PS 121 International Relations
Regime Paper
Throughout the second half of the course, we examined two major themes in international relations: governance through regimes and globalization through human security. These themes allowed us to frame discussions of global public health, non-proliferation, Bretton-Woods and the global inequality.
The simulation allowed us to practice ideas of governance, cooperation, treaty negotiation, and diplomatic nuance in anarchy. While the simulation was a simplified version of reality and limited in its scope and mandate, the rudimentary outlines of both an aid and intervention regime emerged.
You are now asked to write a short paper, using your state as a case study, to explain its relationship to an aid or intervention regime. This is not intended as a research paper- it is intended to be an explanatory discussion of your state's practice and place within the emerging (simulation) regime. In order to complete the assignment correctly, follow each step below:
- Review Pandemics and Peace. Recognize the components of the public health regime as discussed by Long. Note where states, IGOs, NGOs, PPPs, treaties/agreements fit within the regime. Consider the principles, norms, rules, and decision-making procedures of the regime.
- Review our discussion of the non-proliferation regime. Note where states, IGOs, NGOs, treaties/agreements fit within the regime. Consider the principles, norms, rules, and decision-making procedures of the regime.
- Review your simulation notesand your notes from the debriefing. You are writing this paper on your own.
- Given your role in the simulation, choose either the emerging aid or intervention regime.Attempt to construct it- locate the states, IGOs, NGOs, treaties/agreements, principles, norms, rules, and decision-making procedures that make up the regime.
Paper Requirements:
Write a paper that is no longer than two double-spaced pages explaining your state's position in the regime you have chosen. Your paper should include each of these components in this order:
Introduction: The introduction should include a description of the regime and an explanation of your state's relationship to that regime. It should explain how your state functions within the constraints of internationalsociety's principles, norms, rules, and decision-making procedures. Provide an explanatory claim that explores one aspect of your state's position within international relations and narrows the scope of the paper.Provide a brief outline statement that explains the organization of the rest of the paper.
For example- if we had simulated a nuclear non-proliferation agreement and you represented North Korea, you would introduce the regime that emerged during the simulation (explaining how the agreements reached supported certain principles of the larger regime) and you would explain how North Korea challenges existing norms of compliance or transparency, and why it challenges these norms by discussing North Korea's interpretation of sovereignty based on an extreme version of self-help. A clear explanatory claim would be included like: I argue that North Korea is guided by an extreme version of self-help that mandates that it not enter into multilateral treaties limiting its autonomy on national security programmes. You would then end the introduction by explaining what you will do in the next two sections.
Regime Components: With reference to the activities of the simulation and the research you conducted for the simulation, examine the regime that emerged during our class event. Discuss the principles, norms, rules, and decision-making procedures that guided the development of the regime. Explain how the treaties/agreements, actions of states, and states themselves fit within the regime. Finally, explain how your state operates in the presence of the regime.
For example- if we had simulated a nuclear non-proliferation agreement and you represented North Korea, you would explain how the twin principles of sovereignty and multilateral cooperation resulted in a treaty that governs the testing of nuclear weapons underground, how the norm of transparency was a consistent theme during the negotiations and was discussed as a verification mechanism, how rules and procedures were developed and put into a new treaty banning all testing of nuclear devices above and below ground. You would then discuss how other states reacted to and cooperated on this new treaty, you would discuss how the permanent members of the UNSC reserved the right to bring violations to the Security Council for a vote and the possibility of sanctions. Finally, you would explain how the components of the regime challenged the position of North Korea, why this happened, and how North Korea responded to the activities in the simulation.
Regime Theory: With reference to the activities of the simulation and the research you conducted for the simulation, examine how regime theorists would understand the resulting regime. Return to Pandemics and Peace and consider the Three 'I's. Long introduces three possible theoretical approaches that are brought together in his analysis of public health networks. You need not use all three. However, choose those theoretical approaches that make sense for your discussion. Analyze how you would explain the development of the simulation regime as an IR theorist. Provide a brief analysis of your state's level of cooperation.
For example- if we had simulated a nuclear non-proliferation agreement and you represented North Korea, you might discuss how state-interest (from the Realist perspective) and an evolving norm of human rights that allowed for identities to converge among all diplomats (from the Constructivist perspective) created a simulation regime where institutional cooperation could be achieved. You might discuss how this regime was somewhat robust due to a number of theoretical issues- cooperation through law, cooperation based on self-help, the growing interconnectedness (complex interdependence) of states through trade and institutional participation. You might end with a discussion of North Korea's extreme view of sovereignty as self-reliance, relate that to a theoretical discussion of self-help, discuss how this is a distorted view of self-help from a Realist perspective because it limits 'security' to national security and forgets the wider dimension of societal, economic, and human security.
Conclusion: The conclusion is your opportunity to examine the 'robustness' of the regime that was created during the simulation. Using your state as a guide, consider how the regime might be strengthened, what issues are preventing a more full-formed regime, or what is lacking in the current regime. Return to your thesis statement in the introduction and examine how this issue relates to the overall strength of the regime.
For example, if we had simulated a nuclear non-proliferation agreement and you represented North Korea, you might discuss how the regime is quite effective but goes against the interests of North Korea. You might explain how this puts more pressure on North Korea to conform to the norms of international law and you might explain how North Korea will most likely be monitored even more by the UNSC. You might also discuss that given anarchy, North Korea is still able to function outside of the regime, how governance is not government and the principle of sovereignty still grants each state some autonomy in their security affairs.
- Your paper should not exceed two double-spaced pages but will not be penalized if you need to include a third page.
- Follow all components of the 'Care' section of the course website (10% of the grade is an all or nothing component based on the 'Care' section)
- Include the underlined/bold headings above in your paper (Introduction, Regime Components, Regime Theory, and Conclusion)
- Make sure your explanatory claim' is explanatory and not normative (there should not be a 'should' in your claim).
- Follow all citation requirements. This is a scholarly paper and should include appropriate citations using Turabian footnotes.
The introduction is worth 20%- and must include a regime description, a strong explanatory claim, and a proper outline statement.
The regime component section is worth 30%- and must include a thorough discussion of the necessary components for an analysis of your claim.
The regime theory section is worth 30%- and must include a scholarly, disciplinary discussion of a theoretical analysis of the regime issue you have focused on in your claim.
The conclusion is worth 10%- and must explore one aspect of regime improvement and a discussion of your state's role in that regime (a return to your explanatory claim).
Remember: 10% of the grade is either/or based on the Care instructions!