New Orleans, LA
International Council Meeting
Thursday, February 1, 2018
Wireless Network: HL7
Password: HealthLevel7
Luncheon (12:30 – 1:00)Opening Session (1:00 – 3:00pm)
- Opening Announcements & Call to Order (5 min)
- Introductions Round Table (10 min)
- Confirm Proxies & Quorum
Rik Smithies / Dunmail Hodkinson / HL7 UK
Beat Heggli / Marco Demarmels / HL7 Switzerland
Frank Ploeg / Bert Kabbes / HL7 Netherlands
Heather Grain / Jason Steen / HL7 Australia
Christof Gessner / Roman Romanski / HL7 Poland
Melva Peters / Miroslav Koncar / HL7 Croatia
Peter Jordan / Francois Macary / HL7 France
Bjorn-Erik Erlandsson / Mikael Wintell / HL7 Sweden
Ilkon Kim / Byoung-Kee Yi / HL7 Korea
- Round table introductions
- Current Membership = 35
- Lapsed members:
- Quorum for Decisions (40%=14), Directions (33%=12), Financial Decisions (51%=18)
- 19 in attendance – quorate for financial decisions
- Secretary Report (5 min)
- Approval of Minutes from Madrid WGM
•San Diego - September 2017 - Thursday Minutes
- Motion to approve the minutes from September 2017 – Norway – Switzerland - 16-2-0 - CARRIED
- African Project (10 min)
- See Project scope statement
- Consider reaching out to informatics communities and scientific communities – should add that to the PSS
- Specific targets in Africa? - divide into 4 sections and do 4 visits
- Need to consider relationships with specific countries
- Need to do something different this time as we have tried this in the past. There are US based clinics that have relationships with Africa
- Conceivable that could use money from the Woody Beeler scholarship to fund people to come to the Working Group Meeting
- Suggest that the timelines are aggressive
- Motion: Norway – UK to sponsor the project - 17-1-0 Carried
- Action: find out what the process is for an IC project (complete)
- PAC Update (10 min)
- Affiliate Agreement (10 min)
- Concerns raised about not being able to hold certification events as part of HL7 Affiliate event
- Affiliates are allowed to have certifications as part of their events. Certifications are done through Kryterion using student computers
- MOTION: Change wording in 6.7.1 to “May facilitate but not proctor…” – Norway – seconded by Spain. 19-0-0
- Will be updated and sent out (complete)
- IC Budget and Funding Request (pHealth) (10 min)
- Motion – Norway – US – to approve the funding request for $2500 USD for publishing of conference proceedings on the condition that they also provide it electronically 15-4-0 CARRIED
- There was a discussion by email – concerns about low attendance at pHealth last year, but in the past there has been good attendance. Conference organizers are trying to raise attendance through better marketing
- Concerns about printing – in the academic community this is required
- Giorgio asked if this type of funding request is the type of funding that the IC should support. Can we think about other types of things that we should support
- May 2018 WGM (15 min)
- Mini-plenary on Monday morning – 8 – 10:30am
- Planning committee for Plenary –
- Struggle to get the attention of governments. Get attendance of high ranking officials
- Agree there should be planning committee
- Kai, Christof, Mark, Stefan, Catherine – planning committee
- Sunday evening reception for Affiliates
- No reception
- Add Affiliate summary slides to morning/lunch slides
- Meeting of Regional Affiliates
- Advertise and summary slides
Mark McDougall
- May 2020 WGM (15 min)
- Discussion of criteria for hosting a WGM
- Should we consider hosting a smaller event (education summit, for example) in “riskier” areas
- HQ would like to have IC to have input into an international location
- Action: Melva to send an email out to the Affiliates seeking interest
Mark McDougall
- IPS PSS Update (10 min)
Break (3 pm – 3:30 pm)
- HL7 Around the World Schedule (5 min)
- Action: Melva to send out updated schedule
- Affiliate Presentation Schedule (5 min)
- HL7 Australia
- HL7 Netherlands – will discuss with Board
- HL7 Austria - ELGA
- Affiliate Support and International Mentoring Work Group (15 min)
- Discussion of whether International Mentoring should be a sub-committee of IC rather than a WG – with the purpose of supporting affiliates as well as finding new affiliates
- Perhaps part of the IC budget could be used for this
- Action: Melva to discuss with Wayne
- International Rep to GOC (5 min)
- Peter volunteered
- Action: Melva to notify Karen (complete)
- FHIR Foundation
- Discussion at the Board – are there any concerns from the IC?
