Date of Birth: 25 Νovember 1962.

Address: Department of Banking & Financial Management

University of Piraeus, Piraeus 18534, Greece,

Τel. (+3210) 414 2429, Fax. (+3210) 414 2341



Applied Macroeconomics and Open Economy Macroeconomics.


1.  Ph. D. in Economics (Fordham University, NY, 1992) in Macroeconomics

Ph.D. Dissertation: ‘The Role of Intervention Policies in the Foreign Exchange Market in the Process of Business Cycles: The Case of the U.S.’

2.  M.A. in Economics (Economic University of Athens, 1986)

3.  B.A. in Economics (University of Athens, Greece, 1984)


2009-2010: Holder of One-Year Scholarship issued by the London School of Economics relating to the Project: ‘Inflation and Prices in Greece: Causes and Characteristics’.


Greek (native language)

English (Perfect)


1991-1992  Visitor Professor (Fordham University and Manhattan College). Courses: Μacroeconomics, Μicroeconomics, International Monetary relations.

1993-1994  Visitor Professor (State University of New York at New Paltz),

Courses: Μacroeconomics, Economics of European Integration.

1994-1998  Lecturer, University of Macedonia, Undergraduate courses: Μacroeconomics, The macroeconomics of economic integration. Graduate courses: Μacroeconomics Ι and Topics in Macroeconomic Analysis.

1998-1999 Assistant Professor, University of Macedonia. Undergraduate

Courses: Μacroeconomics, Graduate courses: Μacroeconomics Ι

and Topics in Macroeconomic Αnalysis, Supervisor of MA theses.

1999-2002  Associate Professor. University of Ioannina. Undergraduate

Courses: Μacroeconomics, Monetary Theory, Applied


2000-Today Coordinator and Member of the Money & Capital Markets Division,

Helenic Open University

2002-2006  Professor, University of Macedonia, Undergraduate Courses:

Μacroeconomics and Monetary Theory and Policy, Theories of

Economic Integration, Graduate courses:.Advanced topics in


2006-Today Professor, University of Piraeus, Undergraduate courses: Open

Economy Macroeconomics, Fixed Income Securities Markets,

International Finance, Graduate Courses: International Money

Markets, Supervisor of MA theses, Supervisor of PhD theses.


1) Apergis, N. (1992) ‘An Estimation of Target Effective Exchange Rates: The Case of the U.S.’, The American Economist, 36, 22-28.

2) Alexakis, P. and Apergis, N. (1994) ‘The Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle and Exchange Rate Regimes: Evidence from Cointegration Tests’, Journal of Policy Modeling, 16, 459-472.

3) Apergis, N. and Katrakilidis, C. (1995) ‘Public deficit monetization in Greece: Evidence using structural VAR modeling’, Studi Economici, 56, 137-152

4) Alexakis, P. and Apergis, N. (1996) ‘ARCH Effects and Cointegration: Is the Foreign Market Efficient?’, Journal of Banking and Finance, 20, 687-697.

5) Apergis, N. and Karfakis, C. (1996) ‘Sources of Fluctuations in Exchange Rates: A Structural VAR Analysis’, Applied Economics Letters, 3, 251-254.

6) Alexakis, P., Apergis, N., and Xanthakis, E. (1996) ‘Stock Prices and Inflation Volatility: Evidence from an ARCH Model’, International Advances in Economic Research, 2, 101-111.

7) Apergis, N. (1996) ‘The Cyclical Behavior of Prices: Evidence from Seven Developing Economies’ The Developing Economies, 34, 204-211.

8) Apergis, N. (1996) ‘What Opportunity Cost of Holding Real Balances? The Case of Greece 1978-1993’, Applied Economic Letters, 3, 483-485.

9) Apergis, N. (1996) ‘Trends in Macroeconomic Series: Any Permanent Effects from Policy Regime Changes ”, (Rivista Ιnternationale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali), International Review of Economics and Business, 43, 347-358.

10) Apergis, N. and Varelas, E. (1996) ‘Can the Buffer-Stock Hypothesis Explain Money Demand? Evidence from a SVAR Model’, (International Review of Economics and Business), Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, 43, 607-616.

11) Apergis, N. (1997) ‘Domestic and Eurocurrency Yields: Any Exchange Rate Link? Evidence from a VAR Model’, Journal of Policy Modeling, 19, 41-47.

