Mrs. Hebatullah Awwad

Personal Information / -Nationality: Jordanian
-Sex: Female
-Marital status: Married.
-Number of Children: 3.
-Date of Birth: April, 25,1979
-Place of Birth: Kuwait
-Address: Jordan - Amman
-Phone: 079 5 009 984

Education / Period / Institute / Country / Degree/Major / Average / Grade
2014-now / University of Jordan / Jordan / PhD in CS / 3.75 / Excellent
2003-2006 / University of Jordan / Jordan / Master in CS / 3.45 / Very Good
1997-2001 / University of Jordan / Jordan / Bachelor in CS / 3.01 / Very Good
1996-1997 / NorthRussifaHigh School / Jordan / Tawjihi Certificate/Scientific branch / 94.4 / Excellent
Languages / Language / Reading / Writing / Speaking
Arabic / Excellent / Excellent / Excellent
English / Excellent / Very Good / Very Good
Work experience / Period / Company/ Institute / Country / Title
Sep, 2006 – Sep, 2014 / ZarqaUniversity / Jordan / Instructor
March, 2001 – Sep, 2006 / ZarqaUniversity / Jordan / LabSupervisor
Teaching Experiences / -Computer Skills I (windows and Introduction to MS office)
-Computer Skills II (MS Access)
-Internet and Computer Applications (advanced MS office, HTML)
-Computer Programming I (Introduction to JAVA Language)
-Computer Programming II (advanced JAVA Language)
-Computer Information System
-Digital Logic Design
-Data Base
-Data Structure
-Discrete Mathematics
-Computer Algorithms Analysis and Design
-Operation Research
Published Paper / -Ala'a Al-Shaikh, Hebatallah Khattab, Asma Moubaiddin, and Nadim Obeid, (2017), "A Defeasible Description Logic for Representing Bibliographic Data", Springer, Social media Shaping e-Publishing and Academia, pp: 95-105.
-Ala'a Al-Shaikh, Hebatallah Khattab, Ahmad Sharieh, Azzam Sleit, (2016) "Resource Utilization in Cloud Computing as an Optimization Problem", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 7, No. 6.
-Amer Abu Salem, and Hebatallah Khattab, (2016), "Texture images: analysis, classification and comparison study", International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol. 14, No. 5.
-Qatawneh Mohammad and Hebatallah Khattab (2015), "New Routing Algorithm for Hex-Cell Network", International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 295-306.
-Amer Abu Salem, and Hebatallah Khattab, (2014), "Mobile Ad-hoc Network Simulators, A Survey and Comparisons", International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology, Vol. 9.
-Fawaz Al-zghoul, Hebatallah Khattab. and Mahmoud Karazoon, (2005)"University of Jordan Case Tool (Uj-Case-Tool) for Database Reverse Engineering", J. of World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology, 9, 28-31,
References / -Prof. Ahmad Al-Sharieh, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, Phone: +962 6 5355000, e_mail: .
-Prof. Azzam Sleit, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, Phone: +962 6 5355000, e_mail: .
-Prof. Nadim Obeid, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, Phone: +962 6 5355000, e_mail: .
-Prof. Ezz_eddin Hattab,Al Dar University College, Dubai, UAE, e_mail:.
-Dr. Mohammad Hassan, Zarqa University, Zarqa, Jordan, Phone: +962 5 3821100, e_mail: .