- Many members of Affiliates are mostly concerned with the implementation of the standards. Cost of membership is cheaper – may join Foundation instead of Affiliate. No relationship between the Affiliates and the Foundation
- Invite Foundation Board to discuss
- Action: Ed will ask Stan Huff to join for discussion
- Membership dues in the Affiliate could influence whether someone joins the Affiliate or Foundation
- Education is key to the viability of the Affiliates
- Possible that must be a member of HL7 International (or an Affiliate)
- Kai, Rik and Melva to work on a statement to send to the FHIR Foundation and HL7 Board
- Closing Remarks (5 min)
Meeting Adjourned @ 5:00 pm
Thank you for attending the meeting.
Have a successful week.
Members of the Council / HL7 Around the World Schedule
- HL7 China
- HL7 Croatia
- HL7 Finland
- HL7 Hong Kong
- HL7 India
- HL7 Korea
- HL7 New Zealand
- HL7 Philippines
- HL7 Romania
- HL7 Russia
- HL7 Singapore
- HL7 Switzerland
- HL7 Taiwan
- HL7 Uruguay
- HL7 Australia
- HL7 Bosnia and Herzegovina
- HL7 Denmark
- HL7 Germany
- HL7 Greece
- HL7 Italy
- HL7 Netherlands
- HL7 Poland
- HL7 Spain
- HL7 Brazil
- HL7 UK
- HL7 Argentina
- HL7 Austria
- HL7 Canada
- HL7 Czech Republic
- HL7 France
- HL7 Japan
- HL7 Norway
- HL7 Sweden
Affiliates Council Members:
Affiliate / Role / Name / Attendance RecordCo-Chair / Melva Peters / Yes
Co-Chair / Diego Kaminker / Yes
Co-Chair / Line Saele / Yes
HL7 Board of Directors
IC Representatives / Line Saele / Yes
Frank Oemig / Yes
Members of the Council
HL7 Argentina / Fernando Campos / Yes
HL7 Australia / Jason Steen / Yes by proxy
HL7 Austria / Stefan Sabutsch / Yes
HL7 Bosnia and Herzegovina / Samir Dedovic
HL7 Brazil / Marivan Abrahão
HL7 Canada / Melva Peters / Yes
HL7 China / Baoluo Li
HL7 Croatia / Miroslav Koncar / Yes by proxy
HL7 Czech Republic / Libor Seidl
HL7 Denmark / Sofia Stokholm
HL7 Finland / Juha Mykkanen
HL7 France / Francois Macary / Yes by proxy
HL7 Germany / Christof Gessner / Yes
HL7 Greece / Alexander Berler
HL7 Hong Kong / Chung Ping Ho
HL7 India / Naresh Yallapragada
HL7 Italy / Giorgio Cangioli / Yes
HL7 Japan / Michio Kimura / Yes
HL7 Korea / Byoung-Kee Yi / Yes by proxy
HL7 Netherlands / Bert Kabbes / Yes by proxy
HL7 New Zealand / Peter Jordan / Yes
HL7 Norway / Line Saele / Yes
HL7 Philippines / Michael HussinMuin
HL7 Poland / Roman Radomski / Yes by proxy
HL7 Romania / FloricaMoldoveanu
HL7 Russia / Sergey Shvyrev
HL7 Singapore / Adam Chee
HL7 Spain / Francisco Perez / Yes
HL7 Sweden / Mikael Wintell / Yes by proxy
HL7 Switzerland / Marco Demarmels / Yes by proxy
HL7 Taiwan / Yu-Ting Yeh
HL7 UAE / Mohamed AlRedha
HL7 UK / Dunmail Hodkinson / Yes by proxy
HL7 Uruguay / Ana Mara Marfut
USA / Ed Hammond / Yes
Lapsed or Unpaid Affiliates
Minutes – International Council – New Orleans – January 20181