12) Apergis, N. and Eleptheriou S. (1997) ‘The Efficient Hypothesis and Deregulation: The Greek Case’, Applied Economics, 29, 111-117.

13) Apergis, N., Papanastasiou, J., and Velentzas, C. (1997) ‘The Credibility of Policy Announcements: The Greek Evidence’, Applied Economics, 29, 699-705.

14) Apergis, N. (1997) ‘Inflation Uncertainty, Money Demand and Monetary Deregulation: Evidence from a Univariate ARCH Model and Cointegration Tests’,

Journal of Policy Modeling, 19, 279-293.

15) Apergis, N. (1998) ‘Budget Deficits and Exchange Rates: Further Evidence from Causality and Cointegration Tests’, Journal of Economic Studies, 25, 161-178.

16) Alexakis, P., Apergis, N., and Xanthakis, E. (1998) ‘Integration of International Capital Markets: Further Evidence from EMS Non-EMS Membership’, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 7, 277-287.

17) Apergis, N. and Tsoulfidis, E. (1997) ‘The Relationship Between Saving and Finance:Theory and Evidence from EU Countries’, Research in Economics (Researche Economichi), 51, 333-358.

18) Apergis, N., Katrakilidis, C., and Papastamatis, S. (1998) ‘ ”Meteor Showers” and “Heat Waves” in Greek Financial Markets’, International Advances in Economic Research, 3, 364-375.

19) Apergis, N. and Tsoulfidis, E. (1998) ‘Money Supply Endogeneity in Greece: Further Evidence from Cointegration and Causality Tests‘, Rivista Internationale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, 45, 167-184.

20) Apergis, N. (2000) ‘Exchange Rate Volatility and Accounting for the Impact of Economic Events: Evidence from a GARCH Model‘, The Indian Economic Journal.

21) Apergis, N. (1998) ‘Stock Market Volatility and Deviations from Macroeconomic Fundamentals: Evidence from GARCH and GARCH-X Models’, Kredit und Kapital, 3, 400-412.

22) Apergis, N. (1998) ‘Inflation and Uncertainty: Does the EMS Participation Play Any Role?’, Journal of Economic Integration, 13, 586-605.

23) Apergis, N. (2001) ‘Employment News and Exchange Rates: Policy Implications for the European Union’, Applied Economics Letters.

24) Apergis, N. (1999) ‘Inflation Uncertainty and Money Demand: Evidence from a Monetary Regime Change and the Case of Greece‘, International Economic Journal 13, 21-30.

25) Apergis, N. (1999) ‘Monetary Policy Design and the Buffer-Stock Hypothesis: Further Evidence from European Union Countries’, Applied Economics Letters, 6, 793-796.

26) Apergis, N. and Katrakilidis, C. (1998) ‘Does Inflation Uncertainty Matter in Foreign Direct Investment Decisions? An Empirical Investigation for Portugal, Spain, and Greece’, (International Review of Economics and Business), Rivista Internazionale and Scienze Economiche & Commerciali, 45, 729-744.

27) Apergis, N. (2000) 'Public and Private Investments in Greece: Complementary or Substitute Goods', Bulletin of Economic Research.

28) Αpergis, N., Katrakilidis, K., and Tabakis, N. (2000) 'Current Account Deficit Sustainability: The Case of Greece', Applied Economic Letters.

29) Apergis, N. (2000) 'Black Market Rates and Official Rates in Armenia: Evidence from Causality Tests in Alternative Regimes', Eastern Economic Journal.

30) Apergis, N., Varelas, E., and Velentzas, E. (2000) ‘Money Supply, Consumption, and Deregulation: The Case of Greece’, Applied Economics Letters, 7, 385-390.

31) Apergis, N. (2001) 'Reassesing the Role of Buffer-Stock Money under Oil Price Shocks', Atlantic Economic Journal.

32) Αpergis, N. and S. Eleptheriou (2001) 'Measuring price elasticity of aggregate demand in Greece: 1961-1995', Public Finance Review.

33) Apergis, N. (2000) 'Monetary Deregulation and Consumption: Evidence from Certain Components of Consumption', Economic Issues.

34) Apergis, N. and Katrakylidis, C. (2001) 'Testing the intertemporal substituion hypothesis: the impact of income uncertainty on savings', Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv.

