The proof of framework is discussed in this chapter. In order to evaluate the performance of proposed framework, two “individual” experiments are launched: i) query conversion using the bilingual ontology and language grammar rules (pre-processing), and ii) the retrieved results conversion approach (post-processing). We then compare the results of the existing approach with proposed model, measured by mean average precision (MAP), with the results of these two experiments.
To evaluate cross language information retrieval system in the typicalway, three things are required:
- a collection of documents or information,
- a test suite of information needs represented as queries,
- and a set of relevance judgments.
The standard approach to information retrieval evaluation revolves around the notion of relevant and non-relevant information. With respect to a user’s information need, a document or information set in the test collection is given a binary classification as either relevant or non-relevant.
It has been found that the sufficient minimum of information set needs is 50 [73]. Relevance is assessed relative to an information need, not a query. Information retrieved relevant to the query is relevant if it addresses the stated information need, not because it contains all or some the words in the query.
In this research work, the webpages of English and Telugu have been used to evaluate query expansion using ontology and language grammar rules. The evaluation test shares the same information collection, containing both Telugu and English web pages in HTML format. The task has few queries, in which some queries have no relevant results.
The two most frequent and basic measures for information retrieval effectiveness are precision and weighted precision, which were first used by Kent et al [74].
Precision = / Relevant Results / ……………(6.1)Ret100
Weighted Precision = / (N1xW1)+ (N2xW2)+ (N3xW3) / …………..(6.2)
(N1,N2,N3) € relevant results
The major advantage of using precision and weighted precision is that one is more important than the other in many cases. For example, in web searches always provide users with ranked results where the first items are most likely to be relevant to the user given queries (high precision), but they are not designed for returning every relevant result to users query.
However, recall is a non-decreasing function of the number of results retrieved: users can always get a recall of 1 by retrieving all results for all queries. On the other hand, precision usually decreases as the number of results retrieved is increased.
6.4.1 Mean Average Precision
Mean average precision (MAP) provides a single-figure measure of quality across recall levels. Among various evaluation measures, MAP has been shown to have especially good discrimination and stability [75]. Average precision (AP) is the average of the precision obtained for the set of the top k results retrieved existing after each relevant result is retrieved, and this value is then averaged over information needs.
If the set of relevant documents for information need is the set of ranked retrieval results from the top result until document appears, then:
The MAP value estimates the average area under the precision-recall curve for a set of queries. The above measure calculates all recall levels. For many applications, measuring at fixed low levels of retrieved results, such as 10 or 30 results, is useful. This is referred to as precision at k. It has the advantage that any estimate of the size of the set of relevant results is not required.
But it is the least stable of the commonly used evaluation measures and does not average well. In our research work, we use average precision (AP) and mean average precision (MAP) to measure the results of all experiments, because MAP evaluates the performance of IR over the entire query set. The first 500 returned results are concerned when calculating MAP.
The work has been implemented using Java and the Carrot toolkit. The Carrot toolkit is an open source tool kit. The initial version of Carrot 2 was implemented in 2001 by Dawid Weissis in the Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval (CIIR) at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and the Language Technologies Institute (LIT) at Carnegie Mellon University.
The carrot toolkit comprises an open-source Indri search engine which provides a combination of inference network and language model for retrieval, a query log toolkit to capture and analyze user interaction data, and a set of structured query operators. Carrot search engine by itself does not support Telugu. But, we have added the necessary modifications for it.
In this research work, we construct the experimental CLIR system using the carrot search engine toolkit, taking advantage of its clustering query language and the built-in clustering models.
The original user query was written in Telugu. To retrieve more related results, it needs to be converted into English and separated into words according to corresponding language grammar rules.
Once the user gives the input to framework, a tokenization or lexical analysis process is applied to tokenize the characters into “words” or “tokens”. Tokenization can decrease the length of index terms; hence index efficiency may be improved by this processing. Tokenization takes the factors that are discussed in chapter 4 under tokenizer.
In the pre-processing system, all user queries are processed by following the components described in chapter 4. Because some user queries have no relevant information results in the results available, these queries are ignored in all experiments.
