Regular Meeting
Board of Education
School District of Plum City
Monday, December 20, 2010
A regular meeting of the Board of Education, School District of Plum City, was held on Monday, December 20, 2010 in the high school commons of the Plum City High School. President Kurt Henn called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Present were Board Members Gail Fisher, Kurt Henn, Shirley Gilles, Julie Gilles, Andy Wieser. Administrative staff present: Mr. Luebker, Mr. Churchill and Mrs. Gilles.
A quorum was established. The meeting was properly noticed by posting the time, date, location, and agenda on the doors of both school buildings and in the lobby of the U.S. Post Office, Plum City, WI. at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
Communication and Visitors:
· Visitors present: Mitch Fisher, Ty Fisher, Lori Martin, Annie Luebker, Kathy Luebker, Kevin & Pat Coulson, Denny Iverson, Molly Karshbaum, Todd Glaus, Tom Stoudt, Kelly and Heather VonHoltum.
Approval of Consent Agenda:
Approval of Consent Agenda: Motion by Shirley Gilles and second by Andy Wieser to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried.
· November 15, 2010 Regular Meeting Minutes
· Treasurer’s Report:
Revenues Expenditures
Fund 10 $255,518.11 Net Payroll $110,633.51
Fund 27 $ 9,035.00 Payroll clearing $ 68,060.32
Fund 50 $ 12,024.35 Bills $122,495.87
Total Revenues: $276,577.46 Total Expenditures: $301,189.70
Investment Balances (CD) $100,000
Fund 10 Balance as of October 31, 2010: $159,067.83
Fund 38/39 Balance as of October 31, 2010: $7,125.14
§ January 17, 2011 Regular Board Meeting Notification 7:00 pm
§ Jana Derricks Middle School Girls Basketball Coach
New Business:
· Motion by Andy Wieser and second by Julie Gilles to approve the consideration and approval of bills. Motion carried.
Administrative reports:
· Mr. Churchill presented the activity account.
· Mr. Churchill presented the transportation report.
· Mr. Churchill informed the Board of several student activities that have taken place.
C.E.S.A Business:
· Mr. Luebker informed the Board he continues to work with CESA 11 in rolling out the Common Core Standards.
· The Plum City Elementary School will be going “virtually” everywhere as the Northern Lights Network’s portable video conferencing device will be used in the district in December and January. Students will be taking virtual field trips to a variety of destinations.
W.A.S.B. Business:
· Gail Fisher shared information from the 2010 Legislative Advocacy Conference
· The Board will review and discuss the WASB Resolutions at the January 17 regular board meeting.
Other Business:
· Motion by Shirley Gilles and second by Gail Fisher to enter into closed session at 6:45 p.m. Roll call vote was unanimous.
Executive Session: Under Wisconsin State Statute19.85 1c), the Board will enter closed session for the purposes of considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation of data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.
· The Board will discuss administrative contracts.
· Motion by Shirley Gilles and second by Julie Gilles to return to open session at 9:25 p.m. Roll call vote was unanimous.
o Motion by Andy Wieser and second by Julie Gilles to offer a one year contract for the Superintendent/Elementary Principal with language changes and an 8% reduction in salary. Motion carried 4-1.
· Motion by Julie Gilles and second by Andy Wieser to adjourn at 9:25 p.m. Roll call vote was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
Shirley Gilles, Clerk