35) Apergis, N. and Eleftheriou, S. (2001) 'Stock returns and volatility: evidence from the Athens Stock Exchange Market Index', Journal of Economics and Finance 25, 50-61.

36) Apergis, N. and A. Rezitis (2001) 'Cross-market volatility spillover effects: evidence from intra-day data on equity and foreign exchange markets', Manchester School of Economics

37) Apergis, N. and Eleftheriou, S. (2002) 'Interest rates, inflation and stock prices: The case of the ASE', Journal of Policy Modeling.

38) Apergis, N. (2002) 'Business Fluctuations Under ‘Hysteresis’ Effects: The Case of Greece', Indian Economic Journal.

39) Apergis, N. and Rezitis, A. (2003) 'Mean spillover effects in agricultural prices: evidence from changes in policy regimes', International Advances in Economic Research

40) Apergis, N. (2003) 'Testing purchasing power: results from a new foreign exchange market', Applied Economics Letters

41) Apergis, N. and Rezitis, A. (2003) ' Food price volatility and macroeconomic factor volatility: 'Heat waves' or 'meteor showers'?, Applied Economics Letters, 10, 155-160.

42) Apergis, N. and Velentzas, C. (2003) 'The impact of financial deregulation in Greece on consumption patterns', Economia Internazionale

43) Apergis, N. and Zikos, S. (2003) 'The law of Verdoorn: evidence from Greek disaggregated manufacturing time series data', Economic and Social Review

44) Apergis, N. and Rezitis, A. (2003) 'An examination of Okun's law: Evidence from regional areas in Greece', Applied Economics

45) Apergis, N. and Rezitis, A. (2003) 'Operational efficiency in the Greek banking industry: Evidence from the stochastic frontier approach and error decompositions', (International Review of Economics and Business), Rivista Internazionale and Scienze Economiche & Commerciali.

46) Apergis, N., Kyrkilis, D. and Rezitis, A. (2003) 'Exchange rate volatility and inward foreign direct investment in Greece: the prospects of EMU membership', (International Review of Economics and Business), Rivista Internazionale and Scienze Economiche & Commerciali.

47) Apergis, N. and Eleftheriou, S. (2003) 'Exchange rates and stock prices: Further evidence from intertemporal asset pricing and an error correction model', International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research (June).

48) Apergis, N. and A. Rezitis (2003) ‘Housing prices and macroeconomic factors in Greece: prospects within the EMU’, Applied Economics Letters, 10, 799-804.

49) Apergis, N. and A. Rezitis (2003) ‘Agricultural price volatility spillover effects: the case of Greece’, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 30, 389-406.

50) Apergis, N. and A. Rezitis (2003) ‘Mean spillover effects in agricultural prices: the case of Greece’, Agribusiness 19, 425-437.

51) Apergis, N. and S. Miller (2004) ‘Macroeconomic rationality and Lucas’s Misperceptions Model: Further Evidence from Panel Data’, Journal of Economics and Business.

52) Apergis, N. (2004) ‘Aggregate employment and sectoral shocks in Greece: Evidence from GARCH-M estimates and variance decompositions’, Global Journal of Finance and Economics.

53) Apergis N. (2004) ‘Inflation, Output Growth, Volatility and Causality: Evidence from Panel Data and the G7 Countries’, Economics Letters.

54) Apergis, N. (2004) ‘Long memory patterns in the foreign exchange market’, Indian Journal of Economics & Business.

55) Apergis, N. (2003) ‘The inflation-output volatility trade-off: a case where anti-inflation monetary policy turns out to be successful, a historical assessment’, Journal of Policy Modeling, 25, 881-892.

56) Apergis, N. (2005) ‘Inflation Uncertainty and Growth: Evidence from Panel Data’, Australian Economic Papers.

57) Apergis, N. and Rezitis, A. (2004) ‘Cost structure, technological change, and productivity growth in the Greek Banking Sector’, International Advances of Economic Research, 1-15.

58) Apergis, N. and Rezitis, A. (2004) ‘Agricultural price volatility spill-over effects: Reply’, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 31, 487-488.

59) Apergis, N. (2005) ‘The natural rate of unemployment in Greece’, Journal of Policy Modeling.