The bilingual ontology, language grammar rules and OOV components are constructed in chapter 4 is used to expand and convert the Telugu query terms. This expansion is performed as follows:
After expansion, the queries are converted into the English equivalents using the language grammar rules using following procedure:
The tokenized user query terms are classified into subject, object, verb and inflection. Then its English equivalent will be taken from ontology, including both root terms and node terms, are used to replace this Telugu terms. Each of these English terms inherits the term weight from the Telugu term.
If a term cannot be found in the ontology because of its inflection added along with the verb, then the inflection table along with the rule is used to identify the root word in that term. Once the root word is found and the English equivalent term is taken from ontology. All inflections listed in the table will be included in the new English query; each conversion uses the query term to find the English equivalent.
If different terms have identical conversions, then the converted terms are weighted. The new term weight is the maximum weight amongst the duplicates.
If a Telugu query term is found in the bilingual ontology, any siblings and child nodes are sorted into a list according to their term weights and index. Only the top 5 terms from the list are added to the query along with their term weights.
Query terms which are not found in the ontology are considered as out of vocabulary terms and these terms are literally transliterated into source language which is retained in the query, given their likelihood of representing terms.
All untranslatable terms will be considered as out of vocabulary terms and these terms are also literally transliterated.
Once the terms are finalized using language grammar rules the query will be reconstructed into the source language. .
The policy for out-of-vocabulary words which contain special Telugu characters is neglect, i.e., the words containing special characters that cannot be converted will be ignored. The retrieval performance is measured using MAP.
The finalized queries in pre-processing system are sent to the post-processing system for retrieving results related to the query and these results conversion and re-ranking process is done in the post-processing stage. The detailed working procedure for the post-processing system is shown in the chapter 5. In post-processing system, the following steps are followed to convert the retrieved results
(1)Retrieved results are given to the tokenizer and the step (1) to step (5) will repeat in post-processing stage to convert the results.
(2)The converted results are re-ranked based on the re-ranking system explained in chapter 5 and the results are shown to the user.
The framework was deployed in different java enabled computers. The system was tested in December 2012. The browsing experience of 125 users in the age group of 18 to 35 with browsing period of 15 to 30 minutes was benchmarked. The users were trained in the use of the systems and asked to enter queries of their choice.
Figure 6.1 Step by Step Process of the System
The overall aim of the experimentation was to observe the data and evaluate the precision, weighted precision and time taken. Seventy percent of the users used to access Telugu information over the web regularly. The users were Graduate and Post Graduate students of Engineering. The users were knowledgeable in the process of browsing the content in Telugu language. The users were given the option of browsing the content through proposed and existing system blind testing approach was used. Existing system was labeled as system1 and the proposed was labeled as system 2. Google Telugu was taken as existing system this measures ensured no bias was present. The same users were given this prototype, and their responses were tabulated. Research hypothesis was framed to validate the work. The discussions of the research hypothesis are given below.
The first hypothesis concerns the complete capability of existing search engines to retrieve the content in other language for the given user query. The case studies show the results as they appear from the search engine.
The pre-processing system imposes some overheads on the processing of the queries. Hence, the time taken for the completion of the results can differ and will definitely be more than that of the regular systems.
The precision of the system is measured as the ratio of the relevant results retrieved, and the results retrieved. The ultimate goal of any cross language information retrieval system is to increase the precision and sort the results in the order of relevance. If the order of relevance is increased for the top ranked results, the overhead imposed in terms of the additional time taken, will be acceptable. The key is that the overhead must not defeat the purpose of the system, and be within acceptable bounds.
Hypothesis 1: The present search engines don’t have the complete capability to retrieve the content in other languages.
Hypothesis 2: Word sense can be better represented by the grammar rule based method
The language grammar rules are the major part of the framework. The rate of growth of the ontology can be exponential, and hence, mechanisms to control the size are essential.
Case 1 shows the results that are retrieved in existing system and proposed system. Here in figure 6.2 shows that there are no results for the existing system and few results are shown in proposed system shown in figure 6.3.
Figure 6.2 Results for query term “మయిలాడుతురై” in existing system
Figure 6.3Results for query term “మయిలాడుతురై” in proposed system
In case 2 the user gives a query term “Kiran Kumar Reddy” for that the existing system retrieves the results that available in Telugu language alone and shown to user, the same is shown in figure 6.3 and the results retrieved for the same query in proposed framework is shown in figure 6.4.
