Course Title: ECE 3910: Probability and Random Variables in ECE (Fall 2004)
Catalog Data:
ECE 3910, Probability and Random Variables in ECE Lec. 3 Credit 3.
Prerequisite: MATH 2120. Co-requisite: ECE 3010.
Prerequisite by Topics:
1. Differential and integral calculus.
2. Convolution.
This course is sometimes called “calculus of chance”. Introduce the students the tools of the probability and random variables. Prepare the students for their life-long learning. Applications to Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Text: A. Leon-Garcia, Probability and Random Processes for Electrical Engineering, 2nd Edition, Addison-Wesley, 1994.
Instructor: Robert Qiu, Associate Professor of ECE
Brown Hall 210, Phone 372-3847 Email
Office Time: 12-1 & 3-4 MWF and 11-12 & 12-4 T
Grading: Homework quizzes: 30% Grade Scale: A [90, 100]
MATLAB Experiments 5% B [80, 90)
Midterm: 30% C [70, 80)
Final: 35% D [60, 70)
F [0, 60)
1. Introduction (2 hours, Ch.1)
2. Set theory, random experiments, and probability axioms (5 hours, 2.1 and 2.2)
3. Combinatorics and counting methods (2 hours, 2.3)
4. Conditional probability and independent Events (5 hours, 2.4-2.6)
5. Random variables, distribution and density functions (5 hours, 3.1-3.4)
6. Functions of random variables and expectation (5 hours, 3.5, 3.6)
7. Pairs of random variables (6 hours, 4.1-4.4)
8. Correlation and covariance (3 hours, 4.7)
9. The sum of random variables (3 hours, 5.1)
10. The law of large numbers and the central limit theorem (3 hours, 5.2, 5.3)
Homework will be assigned. The instructor posts all assignments, solutions, and additional materials for this class. Throughout the semester, the instructor will give students feedback on how they are progressing in the course.
Homework Quizzes:
Homework quizzes will be given each Monday covering the homework assignments from the previous week. Also one homework problem, randomly selected from the previously week’s assignments, will be collected at the beginning of the class. A zero will be given for the homework quiz grade unless the collected homework solution demonstrates a good faith effort to work the problem.
Several homework experiments will be performed using MATLAB.
Teaching Methods:
The course format will comprise regular weekly lectures. Solving problems by students in homework and presenting solutions by the instructor in the class will form the crucial part of the course. MATLAB experiments will provide some intuitions. Fundament concepts and analytical tools will be focused.
Any students found giving and/or receiving assistance on Exams or Quizzes will receive a failing grade for the course.
Students with a disability requiring accommodations should contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS). An Accommodation Request (AR) should be completed as soon as possible, preferably by the end of the first week of the course. The ODS is located in the Roaden University Center, Room 112; phone 372-6119.