Level classification key


Wmudbrick wall

Mcollapsed mudbrick or mudbrick debris

Kmudbrick fill

Lclay fill

Smudbrick or mud wash

Hhearth or firepit


Coccupation debris


Ranimal burrow

Xmixed deposit

Nnatural surface

Iindoors (at time of use)

Ooutdoors (at time of use)


Level number Level number Phase Level description Level Indoors

as dug classification or


172/16weathered grey ashy soilCXO 2 72/2 6 ashy pit filling P O 3 72/3 5 black ashy occupation soil C O 4 72/4 5 mudbrick collapse and wash with MC O ashy occupation soil 5 72/5 5 mudbrick wall W I 6 72/6 5 black ashy occupation soil CH O 7 72/7 6 ashy pit fill P O 8 72/8 5 mudbrick wall and ashy WC I occupation soil 9 72/9 4 grey ashy soil C O 10 72/10 4 dark ashy soil with mudbrick MC O fragments 11 72/11 6 dark ashy soil, upper fill of pit PCX O 12 72/12 4 mudbrick wall and associated WM I collapse (same as 106) 13 72/13 4 weathered ashy soil and mud CS O wash 14 72/14 4 pit containing Bos primigenius PCM O skull, occupation debris and brick fragments 15 72/15 3 mudbrick wall W I 16 72/16 4 grey ashy pit fill PCX O 17 72/17 6 grey ashy pit fill P O 18 72/18 5 ashy soil with mudbrick CM O fragments 19 72/19 5 ashy soil C O 20 72/20 5 burned mudbrick wall and W I occupation soil 21 72/21 5 small pit P O 22 72/22 5 mudbrick fragments with SC O occupation debris 23 72/23 4 wash and occupation debris SC O 24 72/24 5 floors and mudbrick wash FS O 25 72/25 4 mudbrick wall W I 26 72/26 4 mud wash, surfaces, occupation FSC O soil and ash 27 72/27 4 mudbrick wall and collapse WMS I 28 72/28 4 mudbrick collapse and wash MS O 29 72/29 4 plaster and mud floor F I 30 72/30 4 ashy occupation soil with mud CS O wash 31 72/31 4 mudbrick wash with occupation CS O soil 32 72/32 6 redeposited ashy occupation soil PCX O in pit 33 72/33 4 small firepit with ash H O 34 72/34 4 ashy soil with many flints and C O bones 35 72/35 4 burned occupation soil CS O 36 72/36 4 ash and mudbrick wash CS O 37 72/37 4 firepit with ash H O 38 72/38 4 burned clay fragments and FC O occupation soil 39 72/39 6 silty ashy occupation soil in pit PCX O 40 72/40 6 silt at bottom of pit PS O 41 72/41 4 ashy occupation debris C O 42 72/42 4 mudbrick wash, plaster floors SCF O 43 72/43 4 dark ashy surfaces C O 44 72/44 4 mudbrick wash, plaster and floors FSC O 45 72/45 4 mudbrick wall W O 46 72/46 4 mudbrick wall W O 47 72/47 4 mudbrick collapse with MC O occupation soil 48 72/48 4 mud wash with ash SC O 49 72/49 4 ash fill of firepit H O 50 72/50 4 ashy floor FC O 51 72/51 4 mudwash with ashy occupation SC O 52 72/52 4 burned clay surface FSC O 53 72/53 4 wash S O 54 72/54 4 clay wash with occupation soil SC O 55 72/55 4 dark ashy soil C O 56 72/56 4 clay wash S O 57 72/57 4 ash and wash SC O 58 72/58 4 clay wash with occupation soil SC O 59 72/59 4 ash and occupation soil C O 60 72/60 4 clay floor on pebbles,ashy FSC O occupation and wash 61 72/61 4 mudbrick wall with stones W O 62 72/62 4 mud wash, ash and occupation SC O soil 63 72/63 3 mudbrick collapse, occupation FMC O soil and floor surfaces 64 72/64 4 ashy occupation soil C I 65 72/65 4 ashy, bricky soil MC O 66 72/66 4 mud wash, occupation soil and SC O hearths 67 72/67 2, 3 mudbrick collapse, occupation MCF I soil and floors 68 72/68 4 ash C O 69 72/69 4 clay floor and wash FS O 70 72/70 1 brown occupation, pebbles and CF I white plaster floor (same as 79) 71 72/71 2 mudbrick wall (same as 76, 77, W I 169) 72 72/72 4 base of mudbrick wall W I 73 72/73 1 natural clay surface with a little NC O occupation 74 72/74 4 dark ashy occupation surfaces FCS O 75 72/75 3 mudbrick collapse, disturbed by MRX I animal burrows 76 72/76 2 mudbrick wall (same as 71, 77, W I 169) 77 72/77 2 mudbrick wall (same as 71, 76, W I 169) 78 72/78 4 ashy occupation surfaces FCS O 79 72/79 1 occupation soil, pebbles and white CF I plaster floor (same as 70) 80 72/80 natural clay and pebble surface N O 81 72/81 4 clay wash with occupation soil SC O 82 72/82 3 ashy occupation levels CX O 83 72/83 4 black ash and stones CX O 84 72/84 natural pebble surface N O 85 72/85 3 mud wash, surfaces on pebble SCF O make-up with occupation soil 86 72/86 3 ashy occupation levels CX O 87 72/87 natural rock surface N O 88 73/1 4 dark ashy soil with mudbrick CM O fragments 89 73/2 4 ashy occupation soil with floor CF I surfaces 90 73/3 4 pit fill PC I 91 73/4 4 ashy soil, mudbrick fragments CM O and stones 92 73/5 3 mudbrick collapse M O 93 73/6 3 mudbrick fill K I 94 73/7 4 dark ashy soil with mudbrick CM O fragments 95 73/8 4 dark ashy soil with mudbrick CM O fragments 96 73/9 4 mudbrick collapse with MC O occupation soil (same as 97) 97 73/10 4 mudbrick collapse with MC O occupation soil (same as 96) 98 73/11 4 clay floors with occupation soil FC I 99 73/12 4 dark ashy soil with floors CF O 100 73/13 3 clay and plaster floors F I 101 73/14 3 clay floors F I 102 73/15 4 ashy wash with floor surfaces CFS O (same as 107) 103 73/16 4 dark ashy wash, floor surfaces CFSH O and hearths 104 73/17 4 dark ashy wash, floor surfaces CFSH O

