and staff between co-ordinators for reporting purposes.
Reports are grouped under the following menu options:-
Work Schedules
Custom Reports
When you select any of the above options, a further sub-menu is displayed showing the various reports that are available.
Note, Custom Reports will only be shown on your Menu screen if bespoke reports have been specifically written for your organisation.
When you select a report option, a Selection Details screen is displayed. Full details of how to make selections are described in the following sections under each report option.
When you have entered the required report selectors, the Print Selection screen is displayed. This is described in detail in Section 1.4.7.
Once the report has been printed, press any key to return to the Menu screen.
5.2 Work Schedules
5.2.1 Problems
This report is displayed to screen with an option to print a hard copy if required. The report lists all care activities, according to the report selection criteria used, for which no confirmed allocation has been made. Unconfirmed activities are any activities which have not been allocated or which have a PA or PB flag set against them.
The Problems report is accessed from the Work Schedule option on the REPORTS menu. It can also be accessed from any current client care plan screen by pressing F4.
The following selectors are used to define the information to be included in this report:-
Start / End Date: defaults to today’s date to give you un-allocated activities for today only. If you want to increase the date range to more than 1 day, enter the required start and end date. Note, the greater the date range, the longer this report will take to generate depending on the number of care activities held on your system.
Group: limits the activities to those clients matching the group specified.
Postcode: limits the activities to those clients matching the postcode area specified.
Contract type: limits the activities to those set up under the specified contract type.
Payee Source: limits the activities to those funded by the specified payee source.
Payee Name: limits the activities to those funded by the specified payee.
If C.A.R.A.S cannot find any unresolved care activities which match the selection criteria, a message is displayed to this effect.
If allocation problems are found, use the F7-Allocate button or Delete key as appropriate. Please refer to Section 2.3 for full details.
G / When allocating to Care Attendant 2, make sure that you press Shft-F7 otherwise you will overwrite the allocation to Care Attendant 1. In addition to confirm an allocation that has a PA/PB flag set against it, make sure that you press Ctrl-F7 to confirm that particular member of staff.See Figure 5.1 for an example of this report.
5.2.2 Work Schedule Print Run
Use this option to generate work schedules for all members of staff who match your selection criteria. You may print work schedules by staff for all clients (i.e. multiple clients on each work schedule), or you may print individual work schedules for each care attendant / client combination (to maintain confidentiality between clients). Note, if you want to print a work schedule for a single care attendant, use the Print hotkey from his or her Work Schedule screen.
The Work Schedule report is accessed from the Work Schedule option on the REPORTS menu.
The following selectors are used to define the information to be included in this report:-
Start / End Date: defaults to today’s date to give you work schedules for today only. If you want to increase the date range to more than 1 day, enter the required start and end date.
Group: limits the bookings to those care attendants matching the group specified.
Postcode: limits the bookings to those care attendants matching the postcode specified.
Job Title: limits the bookings to those care attendants who have been set up with the specified job position.
When you have entered your report selection you then have the choice of selecting the report format.
To print an individual work schedule per client and care attendant, select the Single option.
To print work schedules for all clients per care attendant, select the Multiple option.
If you want to be able to hand your staff a schedule of what they are doing for the period as well as preserving confidentiality between clients, select Both to print both styles of work schedule.
When you have made your selection, the Printer Selection screen is displayed.
See Figures 5.2a & 5.2b for examples of the different work schedule formats.
5.2.3 Timesheet Generation
This option does not print a report as such but generates timesheets within C.A.R.A.S so that they can be viewed on screen from the Timesheet option on either the STAFF or CLIENT menus. Note, when first going into the Timesheet option, the current week is always displayed which will be blank. Use ï key to go back through the weeks until the required timesheet is displayed. For further information please refer to Section 4.7.
G / The Payroll and Invoice options cannot be run until the Timesheet Generation option has been run for the required payroll / invoice period and all timesheet activities have been approved..We recommend that you run Timesheet Generation on a weekly basis even though you may generate payroll and invoices monthly. This will decrease your workload at the end of each month and save you having to check and approve a month’s worth of activities at a time.
To generate timesheets, select Work Schedules from the REPORTS menu and then select Timesheet Generation.
C.A.R.A.S displays the Start and End dates for you to define the period for timesheet generation.
G / The Start Date can only be changed by the user if timesheets are being generated for the very first time. From then on the Start Date will always be the day after the last timesheet was generated thus ensuring no gaps or overlaps between timesheet periods.The End Date defaults to the Start Date. Overwrite this with the required date which can be any date between the Start date and yesterday’s date, as the system will only allow you to generate a full day.