In table 6.1 the relative retrieval efficiency is shown for different user queries. This table shows that the existing system retrieves very less number of results because it considers only the content available in the user query language. Whereas in the proposed system it retrieves more number of results related to the user query and it consider the results in other languages also. From this table the hypothesis 1 is proved.
Table 6.1 Relative retrieval efficiency
User query / Existing Telugu system results / Proposed rule based systemమయిలాడుతురై(mayiladuthurai) / No results / 10
కిరణ్ కుమార్ రెడ్డి(kiran kumar reddy) / 790 / 8270
మండేలా(mandela) / 1950 / 5460
కిరణ్ కుమార్ రెడ్డి రాజీనామా(kiran kumar reddy resigns) / 458 / 1400
అతడు జయించాడు(he won the match) / 377 / 1220
నేను భారతదేశం లో(I am in India) / 865 / 2080
సోషల్ మీడియా(social media) / 509 / 1250
అతను చేసిన సాహితీ(his literature work) / 1070 / 2060
ఆమె ఒక పుస్తకం తీసుకువచ్చింది(she brought a book) / 104 / 209
తెలుగు సంస్కృతి(Telugu heritage) / 10100 / 13800
ఈ రోజు ఉదయం(today morning) / 3940 / 6500
This research work results are compared with the existing Telugu search engine by which it can measure Telugu English CLIR results.
Figure 6.4Results for query term “కిరణ్ కుమార్ రెడ్డి” in existing system
Figure 6.5 Results for query term “కిరణ్ కుమార్ రెడ్డి” in proposed system
In an experimental setting, there are a lot of parameters that can be tested, such as the efficiency of the pre-processing in terms of the time taken for task completion and Precision of the results retrieved by the system and also the user acceptance.
Each of these parameters has an impact on the overall effectiveness of the proposed system. The comparison between the systems gives an idea of the improvement in the efficiency of the system progressively, and for the user acceptance a survey questionnaire is taken and these questions are shown in annexure 2.
Hypothesis 3: The grammar rule based method and the size of the ontology plays a key role in the increase of efficiency
Hypothesis 4: Time taken for the retrieval is comparable between two models
The system is processed for different queries and is compared in terms of the time taken for query processing. The data for completion was calculated by the system and entered by the users. The results are shown below in Table 6.2.The results validate Hypothesis 1 and Hypothesis 4 that the existing search engines are not considering the results in other languages and the time taken to retrieve results is slightly higher when compared to the existing system. There is a definite overhead in processing the query from the web, but these results are within acceptable limits.
Table 6.2 Time taken for Query processing in the Existing and proposed systems
User Query / Time in SecondsExisting / Proposed
1 / 31 / 36
2 / 35 / 31
3 / 31 / 29
4 / 24 / 28
5 / 25 / 43
6 / 34 / 32
7 / 32 / 54
8 / 27 / 33
9 / 20 / 30
10 / 22 / 31
11 / 28 / 35
12 / 34 / 31
13 / 56 / 25
14 / 25 / 33
15 / 33 / 25
16 / 44 / 31
17 / 28 / 35
18 / 20 / 34
19 / 28 / 54
20 / 36 / 38
Average / 30.65 / 33.65
The precision percentage of the retrieved results in terms of the content retrieved is calculated in table 6.3. The users were given a sheet and asked to rank the results in order of relevance. They were also asked to mark if the results were not within the scope of the query at all. The overall relevance of the result was tabulated and not the individual results. The precision values show the accuracy of the data retrieved.
Table 6.3 Precision percentages for retrieved results in existing and proposed systems
User Query / Precision %Existing / Proposed with
Pre-Processing / Proposed with
Pre & Post-Processing
1 / 21 / 60 / 60
2 / 86 / 86 / 49
3 / 26 / 20 / 56
4 / 43 / 68 / 77
5 / 50 / 84 / 86
6 / 32 / 89 / 45
7 / 10 / 35 / 83
8 / 34 / 59 / 67
9 / 49 / 49 / 64
10 / 66 / 47 / 71
11 / 35 / 56 / 51
12 / 51 / 21 / 46
13 / 58 / 67 / 83
14 / 40 / 40 / 65
15 / 63 / 72 / 72
16 / 24 / 53 / 84
17 / 63 / 47 / 56
18 / 40 / 62 / 58
19 / 37 / 17 / 61
20 / 11 / 33 / 63
Average / 41.95 / 53.25 / 64.85
The results show that the precision of the system increases with its varied usage. However, the precision in terms of the percentage shows a huge difference between the existing and proposed systems. The results validate the research hypothesis 2 and hypothesis 3.Significance tests for these experiments are carried out between existing and proposed systems using the same query set. Calculations show that there issignificant difference among these methods.However, the results of the experiment that shows more improvement using the language grammar rules model.
