Power Team Categories – referrals happen naturally, by chance, by accident
Power Teams within each category – referrals happen on purpose, strategically
NOTE: There is not going to be a step by step illustrated guide to power teams because every team is different and has different people, different professions, different needs. POWER TEAMS ARE WHAT YOU MAKE THEM TO BE TO FIT YOU (THE PEOPLE IN THEM). This is a guideline for what works when you get together.
Best Practices:
- Ideal team is 6-8
- 1 wins = everybody wins...all for one, one for all.
- Everyone on team can work with the same client – package deal
- Power Team Coordinator supports the formation of teams and provides ongoing support for the teams, working with the team leader for updates, successes and/or additional needs. 2nd duty is to assist the chapter in planning focused visitor days for the Power Teams as needed for growth.
- Power Team Leaders set up and maintain meetings on a regular basis, reports to the chapter coordinator monthly.
- PT prospects for missing seats and provides list to PTC to distribute to the chapter
- PT tracks stats on all referrals, including “tries”
- Can have more than 1 PT per category
- Focused Visitor Day for Power Team – one each month for 10 months of each year, with a regular visitor day in spring and fall
- Attendance is critical for these meetings
- Invite prospects to PT meeting once
- Meet monthly at a minimum
Agenda for Power Team meetings:
- Introductions – Not your regular chapter 60-second – here is where you update your team on the happenings in your business, update on progress of specific accounts you're working together, update on changes to your business in general
- Optional Strategy (attached)
- Prospecting for the team, if needed, for potential members to fill team
- Prospecting/Strategy Session for your businesses (Most wanted list) Who do you need introductions to this month? Who are you targeting and for what reasons? Who can we target together? How do we make the introductions for each other? If you can't define your target customer by name, define the sources that will get you to that targeted customer. Remember, you should all be able to service the same client.
- Strategize 60-second Introductions for your upcoming chapter meetings. Define LCD/aspect you will each be focusing on to match the targeted client you have prospected.
- Set appointments for the coming weeks.
Optional Strategies for Power Team Meetings:
- Divide up time based on the number of members present so everyone has 5-6 min. Then pick one or several of the following options for all members to do.
- Do a mini ‘spotlight’ presentation to go into depth on a specific aspect of your business
- Do a 60 second Introduction and allow feedback from each member
- Request feedback from other members (on their 60 sec., 10 min., 1 on 1’s, or generally how they can improve the refer-ability within the chapter-improving your VCP ‘rating’)
- Suggest transition statements of questions that can be used to turn a conversation into a referral for you. (what to listen for and how to respond)
- Explain or show how they conduct an ‘opening’ interview with a referral that they are meeting for the first time.
- Using the 16 shades of a referral, everyone explains what the minimum shade is for giving a referral to them and why that is the minimum.
- Discuss ways to motive your network (Business by Referral – chapter 12)
- Choose and discuss an action item from The 29% Solution to implement in the coming weeks.
- Plan joint marketing efforts.
- Create a Case Study that includes elements that all members can ‘play off’. (So that everyone has some aspect of their business which could benefit the ‘prospect’) The benefit to the PT would be that everyone sees how they ‘fit’ together in the prospect’s situation. Then strategically plan how they can ‘pass’ the prospect around the whole PT to give the prospect a more complete solution to their situation.
- Have all members complete their one-on-one (1/1) packet (pages 3-6 of the 8 page BNI document for 1/1’s) and get them to all PT members 1 week before the PT meeting. Before the meeting all members will review all other members’ 1/1 packets and make notes about which clients or type of clients they would like referrals to). At the PT meeting each member will do a 5-6 minute quickie 1/1 with every other member. (Changing partners every 5-6 min.) During that time they will focus on the 6th page (the Best Customer Worksheet) and discuss the 3 ‘hottest’ prospects from the other member’s list or worksheet. Discuss these ~6 potential referrals from each other’s list (3 from each) to confirm that they would be a good referral and that both members agree it would be a ‘win’ for the client. Then set an appointment for a 30-60 minute 1/1. At that 1/1 you should strategize how you can each turn these ‘desired introductions’ into great referrals. Map out a timeline to accomplish the introductions. The initial results should be 2-3 referrals from each member to each other member (6 on power team, each receives 10-15 referrals). This would require each member to do up to 3 1/1s with each other member. (Would you do up to 15 1/1s to get 10-15 very strong, targeted referrals over a 2 month period?)
- If there are at least 8 in the Power Team, arrange for a BNI Director to facilitate the Reciprocity Ring exercise.