Economics & Management Science Department
General Accounting Concepts
Professors:Gilles Gagnon & Rachel Saucier
Semester: Winter 2005
1.Course Objectives
- Sensitize students to the importance of taking accounting information into account when making decisions.
- Introduce students to generally accepted accounting principles.
- Acquaint students with basic accounting methods and theories.
- Teach students the different legal forms of undertakings and their accounting practices.
- Teaching Strategies
- Lectures
- Formative practice exercises
- Accounting simulation
Students will be graded using a bell curve that will take all the groups into account. The professors will use the following grading system: A+, A, A-, B+, …F.
The passing mark is 60%. The professors will review the exams of students having obtained a mark in the 55 to 59% range.
Weighting of the final mark and exam dates:
Accounting Simulation (Tuesday, April 6, 2005, during regularly15%
scheduled class hours)
1st Exam: (Saturday, February 7, 2005, from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.)25%
2nd Exam: (Saturday, February 28, 2005, from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.)30%
3rd Exam: (Saturday, April 17, 2005, from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.)30%
Other Elements
- Students failing the course will not be allowed to do a make-up exam that will count as the total mark for the semester.
- Students absent for an exam will receive “0” for that exam, unless they have a verifiable reason considered valid by the professor.
- Appropriate ID (with photo) must be shown to exam supervisors. Students not respecting this rule will not be allowed in the exam room.
- Only pocket calculators are allowed during the exam. They must not make any noise and be limited to only one display line; they must not be equipped with a printer or alpha keys.
- Reference Textbooks:
- Introduction à la comptabilité financière, by Serge Potvin & Rachel Saucier, Les Éditions STL Enr., August 1999.
- Simulation Télé-Nordique Inc., by Serge Potvin & Rachel Saucier, Les Éditions STL Enr., September 1999.
N.B. These textbooks are available at the university bookstore, La
- Course Outline
Introduction to Accounting
- Definition of accounting
- The accounting system
- Accrual accounting
- Key elements in accounting
- Generally accepted accounting principles
- The qualities of useful information
The Financial Statement
- Accounting principles involved
- Financial statement - Presentation
- Setting up a financial statement following a few transactions
- How to analyse a financial statement
Transaction Posting
- How to use accounts
- Debits and credits
- Transaction analysis
- Detailed accounts
- Accounting plan
- Trial balance
- Accounting cycle
- General journal
- Recording in the General ledger
The Statement of Operations
- Change in net assets approach
- Transaction approach
- Statement of operations – accounting principles
- Debits and credits using the transactions approach
- Application of the transactions approach
- Production of financial statements
- Gain or loss on disposal of capital assets
- Net profit
- Closing accounts
- Contributions and withdrawals
1st Exam
Saturday, February 7, 2005
( from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.)
Accounts Adjustment
- The need to adjust accounts
- Accounts adjustment - Allotment
- Accounts adjustment - Provisions
- Accounts adjustment – Revenues and expenses
- Correction of recording errors.
Spreadsheet Applications
- Implementation of a spreadsheet-based tool
- 8 to 10 column spreadsheet applications
- Reversing entries
- Accounting cycle
2nd Exam
Saturday, February 28, 2005
(from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.)
Commercial Undertakings
- Legal forms of undertakings
- Statement of operations of commercial undertakings
- Financial statements of commercial undertakings
- Periodic inventory system
- Permanent inventory system
- GST and QST accounts
- Gross amount of wages
- Deduction from wages
- Recording wages
- Payment of wages
- Employer contributions
- Recording employer contributions
- Payment of employer contributions
Special Journals
- Advantages of special journals
- Accounting system
- Recording in special journals
- General journal
Accounting Simulation Exam
Tuesday, April 6, 2005
(during regularly scheduled class hours)
The Cash Method of Accounting
- How to use the cash method of accounting
- Information provided by the cash method of accounting
- Shifting from the cash method to the accrual method of accounting.
3rd Exam
Saturday, April 17, 2005
from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.)