Researcher´s Certificate

Researcher’s Certificate regarding the EU-financed research project Acronym (H2020 - EU framework programme for research and innovation) Grant Agreement n° 000000

This Certificate shall be signed by all researchers participating in the above mentioned project. The signing of this Certificate shall take place when the Consortium Agreement is final, but before the Grant Agreement and the Consortium Agreement are signed by the authorized representative of the University. Researchers which join this project at a later stage shall sign this Certificate before participating in the project.

Since it is the Linnaeus University that is party to the EU-project, and not the researcher, the University has a duty to reach appropriate agreements with its employees to ensure that the University can fulfil its obligations under the regulations of the EU Framework Programme. Hence, there must be a deviation from the so-called Professor’s privilege.

This is to certify that I have read the terms and conditions in the Grant Agreement with the European Commission as well as the Consortium Agreement that has been established within the scope of this project. I hereby certify that I approve of the rights and obligations that affect me in the mentioned agreements during the time period that the agreements concern – even if I would choose to terminate my employment at the Linnaeus University. I am aware of the conditions concerning intellectual property rights and the conditions for publication and what effect this can have, partly on other undertakings that I am legally bound by, and partly for future undertakings that I might want to accept.

I hereby grant access rights to background knowledge (so called Background) and/or possible project results (so called Foreground) to the extent necessary for Linnaeus University to fulfil its obligations in accordance with the regulations of the EU Framework Programme.

Kalmar/Växjö, dd/mm/yyyy

City, date



Name name

Clarification of Signature

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