and hearths 105 73/18 3 dark ashy soil with floor surfaces CF O

10673/194mudbrick walls (same as 12)WI

10773/204ashy wash with floor surfacesCFSO

(same as 102) 108 73/21 3 mudbrick slump with floors MF I

10973/223dark ashy occupation with FCO

stones, floors

11073/233mudbrick collapse (same as 112)MO

11173/243mudbrick collapseMI

11273/253mudbrick collapse (same as 110)MO

11373/263mud wash with black occupationSCO


11473/273dark ashy hearth fillHI

11573/283mud wash with black occupationSCO

soil, many flints

11673/293mud wash, occupation soil andSCFO

clay floors

11773/303mud wash with occupation soil,MCFO

some floors

11873/313hearth, black soil with burnedHO


11973/323mud wash, clay floors andSFCO

occupation soil

12073/333plaster floor with occupation soilFCO

12173/343clay floorsFI

12273/352occupation soil in pitPI

12373/363small pitPI

12473/372niche in wall 170WI

12573/383cut into wall 130 (same as 130)W I

12673/393clay surfaces with occupationLCO

12773/403animal burrowRI

12873/413animal burrowRI

12973/423floor surfaces with occupationFCO

13073/433mudbrick wall (same as 125)WI

13173/442plaster and clay floorsFI

13273/453Neolithic burialBI

13373/462Neolithic burial pitBI

13473/473hearth with charcoal and black HO


13573/482clay floors and occupation soil FCO

13673/492two adjacent small firepitsHO

13773/502floor with occupation soilFCO

13873/512occupation soilCO

13973/522clay floorFI

14073/532large firepit with white ash, HCO

charcoal and occupation soil

14173/542clay wash and occupationSCO

14273/552clay floorFO

143 73/562ashy pit fill with clay PI

14473/572clay surface with pebbles andFCO

occupation soil

14573/582clay wash and occupation soilSCO

14673/592red pebbly clay, floor make-upFLI

(same as 149, 155)

14773/602white ash and occupation soilCO


14973/622red pebbly clay, floor make-upFLI

(same as 146,155)

15073/632ashy mud washSCO

15172/642clay wash and occupation soil,SCO


15272/652mud wash and ashesSCO

15373/661occupation with ashy patchesSCO

and wash

15473/671hearth, black occupation soilHI

15573/682clay floor on hard pebbly baseFLI

(same as 146, 149)

15673/691occupation soilCO

(same as 158, 159)

15773/701 clay floor (same as 155)FO

15873/711occupation soil CO

(same as 156, 159)

15973/721ashy occupation soilCO

(same as 156, 158)

160 73/731clay floor on hard pebbly baseFCO

with occupation soil

16173/741red clayFI

16273/752bottom of pit, beneath 122PI

16373/762mud wash and occupation soilSCO

16473/771ashy occupation soilCO

16573/782red pebbly clay fill LI

(same as 167,171)

16673/792mud wash, surfaces and SFCO

occupation soil

16773/802red pebbly clay fill LI

(same as 165, 171)

16873/812occupation soilCI

16973/822mudbrick wall (same as 71, 76, WI

79) 170 73/83 2 mudbrick wall W I

17173/842red pebbly clay fill with LCI

occupation soil (same as 165, 167)

17273/852occupation soilCI

17373/861ashy occupation soilCO

17473/872mud wash and ashy occupation SCO


17573/882clay wash and occupation soilSCO

17673/891ashy pit fillingPCO

17773/901hard red pebbly surfaceFO

17873/912brown occupation soilCO

17973/921dark soil in bottom of pitPCO

18073/932brown occupation soil and washCO

(same as 181)

18173/942brown occupation soil and washCO

(same as 180)

182 73/951white plaster floorFI

183 73/962mudbrick wallWI