In small groups, “THINK / PAIR / SHARE” the following:

1. Define “myth”:

2. What are the purposes of myths?

3. For homework, select and find information on a Greek myth (ie. Atlantis). What is the myth about? What do you think the purpose is?

Function of Greek Mythology

Explain the World: Greek myths lent structure and order to the world and explained how the current state of things had originated. Ex- Hesiod, Work and Days.

Means of Exploration- Myths chartered paths through difficult territory, examining contradictions and ambiguities. Ex- Homer’s Iliad

Provided authority and legitimacy- A claim, an action, or a relationship acquired extra authority if it had a precedent in myth. Ex- Aristocratic Greek Families

Entertainment- Myth telling was a source of enjoyment and entertainment.

Origins of Greek Mythology

Archaeologists have shown that many of the places where mythical events presumably took place correspond to sites that had historical importance during the Mycenaean period of Greek history.

Scholars have also argued that Minoan civilization of Crete has had a formative influence on Greek myths. - Example- Minotaur.


  • A saga is also known as a tale and is based on a great historical event.( ie- Trojan War)
  • A legend is a fictional (not true) story associated with a historical person or place (ie. King Arthur)
  • Folktales are usually simple narratives of adventure built around elements of character and plot. (ie. the young man who slays a monster and wins the hand of a princess)
  • Urban Legends- urban legends address the concerns and anxieties of urban living (modern day)

Greek Myths SGA Activity /
Remember, it was in Ancient Greece that the concepts of drama = tragedy and comedy began!

1. Students will break into 6 groups and select one Greek myth from the following link:

2. Groups will create a SGA (Small Group Acting) based on the myth. Costumes, props, masks, music, characters and a narrator are all a must! Groups should use the Greek myth as a basis for the script and can add in additional information, scenes, action etc. A specific morale / lesson should be drawn upon at the end of the SGA to emphasize the significance of Greek myths as well as the importance of mythology to ancient Greece.


  • brainstorm ideas (identify the main ideas and how you want to perform your skit)
  • develop a script (you may not read from a paper during your performance)
  • practice your skit (run through so that the performance is professional)
  • perform your skit for the class


  • speaking role for every member of the group
  • costumes / masks / props / music etc.
  • typed script to be submitted on the presentation date
  • dynamics / interesting storyline / humour / creativity
  • if necessary, the SGA Greek Myths can be divided up intro smaller, shorter skits
  • students may video-tape SGAs and show to class on TV on presentation date. Please make sure that you tell teacher to book a TV!

Small Group Acting Rubric

Thinking / Inquiry / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
Research of topic / Script research shows limited accuracy and use of texts / Script research is mostly accurate and shows moderate evidence of use of texts / Script research is accurate and shows evidence of competent use of texts / Script research is accurate and shows evidence of information from sources other than provided texts
Communication / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
Writing Skills / Language is occasionally concise and suitable; grammar and spelling are rarely correct / Language is sometimes concise and suited to the topic; grammar and spelling are sometimes correct / Language is frequently concise and suited to the topic; grammar and spelling are usually correct / Language is concise and suited to the topic; grammar and spelling are correct
Acting / Uses voice and body movements with limited skill; inaudible voice; little movement / Supports interpretation of characters with an audible voice and some characteristic action / Varies pitch, tone and volume to reflect interpretation of the characters; gestures and actions are appropriate / Uses pitch, tone, pacing, and volume to skilfully render characters; gestures and actions reflect and complement an insightful view of the characters
Direction / Poor shift from scene to scene; actors move aimlessly or stand still; poor use of space / Awkward shift from scene to scene; actors move with some degree of purpose; awkward use of space / Good shift from scene to scene; actors move with purpose; appropriate use of space / Seamless shift from scene to scene; actors move with skill and purpose; skilful and creative use of space
Entertainment / Story has limited interest or excitement; needs considerable development / Story is somewhat interesting; needs some development / Story is well-developed and presented in an interesting manner / Story is well developed and presented in an interesting and exciting manner
Application / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
Connection to historical moment / legacy / importance / -production lacks any real historical relevance or meaning to the topic / -adequate production of the SGA to show the historical meaning of the topic / -proficient production of SGA to show the historical meaning of the topic / -exceptional production of SGA to portray the historical importance / meaning of the topic