Mull and Iona Community Trust - MESS Funds Distributed since 2007

Tobermory Social Club / Lunch Club Meals / £185.00
Salen Primary School / Fruit & Veg Garden / £215.00
Craignure Village Hall / Ceiling Mounted Projector Screen / £150.00
Craignure Recreational & Facilities Team / Maintain & Upgrade Play park / £250.00
Tobermory Christmas Lights Project / Lay cables along main street for Christmas lights / £250.00
Bunessan Primary School / P6 & P7 School trip to Northumberland / £200.00
Mull & Iona Junior Cycle Club / Introduce cycling skills for secondary pupils / £250.00
IOM Junior Mod Club / travel costs for MOD / £250.00
Cat's Protection / on-going costs for the work done on Mull / £250.00
RoMHC - Fiona Shannon / to purchase equipment to allow serving of hot drinks / £400.00
An Tobar - Andrea Sayers / to run 5 fun in the sun events / £400.00
Bunessan Hall - Fiona Capper / to sand back and reseal the hall floor / £500.00
Tobermory Golf Club Junior Section / continue development of junior golf through coaching sessions / £400.00
Animal Aid - Elizabeth McLean / to continue with animal rescue work / £250.00
Young Musicians of Mull / to continue work to bring young musicians together / £500.00
Western Isles Yacht Club / to replace sails and carry out maintenance on 11 dinghies / £400.00
Dervaig Toddlers - Rae Tiernan / to purchase toys, equipment, arts and crafts / £350.00
Salen Mother and Toddler Group / to assist with cost of day trips, and buy new equipment / £250.00
Tobermory Primary Department / purchase resources for an outside classroom space / £500.00
Dervaig Community Hall / to purchase a new dimmer and lighting desk / £250.00
Tobermory Playgroup / to purchase new books for library and story telling / £400.00
Iona Primary School / Geological map of the island and bronze charts, / £400.00
Iona Noughts and Tots / Provide weekly activities and purchase equipment / £325.00
Gaelic Choir / £200.00
Mull Slaughterhouse / £500.00
Mull Guides, Brownies & Rainbows / £400.00
Mull Pony Club / £280.00
Craignure Golf Club / £290.00
Craleagn Mhuile / £500.00
Bunessan Primary School Trip / £500.00
NOMADS / Panto Costumes / £500.00
Salen WW1 Memorial Fund / £500.00
Pennyghael Community Association / £450.00
Pennyghael in the Past / £500.00
Mull Rugby Club / £500.00
Mull Guide Association / To send Assistant Guide, Natalie Livingstone, to represent Scotland in India / £400.00
Young Musicians of Mull (YMM) / YYM provides musical tuition for people of all ages from Mull & Iona. YYM / £500.00
Ross of Mull & Brolas Playgroup / Seeking funds to cover the rent of the hall for 2010 and to fund activities for the children / £300.00
Salen SWRI / Have a Christmas Lunch for the senior citizens / £500.00
Tobermory Toddler Group / Purchase new toys & equipment for toddler group; currently most of our income / £300.00
The Iona Housing Partnership / Legal fees in order to purchase the land on Iona for new Housing / £300.00
Mendelssohn on Mull Trust / Hold a summer school for the children of Mull (mostly string players) / £200.00
Cats Protection / To continue to try and keep the number of feral cats on Mull down. / £185.00
Iona Noughts & Tots / Funds to pay for renting village hall / £300.00
Mull & Morvern Agricultural Society / New show ground fence & hurdles for sheep pens / £500.00
Mull Beekeepers Association / Set up and maintain an association apiary for teaching and to breed local bees / £465.00
Glen Iosal Sheltered Housing / To purchase a wheelchair for the less able to enable them to participate in outings / £350.00
Mull Theatre / Provide demountable modular seating for our auditorium. / £300.00
Mull Car Club Ltd / We intend to be the umbrella organisation for operating the Mull Rally 2010. / £500.00
Isle of Mull Cycle Club / Cycling strips for Mull Cycle Club / £500.00
Tobermory High School / Engineering Field Trip to Glasgow Science Centre / £400.00
Mull Holiday Club (Aileen Thomson) / week long summer holiday club for primary children / £380.00
