City of Mesquite – Delinquent File


05/11/2017 – Changes have been made to the Exemption Code Field (MM File, Position 664). This is no longer a list of the exemption names. It now contains a list of exemption codes embedded with dashes. For example, 1-3-13. See newly added Exemption Code list at bottom of this document. For this example, 1-3-13 translates to: 1 = HS001 (General Homestead), 3 = OV003 (Over 65), 13 = DV004 (Disabled Veteran 71% - 100%)

On August 3, 2015, the City of Mesquite transitioned to a new tax collection software program – SpindleMedia TaxOffice. Thus, the old data format used for the delinquent files is no longer valid.

With this new software, there are now four data files, where xxyyzz represents the date that the file was run (xx = month, yy = day, zz = year).

  • MMxxyyzz.DAT – Master File (Account, Legal, Owner Information)
  • MRxxyyzz.DAT – Receivable file (Transaction Information)
  • MSxxyyzz.DAT – Total outstanding per year. This has 3 columns: Year, Number of delinquent accounts for that year, total amount due for that year.
  • TUxxyyzz.DAT – Taxing Entity Reference. This has 3 columns: Unt, Alpha, and Taxing Entity Name. Note that for our files, the entities are designed as follows:
  • 1 = CITY

The following tables represent the layouts for the MM and MR files. Note that a date of 1/1/9999 represents a blank or NULL date.

MMxxyyzz.DAT – Record Length 847 bytes

Field / Size / Position / Format
Account Number / 30 / 0
SPTB Code / 3 / 30
Roll Code / 3 / 33
Legal Description / 124 / 36
Acres / 13 / 160 / 000000.000000
Appraisal District Number / 30 / 173
Street Name / 25 / 203
Street Number / 10 / 228
Square Feet / 6 / 238
Lot Size / 6 / 244
Year Built / 4 / 250
Loan Number / 10 / 254
Map Number / 30 / 264
Mapsco Number / 20 / 294
Appraisal Map Number / 20 / 314
Name1 / 50 / 334
Name2 / 50 / 384
Address1 / 50 / 434
Address2 / 50 / 484
City / 50 / 534
State / 20 / 584
Postal Code / 18 / 604
Start Deferral Date / 10 / 622 / MM/DD/YYYY
End Deferral Date / 10 / 632 / MM/DD/YYYY
Volume / 6 / 642
Page / 6 / 648
Deed Date / 10 / 654 / MM/DD/YYYY
ExemptionCodes / 15 / 664
Delinquency Date, / 10 / 679 / MM/DD/YYYY
Tax Unit Codes / 30 / 689
Non-Billed Tax Units / 50 / 719
Land Value / 10 / 769
Improvement Value / 11 / 779
Value / 11 / 790
Exemptions / 10 / 801
Levy / 12 / 811 / 000000000.00
Amount Due / 12 / 823 / 000000000.00
Total Amount Due / 12 / 835 / 000000000.00

MRxxyyzz.DAT – Record Length 224 Bytes

Field / Size / Position / Format
Account Number / 30 / 0
Year / 4 / 30
Tax Unit Number / 3 / 34
Receivable Type Code / 3 / 37
Sequence Number / 2 / 40
Value / 11 / 42
Exemptions / 11 / 53
Levy / 11 / 64
Amount Due / 12 / 75
Delinquency Date / 10 / 87 / MM/DD/YYYY
3307 Date / 10 / 97 / MM/DD/YYYY
Judgment Date / 10 / 107 / MM/DD/YYYY
Suit Number / 18 / 117
Suit Date / 10 / 135 / MM/DD/YYYY
Bankruptcy Number / 18 / 145
Bankruptcy Date / 10 / 163 / MM/DD/YYYY
Status Codes / 15 / 173
SequenceTypeCode / 2 / 188 / 0,1,2
Installment / 1 / 190 / Y/N
InstallmentType / 3 / 191 / HS, NON
InstallmentStartDate / 10 / 194
InstallmentEndDate / 10 / 204
InstallmentPaidDate / 10 / 214

As a reference for the above data files, the following table represents the Receivable Type Code

Receivable Types List

Receivable Abreviated NameFull Description

1L Levy

2OMIT Omitted Property Interest

3CRT Court

4ABS Abstract

525.25(d) 25.25(d)

7LA LateAg

8BI Bankruptcy Interest

933.01(d) 33.01(d)

103206B 32.06(b)

12VIT VIT Escrow

13VFP VIT File Penalty

14VFF VIT File Fine

15ESCROW Escrow Amount

16NSF Non-sufficient Funds

17OP REFUND Overpay Refund

18CERTIFICATE Certificate

19RECALC REFUND Recalc Refund

205% DEFERRAL Deferred Amount Over 5%


22OR Pen Override Penalty

23OR Int Override Interest

24OR Col Override Collection Fees

25AgLevy Ag Levy

26AgInt Ag Interest

27VPP VIT Payment Penalty

28VPF VIT Payment Fine

29VIT Esc VIT Escrow

30V_C/S Certificate/Search VOID

31ABR Abstract Recording Fee

32AS Additional Service

33CM Certified Mail

34DR Deed Recording

35EXE Execution

36EXS Execution Service

37FF Filing Fee

38NTV Intervention Fee

39OS Order of Sale

40PSG Postage

41PUB Publication

42REF ERR Refunded In Error

43RES Research

44SOS Secretary of State

45SRV Constable's Fees

46TM Tax Master

47TS Title Search

48LG Legal Fees

49LEVEE Levee

50LF Late Freeport

51TAX COMM Tax Commission

52BEER TAX Beer Tax

53RECPT FEE Receipt Fee

54REND Rendition Penalty

55FRAUD Rendition Fraud

56EXPROC Excess Proceeds

57TAXCERT Tax Certificate

58DATAFILE Data File

59COPYFEE Copy Fee

60BANKINT Bank Interest

61LIQLIC Liquor License

62MISC Miscellaneous

63TSWS Tax Sale Statement

64TAPEFILE Tape File

65VOTE Vote

67911ADDR 911 Addressing

69PRORATE Prorate

70O/P O/P

71OT Other Taxes

72BK O/P Bankruptcy O/P

73AL Ad Litem Fee

74AF Attorney Fee

75DL Delivery Fee

76FA Fixed Asset

77JI Judgment Interest

78MH Mobile Home Escrow

79CITSRV Citation Service

80RD Redemption

81SS Set Aside Sale

82ADDREND Additional Rendition

83DI Additional Dealer Inventory

84PRCSVR Process Server

85OC Out of County

86AUTO Auto Fund

87BANKPRN Bank Fee-Printing

88BEERLIC Beer License

89SALECOST Tax Sale Cost

90STMTCOPY Tax Statement Copy

91TITL Title Certificate

921310 County Beer & Wine

931320 CO B & W Renewal Fee

941330 Comm On State Beer

951340 State Beer & Wine

961350 State B & W Surcharge

97SALELIST Tax Sale List

98MVT Motor Vehicle Tax

99MHCERT Mobile Home Certificate

100PRINT Print Outs

101RESALEOV Resale Overage

102SCERT Sheriff Sale Cert

112VEND Vending Permit

113BKATTYFEE Bankruptcy Attorney Fee

114RECPLATES Recycle Plates

115STOPPAY Stop Payment Fee

Roll Codes (Property Roll Codes)

Roll Code Alpha Code Description


0 None None

1 R Real

2 P Personal

3 M Mineral


5 B B

6 U U

7 N N

8 C Commercial

9 MH Mobile Home

Exemption Codes

Exemption Codes

1HS001 General Homestead

2OH Optional Homestead

3OV003 Over 65

4OO65 Optional Over 65

5DP005 Disabled

6FP001 Freeport

7AB001 Contract Abatement

8SW001 Solar/Wind

9HI001 Historic Site

10DV001 Disabled Veteran 10% - 30%

11DV002 Disabled Veteran 31% - 50%

12DV003 Disabled Veteran 51% - 70%

13DV004 Disabled Veteran 71% - 100%

14SPC Special

15AG001 Ag 1D

16AG002 Ag 1D1

17AGTMB Timber

18SL001 Scenic Land

19PRO Prorated

20FULL Full

21IH001 Indigent Housing

22AE004 Absolute Exemption - Church

23<$500 <$500 Income Producing Property

24AE005 Absolute Exemption - Charity

25AE006 Absolute Exemption - Government

26PC001 Pollution Control

27GV Generic Veterans

28GA Generic Ag

29G1 Generic 1

30G2 Generic 2

32G3 Generic 3

33DF002 Deferred Delinquent Tax

34DF065 Deferred Taxes - Over 65

35FZ001 Foreign Trade Zone

36MI001 Mineral Interest

37PA001 Public Access Airport

38NV001 Nominal Value

39RE007 Reference Account - RailRoad Corridor

40RE009 Reference Account - Miscellaneous

41SS001 Surviving Spouse

42IV1 Inventory Valuation 1

43IV2 Inventory Valuation 2

44IV3 Inventory Valuation 3

45TF001 Tax Increment Finance Zone

46TRIMM Trans Immune

47CH001 Absolute Exemption - CHDO

48AE205 Absolute Exemption - Primarily Charity

49TIRZ Tirz

50FWPID FWPID Commercial Exemption

51OTH Other Exemption

52CAP Cap Adjustment

53DP001 Surv Spouse Dis

54DF005 Deferred Taxes

55IFC Interstate Foreign Commerce

80AUTO Autos

81VAR Exemption Variance

82PUV Personal Use Vehicle

83SPV Sole Proprietorship Vehicle

84PORT Portability

85PEX Partial Total

86GT001 Goods in Transit

87CBD Customs Bond

88DV005 100% Disabled Veteran

89ENG Energy

90LIH Low Income Housing

91SS005 Surviving Spouse Disabled Person