Advanced Video Production

Project: Short Film Production

Assignment:With a partner, you will write, produce, direct, cast and edit a short film of your own creation. You may choose from the following genres: Action, comedy, sci-fi, thriller, mystery, drama, fantasy, romance, etc.

Minimum Requirements: Original 5-8-page script typed in standard screenplay format, 5-8* minute film length, polished beginning and ending credits with a well-thought-out soundtrack. Costumes, make-up, locations, and props will need to be carefully considered.

You will have 5 weeks to complete this assignment.

Your rough pitch due date is: ______

Your screenplay due date is: ______

Your project due date is: ______

You must submit the following items before filming:

Proposal (Who, what, where, when, how)

List of props

Casting assignments

Your script with camera commands


Pick your crew and provide a roster to me by______. Once on board, your crew is obligated to work and complete the project as a group. Dropping out of a production is an automatic fail for the assignment.

Begin brainstorming for an idea. Write all possible scenarios down.

Write a rough sketch of the plot then consider the story framing. You may also begin your draft ideas based on a well-created lead character.

Write and submit a rough pitch with a working title, plot description, locations, costumes and props.

Write your final script.

Start scheduling your shoot.


Your film should contain varied camera movements, good use of close-ups and a traditional use of master, shot reverse shot techniques.

Be sure to get good coverage.

Maintain a well-composed frame.

Maintain continuity

Watch other films of this genre; replicate the type of lighting, and camera movements/angles.

Note: Save your long shots for master shots and establishing shots. Your 2 shots should be few. Your reverse single and reverse over the shoulder shots should be in medium. Save extreme close –up for facial expressions or points of interest.

Post Production

Soundtrack is important. Carefully consider music that underscores the emotion of the scene and reflects the personality of the film.

Polish-edit your film.

Include beginning credits that hook the audience and complete ending credits.

Acknowledge published music credits in your ending credits.

Include a “thanks” to those individuals who helped with your film at the continuation of your ending credit.


Create a movie poster for your film.