60) Apergis, N. and S. Miller (2005) ‘Money volatility and output volatility: any asymmetric effects? Evidence from conditional measures of volatility’, Journal of Economic Studies.

61) Apergis, N. (2006) ‘Housing prices and the macroeconomy: Evidence from a panel of European Mediterranean countries’, Indian Journal of Economics & Business, 5, 1.

62) Apergis, N. and A. Rezitis (2007) ‘Spillover effects in agricultural prices: A panel cointegration and causality approach’, Journal of Agricultural and Food Economics.

63) Apergis, N., C. Katrakilidis, and N. Tabakis (2006) ‘Dynamic linkages between FDI inflows and domestic investment: A panel cointegration approach ‘, Atlantic Economic Journal.

64) Αpergis, N., I. Filippidis, and Economidou, C. (2007) ‘Financial deepening and economic growth linkages: a panel data analysis’, Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv).

65) Apergis, N. and Miller, S. (2007), ‘Consumption Asymmetry and the Stock Market: Empirical Evidence’, Economics Letters

66) Apergis, N. and Alexakis, P. (2008) ‘Stock returns and expected output: evidence from the G7 economies’, International Journal of Economic Research.

67) Apergis, N., Miller, S., Panethimitakis, A. and Vamvakidis, T. (2009, forthcoming) ‘Inflation Targeting and Output Growth: Evidence from Aggregate European Data”, Economic and Financial Modelling.

68) Apergis, N., Lyroudi, K. and McCarty, D. (2007) ‘The role of liquidity for the UK companies: A panel cointegration and causality approach’, Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics.

69) Apergis, N. and Theodosiou, Ι. (2007) ‘The employment-wage relationship: was Keynes right after all?’, American Review of Political Economy

70) Apergis, N. and S. Miller (2007) ‘Total factor productivity and monetary policy: Evidence from conditional volatility’, International Finance.

71) Apergis, N. (2009) ‘Foreign direct investment inward and outward: Evidence from panel data, developed and developing economies, open and closed economies’, The American Economist, 53.

72) Apergis, N., C. Katrakalidis and N. Tambakis (2007) ‘Foreign Direct Investment Inward and Foreign Direct Investment Outward; Evidence from Panel Data, Indian Development Review: An International Journal of Development Economics.

73) Apergis, N., K. Lyroudi and A. Sfetsos (2007) ‘Private and Government Consumption in Transitional Economies: A Panel Data Analysis’, Journal of Economic Development.

74) Apergis, N. (2008) ‘Foreign Direct Investment Inward and Foreign Direct Investment Outward: Evidence from Panel Unit Root and Cointegration Tests with a Certain Number of Structural Changes’ Global Economy Journal (published by Berkley University)

75) Apergis, N., Economidou C. and Phillipidis, I. (2008) ‘Innovation, Technology Transfer and Labor Productivity Linkages: Evidence from a Panel of Manufacturing Industries, Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv).

76) Apergis, N., Lyroudi, K. and Vamvakidis, A. (2008) ‘The relationship between FDI and economic growth: Evidence from transition countries’, Transition Studies Review, 15, 37-51.

77) Apergis, N. and J. Payne (2009) ‘Energy consumption and economic growth in Central America: Evidence from a panel cointegration and error correction model’, Energy Economics, 31, 211-216.

78) Apergis, N. and Eleftheriou, S. (2009, forthcoming) ‘Firm profitability and stock returns: Is there any role of the firm size? A panel data approach’, International Journal of Economic Issues.

79) Αpergis, N., Economidou, C. and Phillipidis, J. (2009, forthcoming) ‘International technology spillovers, human capital and productivity linkages: Evidence from the industrial sector’, Empirica.

80) Apergis, N. and Ventouris, L. (2009, forthcoming) ‘Asymmetries in monetary policy’, International Journal of Economic Research

81) Apergis, N. and J. Payne (2009) ‘Energy consumption and economic growth: Evidence from the commonwealth of independent states’, Energy Economics, 31, 641-647.

82) Apergis, N. and S. Miller (2009, forthcoming) ‘Do structural oil-market shocks affect stock prices?’, Energy Economics.

83) Apergis, N. and J. Payne (2009) ‘CO2 Emissions, Energy Usage, and Output in Central America’, Energy Policy, 37, 3282-3286.