Mull and Morvern Agricultural Society / Benches and folding tables for the show / £220.00
Mull Museum/Baliscate Archaeology Project / preparation of a project design fur further excavation of Baliscate Chapel / £380.00
Mull and Iona Schools Pipers / to purchase uniforms for 6 pipers / £280.00
Bunessan Community Café (Diane Farley) * / Run a non-profit, volunteer run café at Bunessan Hall, / £380.00
Isle of Mull Junior Mod Club (Caroline Davies) / Costs to take choir and supporters to the mod in Stornoway / £380.00
Western Isles Yacht Club (John Howard) / Replace worn out sails rigging on yacht club dinghies / £280.00
Mull Historical & Archaeology Society / purchase a shed for tools, measuring, surveying and equipment at Kildavie / £380.00
GRAB Trust - Julie Fairbrass / To reduce the use of disposable nappies on Mull, by providing resources on Mull / £380.00
Tobermory Snooker Club (Alastair MacLean) / Purchase and install 2 x new storage heaters / £335.00
Ulva School Community Association / Run daily summer holiday family workshops for 5 to 6 weeks / £380.00
Tobermory Golf Club Junior Section / 4 trips to open competitions, to allow juniors to enter competitions / £100.00
Salen Primary School - Eco Committee / Install more water butts, raised beds for growing veg, / £315.00
Sound of Mull Radio (Adrian Fitness) / Set up a community radio serving the island / £200.00
Ist Ross of Mull Brownies (Anne MacLellan) / Purchase a display board to display their work in hall / £190.00
Ross of Mull Historical Centre (Rosie Burgess) / Purchase up to date laptop for use in the centre / £350.00
Ross of Mull Children’s Xmas Party * / Replace and renew Christmas decorations for Bunessan hall kids xmas party / £100.00
Ross Mull and Brolas Playgroup / On-going rental of premises for use by the playgroup / £5,030.00
Mull & Iona Schools Pipers / Uniforms and Kit / £220.00
Ross of Mull Community Café / Fortnightly Café's at Bunessan Hall / £220.00
Tobermory Otter Fund / £250.00
THS Youth Forum / £200.00
Craignure Golf Club / £220.00
Tobermory Golf Club / £200.00
Tobermory Primary Bird Feeders / Seed & Feeders / £75.00
Craignure Village Hall / Producer Markets Marketing / £225.00
Mull Rally Goodie Bags / Kids Goodie Bags for Mull Rally - Mugs / £225.00
Aros Hall Chairlift / Chairlift repairs / £225.00
Mull Primary Schools / P6 & P7 School Trip off Island / £440.00
AED All Weather Box Dervaig / Defib Box for Dervaig / £447.50
Mull and Iona Family group, Iona Community / Christmas Tree Festival / £150.00
Iona Housing Partnership / Fundraising campaign(buy a brick) to build 3 affordable houses on Iona / £400.00
Ross of Mull and Iona Community Transport / Purchase and run community vehicle to transport the elderly & those without transport / £450.00
Mull Highland Dancers / Hall hire and tutor fees / £200.00
Mull Athletic Club / Train 3 coaching assistants / £400.00
Tobermory Primary / Paint for hopscotch, outdoor maths clock, playground / £30.00
1st Tobermory Guides / Take 26 guides to Tartan gig in Glasgow / £250.00
Salen Primary School / Transport p1-7 to the Ardnamurchan MOD in Strontium / £115.00
Salen SWRI / Host Christmas lunch for the senior citizens in the Salen district / £178.00
Torosay/Kinlochspelve Church / Re-roof Torosay church / £178.00
Craignure Village Hall / Advertise produce markets and other costs of running produce markets / £100.00
Church of Scotland Bunessan / Erect a church notice board & paint inside Church / £150.00
Mull Rally Guardians / Run Fun/children’s games day at Garmony / £178.00
Glen Iosal Housing Trust Ass / 40th birthday street party / £100.00
Mull and Iona Dyslexia Support / To provide an outreach resource centre as part of Dyslexia Scotland, / £178.00
Tobermory Harbour Association / Replace the pads in the community defibrillator in the harbour building / £50.00
Tobermory Allotment & Gardeners / Develop promotion and publicity for tobermory allotments community project / £178.00

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