National Naval Officers Association
Quantico Chapter
General BodyMeeting @ 1700 Lejeune Hall
8 October 2008
- Prayerwas given.
- Welcome- Col Lewis welcomed all meeting attendees and had attendees introduce themselves.
- REVIEW - September Meeting Minutes were tabled in the absence of the Secretary
- Treasurer – No Report
- Membership/Webmaster – No Report
- Public Affairs – Maj McGill discussed her attendance at the 2008 Fall Gathering where minority general officers from all the services came together.
- Scholarship – Ms Martin-Rivers’ turnover is complete and has begun contacting school scholarship points of contact. She also is working to update the business letters.
- Chaplain – LTC Elmore updated on progress with MCCS for the Adopt-A-Family activity for Thanksgiving and Christmas. He announced the memorial for Capt Melton. There is a community program, Food Share, which provides a needing family in the community with Thanksgiving dinner for each $37.50 donation.
- Historian – Capt Ayres announced the Lionness Program Documentary airing on PBS on 12 October.
- Fundraising/Social–Mrs Owens announced the dates and logistics information for the Kings Dominion fundraisers. Sign-up sheets were passed during the meeting. The Dominoe’s coupon fundraiser will start Jan 09 in time for the January general body meeting. Other tentative activities include: Military Mardi Gras Ball, NASCAR cleanup in May, and VerizonCenter concession sales.
- Secretary – No Report
- Vice President – Maj Gordon has been officially appointed as the National Judge Advocate. The national quarterly board meeting provided information bags for the Historian and Spouse. The 2009 national conference has been de-conflicted with the NAACP dates; it is now scheduled for 14-17 July in Houston. Navy ROTC scholarships are still available. Anyone who knows interested students need to forward those nominations to Col Lewis and Maj Gordon.
- President– Col Lewis emphasized the importance of involvement to the meeting attendees. He encouraged the 10 TBS students attending to continue their involvement when they can while at TBS and on to their next duty station.
- Holiday Social is on schedule for 13 Dec, 1700 at Maj Gordon’s home.
- Maj Taylor provided additional information on the Mount Olive Baptist Church Gospel Concert on 2 Nov at FreedomHigh School. He has requested that the chapter purchase an advertisement in the concert pamphlet and for volunteers to staff the booth. The event is scheduled from 1300 setup for the vendor booths – 1800 shut down. The concert begins at 1600.
- Maj Taylor also requested more volunteers for the Adopt-A-School program at Mary Williams Elementary. The principal has asked for at least four additional volunteers.
- Montford Point Marine Association Mickey Finn Detachment monthly meetings – 1st Thursday, 1800 at the Mickey Finn Detachment of the Marine Corps League.
- The 3rd/4th Executive Board Quarterly Planning meeting has been rescheduled for 6 Dec, 1200 at Daly Hall.
- Capt Reeves has volunteered to conduct the Annual Audit due to National on 31 Oct.
- Distinguished Service Awards were presented to LTC Elmore, Maj McGill, Mrs. Wilson, 1stLts Toure and Torres.
- ANNOUNCEMENTS/CALENDAR UPDATES - The President remindedthe body of our upcoming events listed below:
- Memorial Service for Capt Melton, Tuesday, 14 October, 1100 at EWS. LTC Elmore will provide more information.
- Montford Point Marine Association, DC Chapter Marine Corps Birthday Ball, 8 Nov, DC Armory
- MountOliveBaptistChurch Gospel Concert and College Fair, FreedomHigh School, 2 Nov, 1300
- Adopt-A-School next visit, 31 Oct, 1300-1430, Service C
- Kings Dominion Fundraisers: 18 Oct and 1 Nov
- Next General Body Meeting: Wednesday, 19 November2008 @ 1700 (TCAQ)
- Benediction