June 5, 2012 Special Council Meeting
City of Oronoco
Special City Council Meeting Agenda
June 5, 2012
Mayor Kevin McDermott called to order at 6:35 pm.
Mayor Kevin McDermott, Councilor Skyler Breitenstein, Councilor Nathan Hartung, Clerk Sandy Jessen, and Auditor Tom Cummings. Absent Councilor Scott Keigley, Councilor Doug Gillard.
- 2011 Financial Statement Workshop
Tom Cummings: discussion on audit packet. General Fund and Water Fund: Tom went through both the general and water fund. The general fund has borrowed money to the water fund and that along with flood recovery costs have depleted the city reserves. The general government and finance and administration tie out. Legal fees for the water project are over budget. The fire department wages are over but that was reimbursed the previous year from FEMA for flood work. The capital outlay for the fire department was reimbursed from insurance. Lake Shady Ave rehab was also reimbursed in the previous year by MNDOT. The city has also had additionalcost with the Fire Relief for state aid. The water fund is not sustaining itself and PFA will want proof that it is being ran like a business and making money. There have been additional engineering fees. The well is depreciated over 40 years but its life span is only 25 – 30 years. Tom supplied council with a five year comparison of the city’s spending and other than unforeseen costs with the flood and legal issues the city’s spending has been even. Mayor Kevin McDermott thanked tom. Councilor Nathan Hartung motioned to approve the financial statements Councilor Skyler Breitenstein second; all in favor, motion carried.
- City Shop
The Stolp shed has a 30# snow load and 80mph wind load, state code requires a 50# snow load and a 90mph wind load. Get a price to reinforce the shop and bring to current load of 50 and 90. It would be rehabbing a depreciated building; it’s too bad it doesn’t meet load requirements; we couldn’t take advantage of a building last year for the same reason. It may be futile to have an engineer go and bid it. Great location; couldn’t even use for just storage. Need to look at different avenues. Mayor Kevin McDermott;it is disappointing. Councilor Nathan Hartung; last year was disheartening as well. Mayor Kevin McDermott; no options for this meeting, we will bring up at the Regular City Council Meeting.
- Oronoco Park
Councilor Skyler Breitenstein and Mayor Kevin McDermott have put together a position description, and Mayor Kevin McDermott has spoken to Cain as well. He will fill this role. Some things that were emphasized were that it may not be 24 /7 and that community members would help out as well. Mayor Kevin McDermott it was approved at $300 at the last meeting and it was discussed to bump it $425. General maintenance is done during the day and it would be about half the pay for the extra position after regular hours. It will be 5 months of the year at the present have of a trial of May thru September. We will then reevaluate. Install gates and open and close gates during off season. See how the position goes through the season. See where we’re at the end of September. This is a transition. We will get coverage for the busy season. Hours per week; it would be the presence there. Not a lot of additional duties check bathrooms, clean up garbage. Councilor Skyler Breitenstein; regard to reservations for rental and camping reservations that will be covered as well. Also, coverage during special events: Memorial Day, 4th of July, NNO, DOGR, and Labor Day. List projects needed for budget. For the roof we will utilize volunteers. Get monitors in the house right away. Councilor Nathan Hartung motioned to approve the Oronoco park caretaker for $425 per month times five months $2125, Councilor Skyler Breitenstein second; all in favor motion carried.A contract will need to be signed. He will start when required. Councilor Nathan Hartung motioned to have Attorney Fred Suhler draw up a contract for the new caretaker all in favor, motion carried. Set special meeting; issue with getting enough councilors. Check with others for Tuesday June12th 6:30pm. Clerk Sandy Jessen will check with Attorney Fred Suhler to make sure he can have it ready.
Councilor Nathan Hartung motioned to adjourn 7:50pm Councilor Skyler Breitenstein second; all in favor, motion carried.
City Clerk Mayor