When you press Return to enter the End date, C.A.R.A.S looks for any activities which fall within the timesheet period which have not been allocated. If none are found, the timesheets are generated which you may then view from the Timesheets option under both the STAFF and CLIENT menus.
If unallocated activities are found, these are displayed on screen as ‘unresolved care activities’.
Unresolved Care Activities
These include the following:-
· Any activity which has no care attendant allocated for either Care Attendant 1 or 2
· Any activity which has a Phone Again (PA) flag set against it
· Any activity which has a Phone Back (PB) flag set against it
Proceed as follows:-
- Select each activity in turn with the red scroll bar.
- If the activity was carried out, press F7 to allocate Care Attendant 1 or Shft-F7 to allocate Care Attendant 2 and select the appropriate care attendant.
If the activity was cancelled, press Delete.
- When all the activities have been resolved, press F10 to return to the Menu screen.
- Re-select the Timesheet Generation option and repeat as before.
5.2.4 Client Bookings by Day (Day Diary)
This report gives a ‘snapshot’ of the visits planned for the selected day according to the range selection used.
The following selectors are used to define the information to be included in this report:-
Start / End Date: defaults to today’s date which can be overtyped with the required dates. Note, if a date range greater than one day is entered, a separate report is printed for each day within that range.
Group: limits the clients to those matching the group specified.
Postcode: limits the clients to those matching the postcode specified.
Contract type: limits the clients to those who have care plan activities set up under the specified contract type.
Payee Source: limits the clients to those who are funded by the specified payee source.
Payee Name: limits the clients to those who are funded by the specified payee.
When you have made your selection, the Printer Selection screen is displayed.
See Figure 5.3 for an example of this report.
5.2.5 Client Bookings by Week
This report shows the bookings for each individual client for the specified week.
The following selectors are used to define the information you wish to include in the report:-
Week beginning: defaults to the first day of the current week. You may enter a Week beginning date ahead of the current week if required, but it must be a ‘week beginning date’.
Group: limits the clients to those matching the group specified.
Postcode: limits the clients to those matching the postcode specified.
Contract type: limits the clients to those who have care plan activities set up under the specified contract type.
Payee Source: limits the clients to those who are funded by the specified payee source.
Payee Name: limits the clients to those who are funded by the specified payee.
When you have made your selection, the Printer Selection screen is displayed.
See Figure 5.4 for an example of this report.
5.3 Finance
5.3.1 Payroll - Generation
Basic hourly rates of pay are applied to all staff according to the day and time in which the activities took place. Other factors can be applied to basic pay to increase or decrease the hourly rate for individual members of staff or for specified bank holidays.
When you generate the Payroll reports in C.A.R.A.S, the pay for each staff member is calculated from each approved timesheet activity according to the paybands being applied and any factors which affect the basic rate of pay. To see the hourly rate being applied to a particular member of staff, go to the Payroll option on the STAFF menu and select the required staff record.
Activities which span different pay bands are calculated according to the time worked within each band.
If you are running an on-line payroll system and you have the C.A.R.A.S Payroll Export Module installed, please refer to your Module notes.
G / In order that C.A.R.A.S can work out the commission, i.e. the difference between what you charge your client and what you pay your staff, you will be forced to run Payroll Generation before Invoice Generation if any activities have a contract type of (C) against the Contract Definition on the Contract lookup table.From the REPORTS menu select Finance. Under Finance select Payroll - Generation to display the Payroll Selection screen.
Select the date to mark the end of your payroll period.
If any unapproved activities are included in this payroll period, the payroll will not be generated. Instead a list of unresolved timesheet activities is displayed showing all the unapproved activities for this period.
You may print a hard copy of the screen display by pressing F4.
Take the necessary steps to resolve each activity and press F3 to approve - see Section 4.7 2 for details . When every activity on this list has been resolved, press Esc, the system will now continue to generate payroll.
G / The time taken to generate the payroll reports will depend on the size of your database. Please avoid pressing Esc during this process.You now have the option to print the Full or Summary report. We recomend that you print these reports so that you can familiarize yourself with the layouts produced by C.A.R.A.S - see Figures 5.11 and 5.12.
Final Payroll Run
G / Before taking the Final Payroll option we strongly advise that you take a back-up of your data, as once generated you cannot select these dates again to re-run. However it is possible to generate the Final Payroll Details report without updating the timesheets with the Payroll flag if required.Select Final Payroll to display the prompt: