Rubric for Evaluation of Poetry

Student Rubric

Starting Out / On My Way / Wow!


/ ·  vague words
·  ordinary, tired words / ·  words describe what I mean
·  Some words are especially good / ·  just the right words
·  words create clear pictures in my head
Sound / ·  no rhythm to the words
·  sounds like regular reading / ·  some rhythm is like what I want
·  sometimes the sounds reflect the meaning / ·  the rhythm of the words is like the meaning I want
·  sounds contribute to the message
Feelings / ·  my reader is confused or doesn’t connect with what I wrote / ·  my reader has a connection with what I wrote / ·  my reader gets an emotional response to what I wrote
Topic / ·  I just wrote about whatever came into my head
·  predictable meaning / ·  the topic has some elements that are a little new or fresh
·  I looked at things in a bit of an unusual way / ·  the topic is original/ new
·  the way I looked at this topic is fresh and surprising

Teacher Rubric

Starting Out / On My Way / Wow!

Poetic Language

and Imagery / ·  mundane, imprecise vocabulary
·  clichés, tired expressions
·  little use of images or other literary devices / ·  descriptive but prosaic language
·  irrelevant details or missing details
·  overuse of some words or devices / ·  precise and vivid vocabulary
·  just the right amount of detail to create images
·  effective use of images and other literary devices
Sound and Sense / ·  no rhythm or inconsistent metre
·  reads prosaically / ·  rhythmic elements, with some inconsistencies or misses
·  sound reflects meaning with some inconsistencies / ·  rhythm and metre are consistent with sense of poem
·  sound of words and lines contribute to evocative imagery
Audience Reaction / ·  reader is confused or indifferent / ·  reader is interested / ·  reader responds emotionally to poem
Topic / ·  subject is predictable and mundane or trivial / ·  topic has some elements that are a little new or fresh or treated in an unusual way / ·  topic is original
·  perspective on topic is fresh, surprising or unusual

Sandra Falconer Pace, adapted from T. Loftsgard, September 2002