July 28, 2009

The Hiawatha Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session on July 28, 2009. Chairperson Dale Schroth opened the meeting at 6:01 p.m. Members present: Mary Conrad, Dale Schroth, Keith Sams, Mike Hook, Don Mohler and Ron Reichert. Members absent: Lee Rathje. Staff present: Community Development Director, Mark Powers; Assistant Building Official, Jim Fisher;Code Enforcement Officer, Chad Breidingerand City Engineer, Dick Ransom. Guest: Kevin Knapp, Kurt Stallman, John Rausch and Dan Schmidt.

Commission member, Keith Sams moved the approval of the agenda, second by Don Mohler. Motion carried.

Commission member, Keith Samsmoved the approval of the June 30, 2009 minutes, second by Mike Hook. Motion carried.

Kevin Knapp, Black Magic Performance– Conditional Use–1100 Industrial Avenue

Mark Powers, Community Development Director explained that Black Magic Performance is located in an I-1 Zoning District where new and used auto sales are permitted as a conditional use. The main function of the company is auto repair and the used auto sales would supplement business during down time. They would be fixing up vehicles and selling them.

Commission member, Don Mohler asked where the vehicles to be sold would be stored. Owner, Kevin Knapp stated that there would only be approximately 15 cars a year that would be sold and the business had to designate 3 spaces for auto sales per the Department of Transportation requirements.

Commission member, Don Mohler presented RESOLUTION #12-09 recommending that the Board of Adjustment approve the request for a Conditional Use of land to allow used motor vehicle sales at an existing auto and truck repair center in an I-1(Restricted Industrial District) located at 1100 Industrial Avenue, requested by Kevin Knapp, second by Ron Reichert.

Roll call vote:
AYES: Keith Sams, Mike Hook, Ron Reichert, Mary Conrad, Dale Schroth, Don Mohler

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Lee Rathje

Resolution #12-09 adopted.

Ronald Delaney – Site Plan – 2805 Stonegate Court

Dick Ransom, City Engineer explained that the Community Development Department needs to receive and approve an agreement from the owners of lots 7, 8 and 9 of Stonegate Court regarding maintenance of the storm water management facility before the building permit is issued.

Mark Powersadded that the Unified Development Code requires solid fencing for screening between commercial and industrial adjoining agriculture and residential zoning districts. The owners would have to comply with the screening regulations or request a variance as the land behind this location will most likely never be developed.

Commission member, Don Mohler presented RESOLUTION #13-09 approving Site PlanRonald Delaney for an 8,400 square foot commercial building, parking and rear yard fence surround located at 2805 Stonegate Court, requested by Ronald Delaney with the condition that the Community Development Department approve an agreement between lots 7, 8 and 9 for storm water management facility maintenance before the building permit is issued and the rear yard fence must meet solid fencing requirements or a variance to the Unified Development Code screening requirements must be obtained, second by Mike Hook.

Roll call vote:
AYES: Ron Reichert, Dale Schroth, Keith Sams, Mary Conrad, Don Mohler, Mike Hook

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Lee Rathje

Resolution #13-09 adopted with conditions.

Rausch Companies, LLC – Revised Site Plan – 2765 Stonegate Court

Mark Powers explained that the site plan was revised to add a storage area and rear yard fence surround. The Community Development Department needs to receive and approve an agreement from the owners of lots 7, 8 and 9 of Stonegate Court regarding maintenance of the storm water management facility before the building permit is issued and the rear yard fence will have to comply with solid fencing requirements in the Unified Development Codeor the owners will have to request a variance as the land behind this location will most likely never be developed. This is the lot next door to 2805 Stonegate Court, the previous site plan request so the requirements will be the same for both sites.

Commission member, Keith Sams presented RESOLUTION #14-09 approving Revised Site Plan Rausch Companies, LLCfor the addition of a concrete pad, recycled asphalt storage area and rear yard fence surround, requested by Rausch Companies, LLC with the condition that the Community Development Department approve an agreement between lots 7, 8 and 9 for storm water management facility maintenance before the building permit is issued and the rear yard fence must meet solid fencing requirements or a variance to the Unified Development Code screening requirements must be obtained, second by Ron Reichert.

Roll call vote:
AYES: Mike Hook, Keith Sams, Mary Conrad, Dale Schroth, Ron Reichert, Don Mohler

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Lee Rathje

Resolution #14-09 adopted with conditions.

Rausch Companies, LLC – Lighting Plan – 2765 Stonegate Court

Mark Powers displayed the photometric lighting display that was submitted by Rausch on the overhead and explained that the lighting output is in compliance with the Lighting Code.

Commission member, Keith Sams presented RESOLUTION #15-09 approving Lighting Plan Rausch Companies, LLC located at 2765 Stonegate Court, second by Mike Hook.

Roll call vote:
AYES: Dale Schroth, Mary Conrad, Ron Reichert, Mike Hook, Don Mohler, Keith Sams

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Lee Rathje

Resolution #15-09 adopted.

Toyota Scion – Sign Plan – 1190 Boyson Road

Mark Powers explained that the sign plan was previously approved for L2 Auto under Lithia Motors. Toyota has bought the building now and they are removing the existing signs and replacing them with Toyota Scion signs. The square footage of the proposed signage meets Sign Code requirements.

Commission member, Don Mohlerpresented RESOLUTION #16-09 approving Sign Plan Toyota Scion located at 1190 Boyson Road, second by Keith Sams.

Roll call vote:
AYES: Mary Conrad, Dale Schroth, Mike Hook, Keith Sams, Don Mohler, Ron Reichert

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Lee Rathje

Resolution #16-09 adopted.

Commission member, Keith Sams moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:11 p.m., second by Mike Hook. Motion carried.

______Dale Schroth, Chairperson



Kelly Kornegor, Admin. Assistant