Table 6.4 Precision for results
User query / Relevant Results @ 100 in ES / Relevant Results @ 100 in PS / Precision @ 100 for ES / Precision @ 100 for PSQuey1 / 0 / 45 / 0.0000 / 0.4500
Quey2 / 64 / 83 / 0.6400 / 0.8300
Quey3 / 38 / 54 / 0.3800 / 0.5400
Quey4 / 53 / 81 / 0.5300 / 0.8100
Quey5 / 87 / 51 / 0.8700 / 0.5100
Quey6 / 54 / 80 / 0.5400 / 0.8000
Quey7 / 30 / 61 / 0.3000 / 0.6100
Quey8 / 80 / 93 / 0.8000 / 0.9300
Quey9 / 39 / 67 / 0.3900 / 0.6700
Quey10 / 23 / 48 / 0.2300 / 0.4800
Quey11 / 18 / 39 / 0.1800 / 0.3900
The results illustrated in Table 6.4 suggest that the grammar rule based approach forTelugu CLIR greatly improves the retrieval performance and user acceptance. The best retrieval of the results related to the user queries are 0.3368 and 0.2305 for simple and complex respectively, attained when language grammar rules isapplied along withthe bilingual ontology. Unlike dictionarybased conversion methods, which suffer fromout-of-vocabulary terms, content conversionis not able to done, although it may beinappropriate.
Table 6.5Weighted Precision for results
User query / Relevant Results @ 100 in ES / weighted relevant results @ 100 in ES / Weighted precision for ES / Relevant Results @ 100 in PS / weighted relevant results @ 100 in PS / Weighted precision for PS3 / 2 / 1 / 3 / 2 / 1
Quey1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.0000 / 45 / 23 / 16 / 6 / 0.7926
Quey2 / 64 / 8 / 32 / 24 / 0.5833 / 83 / 53 / 22 / 8 / 0.8474
Quey3 / 38 / 8 / 12 / 18 / 0.5789 / 54 / 35 / 11 / 8 / 0.8333
Quey4 / 53 / 12 / 18 / 23 / 0.5975 / 81 / 41 / 22 / 18 / 0.7613
Quey5 / 51 / 17 / 13 / 21 / 0.6405 / 87 / 49 / 27 / 11 / 0.8123
Quey6 / 74 / 27 / 34 / 13 / 0.7297 / 80 / 47 / 23 / 10 / 0.8208
Quey7 / 30 / 8 / 15 / 7 / 0.6778 / 61 / 42 / 16 / 3 / 0.8798
Quey8 / 69 / 29 / 22 / 18 / 0.7198 / 93 / 53 / 31 / 9 / 0.8244
Quey9 / 39 / 11 / 19 / 9 / 0.6838 / 67 / 37 / 22 / 8 / 0.8109
Quey10 / 23 / 7 / 13 / 3 / 0.7246 / 48 / 28 / 12 / 8 / 0.8056
Quey11 / 18 / 3 / 4 / 11 / 0.5185 / 39 / 19 / 12 / 8 / 0.7607
This approach improvesretrieval performance and user also gets more information related to the user given query it is shown in table 6.5.It is also noticed that the degree of increment inretrieval performance for the general CLIR to Rule based CLIR for Telugu.
In this chapter, the research work evaluates the effectiveness of the each component individually when it isused to convertuser queries in cross language informationretrieval for Telugu. Compared to other dictionary-based approaches, theresults show thatthe query conversion based on the bi lingual ontology is aneffective approach to CLIR for Telugu.Although the query conversionand content conversion using bilingual ontology and language grammar rules, which aredifferent mechanisms combined to implement CLIR for Telugu,lead to better retrievalperformance.
In this research work the results are comparedbetween the experiments conducted by ontology and language grammar rules between theuser queries with out of vocabulary terms and without out of vocabulary terms. The experimentalresults illustrate that the combination of language grammar rules with bilingual ontology performs better than the bilingual ontology alone.