Application for
The MacQuarrie Fellowship
Please fill in all sections 1 to 13 as well as the Diversity Monitoring Form. If applying by post, please write in black ink so the form can be photocopied. Sign and date the declaration at the back of this form and the other forms. Include a covering letter of not more than 800 words with your application to give us more information about you and tell us why you want to be considered for the MacQuarrie Fellowship.
If you have a disability and require this form in an alternative format or would like assistance with any part of the application process or at interview, please contact our HR Manager.
1. Personal Details
First Names / Telephone (home)
Telephone (work)
Previous Surname (if any) / Telephone (mobile)
Address (in full) / Previous Address (if any)
Postcode / Postcode
GTCS Registration number:
(If a registered teacher) / Details of any other relevant professional registration:
Do you hold a valid driving licence for use in the UK? / Yes/No
Are you related to any member of Governing Council or anyone already employed by the School or any pupil at the School? / Yes/No
If yes, please give details:
When were you a pupil at George Watson’s College:
2. Courses of Study
Current (or most recent) course of study
Name of University (and address) / Name of CourseDegree Level (eg BSc/MSc) / Name of Academic Supervisor
Brief Outline of Study
Degree Award (if known) / Date Degree to be Confirmed
Course of study for which the Fellowship will be used to fund
Name of University (and address) / Name of CourseDegree Level (eg MSc/PhD) / Name of Academic Supervisor
Brief Outline of Study
3. Any Previous Employment
Have you previously worked for George Watson’s College? / Yes/NoPlease list all previous employment starting with the most recent.
Name and Address of Employer / Dates / Job Title and details
From / To
4. Periods not in Employment
If you have had any breaks in employment since leaving school, please give dates and details of your activities during these times e.g. unemployment, raising a family, study, voluntary work etc.
Dates / Reason for BreakFrom / To
5. School Education (including George Watson’s College)
Name and Address of School/College / Summary of Qualifications gained6. Further and Higher Education
Universityor other Awarding Body / Title of Degree or Diploma Pass or Honours
Class and Division / Dates Studied / Date of Award
From / To
7. Professional Studies
Place of Studyand Awarding Body / Title of Qualification Gained / Dates Studied / Date of Award
From / To
Date of first registration with GTCS
Teaching Posts only
8. Other Significant Professional Development Activity or Training
Date(s) / Organising Body / Brief description of activity9. References
Please give the names and contact details of two people who have known you in a professional or academic capacity and who have agreed to support your application. One of these referees must be your current (or most recent) academic supervisor. George Watson’s College may approach these referees before shortlisting for interview unless you indicate otherwise.
First Referee
Title / Name / TelephoneOrganisation
Occupation / Fax no
Address (in full) / E-mail address
How do they know you?
Post code / May we contact before shortlisting?
Second Referee
Title / Name / TelephoneOrganisation
Occupation / Fax no
Address (in full) / E-mail address
How do they know you?
Post code / May we contact before shortlisting?
10. Criminal Convictions
The appointment of staff who may have contact with, or access to children or vulnerable adults will be subject to the receipt of a satisfactory PVG Check from Disclosure Scotland. However, a conviction for an offence which is not relevant to the protection of children may not preclude the appointment of an applicant who is otherwise qualified for the post.
Applicants who have a conviction for a criminal offence must declare it in a letter addressed to the Principal and placed in a separate envelope marked “Private and Confidential” and enclosed with this application. This will only be seen by the Principal and then destroyed. In deciding whether a conviction is relevant, the Principal will consider the nature of the offence, how long ago and at what age it was committed and any other relevant factors, such as whether or not there has been a pattern of offending.
The Principal is unlikely to consider a person suitable for employment in the School if that person has been found guilty of a serious offence involving violence or dishonesty, any sexual offence, any offence involving Class A drugs or the supply of any other illegal drug, or any violent offence against children.
Please make the following declaration and type 'X' in the appropriate box.
I have read the statement about Criminal Convictions and I hereby declare that:
I have nothing to declare
I have information to declare and I have attached a sealed envelope containing details
11. Asylum & Immigration Act 1996
Employers have a duty to prevent illegal working in the UK by carrying out document checks on individuals before employing them. The successful applicant, or short-listed applicants, will be required to produce, original, acceptable documents evidencing their right to work in the UK.
12. Declaration
I understand that any offer of a Fellowship will be subject to the information on this application form being complete and correct. I authorise the Governors of George Watson’s College or any person acting on their behalf to make any checks which may be necessary in relation to the post I have applied for. False information, or a failure to supply the details required in this application form could make an offer of employment invalid or lead to termination of employment.
I agree that personal data relating to me which has been or is obtained by the School, including personal data given by me on this form, may be held and processed either on a computer or in manual records and may be disclosed to authorised employees of the School or agencies acting on behalf of the School and used for any purpose relating to my application and prospective recruitment and employment within the School. I understand that information from the recruitment process will be held for six months after which all records, except for those of the successful candidate, will be destroyed.
Signed / Date