Time of Prayer (February 2011)
Living under the gaze of the Holy Family by asking especially the accompaniment of the Virgin Mary, during the meditation of the Joyful Mysteries that are prayed on Monday and Saturday, I present to God the intentions of all the ordained ministers in the Church, country leaders, educators, parents, and all those who recommend themselves to my prayers. (Personal intentions)
“The sacred art of the Rosary, writes Father Monsabré, consists of reciting devotedly the prayers, while the soul, occupied with the mystery, contemplates, meditates, savors and produces affections in accordance with the diverse circumstances in which we see Jesus Christ and his Holy Mother.”
The Annunciation
Mary listens and welcomes the word of God. The angel greets Mary, full of grace, and announces to her that she is called to cooperate in the mystery of salvation. I listen to Mary’s answer full of faith and simplicity. “I am the handmaid of the Lord.” Luke 1, 38
How many little events, in my life, are calls of the Lord! Am I listening? From Mary I learn to say an unconditional yes. Holy Spirit, make yourself felt in my soul; wake it from the sleep that immerses it; disperse the languor whereit is submerged at times, take away all that prevents it from saying yes; operate in me thenecessary changes to live a total adhesion to the will of God the Father. Let light come upon me so that I may bless your name, confess my sins, teach with love, correctwith gentleness, be quiet when I have to and be edifying in all things.
“May your Guardian Angel accompany you in your life’s pilgrimage, pushing back the dangers on your pathbysowing it with heavenly consolations.” Mother Marie-Leonie
The Annunciation: I ask Mary to open the heart of young people so that they may answer God’s call by self-giving.
First decade: 1: Our Father; 10: Hail Mary’s and 1: Glory be to the Father.
“O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, take all souls to heaven, and help especially those most in need of your mercy.”
The Visitation
“Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb and his blessing rest upon the child that you will have.” Luke 1, 42
Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth. It is Jesus who,in her, visits others. Prayerful Virgin, she gives thanks to God by a prayer of praise. Mary finds her happiness by helping others even if her situation of mother-to-be could have dispensed her of it.
Each time that I receive the Lord it is to give him. My helpful attitude wants to reveal his presenceto others. I magnify the Lord for his mercy and his love.
“Do not lose sight of God, who gives you spiritual help in abundance, and asks of you much dedication and generosity at his service.”
Mother Marie Leonie
The Visitation: I pray that consecrated persons and all who are baptized may become signs of Jesus Christ and the Gospels by living in the service and the love of neighbor. May they be models for our youth and support their enthusiasm and generosity in the service of the Reign of God.
Second Decade: 1: Our Father; 10: Hail Mary’s and 1: Glory be to the Father.
“O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, take all souls to heaven, and help especially those most in need of your mercy.”
The Nativity
“She gave birth to her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” Luke 2,7
The first visitors to Jesus were the shepherds. They are the little ones, the poor and the humble. Mary, with faith and joy, welcomed them since God sent them to his Son through the angels. She did not choose them, she did not make any selection to know who was worthyor not to adore her Son. As to Mary, the angel said to the shepherds not to fear, but to be joyous on the occasion of the birth of the Savior. Like Mary, the shepherds had faith in the word of the angel and left in haste to adore him.
Do I welcome in my life, with faith,as coming from the Lord the poor and the weak? Do I accept in my life these visits of the Lord?
“Courage in your duties, look always higher! Time is short, sufferings are so unimportant and merit stays with us. For you, my God, this work, this suffering!” Mother Marie-Leonie
The Birth of Jesus: I ask that the way priests, deacons and pastoral agentsbear witness to Jesus makes him present in all hearts.
Third decade: 1: Our Father; 10: Hail Mary’s and 1: Glory be to the Father.
“O my Jesus, forgive us our sins save us from the fire of hell, take all souls to heaven, and help especially those most in need of your mercy.”
The Presentation of Jesus
“When the days were completed for their purification according to the law of Moses, they took him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord.” Luke 2, 22
The Blessed Virgin continues the fundamental offering that the Incarnate Word makes to his Father on entering the world. Mary, you who gave your little child into the hands of a priest to present him to the Lord, give today many vocations to the priesthood!
The priest by his ministry offers the entireworld to God and awakens souls to the Lord. His mission is to open the heart of all mankind to the knowledge of God. Being a teacher, he makes the laity aware of their duty to become educators themselves. And I am part of Jesus’ offering. How often I cross friends, workers, and persons who are sad or joyful! It is the moment to unite them to Jesus so that they may be offered continually to the Father.
“Prompted by the love of the Lord and the priest… I had but one desire: TO SERVE, ALWAYS TO SERVE!” Mother Marie-Leonie
The Presentation of Jesus in the temple: I pray that He becomes the model of all the men and women who are making a step towards a final commitment. Keep them strong and generous.
Fourth decade: 1: Our Father; 10: Hail Mary’s and 1: Glory be to the Father
“O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, take all souls to heaven, and help especially those most in need of your mercy.”
The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
“And he said to them, “Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in myFather’s house?” Luke 2, 49
It is in the Temple that you found your child. Mary, you left your young son free even if anguish made you suffer.
The priest is the one who comforts and renders peace when the trials of life have shaken us.
“Have a great respect for priests and be very grateful to them. It was the priest who made you children of God and of the Church, who gave you your first absolution and your first Eucharistic Communion…and on the last day of your life, he will again be the one to bring you Extreme Unction and therefore, to put it briefly, to open for you the gates of heaven…” (A Mother who was “All Heart” p. 269)
The finding of Jesus in the temple : I ask Joseph and Mary to be modelsfor parents who initiate their children to freedom. As good educators, may they be firm and adaptable.
Fifth decade: 1: Our Father; 10: Hail Mary’s and 1: Glory be to the Father
“O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, take all souls to heaven, and help especially those most in need of your mercy.”
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I give you my heart, and my soul.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, assist me in my last agony.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, may I breathe forth my soul in peace with you. Amen.