Minute of the Staff Governance Committee
held on Tuesday, 16 November at 11.30 am
in the Seminar Room, Summerfield House
Mike Scott, Board Member (Chair)
Dr John Reid, Chair ACF/Board Member
Gordon Stephen, Employee Director
David Cameron, Chairman
David Anderson, Board Member
Gillian Needham, Post-Grad Dean for North of Scotland
Kate Dean, Board Member
Laura McDonald, Staff Side Rep
In Attendance:
Richard Carey, Chief Executive
Mark Sinclair, Director of HR & Strategic Change
Clare Ruxton, Deputy Director of HR
Lynn Marsland, Deputy Director of Strategic Change
Mary Innes
Item / Subject / Action1. / Apologies
Apologies had been received from John Brett, Head of H&S, Sandra-Dee Masson, Staff Side Rep
2. / Minute of Meeting 17 August 2010
This was accepted as a true record.
3. / Matters Arising
3.1 / Staff Governance Committee – Constitution
With one amendment, the constitution was approved.
This would now go to the Board and GAPF for information and should be placed on the intranet.
4. / Leadership Development
4.1 / Board & Executive Development
The Committee noted the key points:
- A successful Board Development day had been held with positive and supportive feedback and the development of a medium to long term Board Development was under way.
- A joint Orkney, Shetland and Grampian Board Development session had been held which was well received – key outcomes included a commitment to working closer on inter-relationships between each Board’s strategy development
- Two Executive Team Development events had taken place, which stimulated strategic dialogues and developed renewed commitment to the team’s continuing development.
- The Board Development Plan process would consolidate the development needs of non-executives, executives and the whole Board.
5 / People Strategy – Measurement
The Committee noted the progress to date and a number of areas which had failed to meet the targets were highlighted.
- Review of Operational HR team – had been delayed because of issue around finance and getting vacancies through Corporate Vacancy Panel – should meet new timescale
- Succession Planning – delay in identifying right staff – meeting arranged to take forward – on target for new timescale.
- CSI Awareness Training had been carried out and reported back. CSIG had agreed to revisit the training strategy and two suggested approaches would be discussed in December and would be brought back to the next meeting.
- Induction. This is currently under review to also fit in with the introduction of Healthcare Support Workers. The issue of induction at departmental level of doctors in training was discussed and it was confirmed that this would be picked up under this review.
- Review of Mediation and Conflict Management Services –delayed. Under the PIN policy requirement for support of Confidential Contacts (only 3 for whole of Grampian). There was a recognised need for more awareness to get staff involved and for managers to support release of staff – this would only get harder in the current circumstances.
6. / Corporate Health & Safety
6.1 / H&S Work Plan
The final H&S Work Plan was approved by the Committee. It was noted that the delay was around the alignment of the Risk Management Team and the Clinical Governance Team. H&S Reps were also working on work plans for the next two years and these would dovetail into the overall plan.
The Committee noted the effort that went into producing this plan with the limited resources available.
7 / Learning & Development
7.1 / L&D/KSF Update
The Committee noted the update and the following was highlighted:
In relation to the Heat Targets, it was expected that the Heat target of 50% of relevant frontline staff to be trained in suicide risk assessment and prevention by December 2010 would be attained.
In relation to the KSF Heat target, the November percentage recorded was 64% which was ahead of the trajectory. It was important to ensure that staff were benefiting and were fit to practise. In this respect surgeries and attendance at planned team meetingswere being arranged, also looking at remote access, project plan put in place, etc. Managers still needed to take more responsibility – KSF was a standing item on OMT meetings, on the agendas of team meetings, etc.
National Trainee - in relation to national trainees generally, it was raised that they were guaranteed one year’s work only, but thereafter should not automatically go into a management post ahead of our own staff.
7.2 / Healthcare Support Workers
A steering group had been set up to take this forward.
It was a requirement from 31 December 2010 that all new staff recruited into Bands 1-9 and not currently subject to professional regulation would have to sign up to a set of induction standards within 3 months of commencing employment. CEL 23 (10) refers. Once completed they would have to sign a code of conduct. Completion enables the link to be established from recruitment right through to use of to eKSF. Work is currently under way to ensure that appropriate wording is included in JDs and contracts of employment, etc
The next phase for 2011 was to roll out to all existing staff but timings and approach had yet to be agreed.
A communication plan was in place and a global email was due to go out.
8. / Partnership & Staff Governance
8.1 / Staff Survey
As of 23 October, the NHSG response was 36% which was highest of mainland boards. The closing date had been extended again. Good work had been done by the Communications Sub-Group of GAPF and HR Service Centre in attaining this level of response.
Analysis work on the returns would start soon.
8.2 / GAPF Update
The GAPF update was noted and the following highlighted:
Careers in Transition training ongoing – noted that this was an accredited course. Issues again about staff being released to attend.
GAPF Annual Review meeting had gone really well.
8.3 / Review of DAW
The review of the Dignity at Work Report was noted and the following discussed.
- It was agreed that 8 mediations in that period of time were not enough.
- An issue around managers releasing staff.
- It was suggested obtaining benchmark activity from organisations that carried out mediation.
- Look at trends – to see if common theme – whether particular area, or individual, or dysfunctional team
- More of this type of work would result in cost avoidance
- Annual Report of Dignity at Work – General Managers were asked to support the role of Confidential Contacts plus a recruitment initiative would be carried out to seek more volunteers.
8.4 / PIN Guideline – Embracing Equality, Diversity and Human Rights in NHSS – for Consultation
A joint response would be submitted through the GAPF Ts &Cs Sub Group – any comments to Clare. Concern was expressed that it said PIN Policy but also referred to guideline and that it was not user friendly.
9. / Workforce Development & Redesign
9.1 / Workforce Development & Redesign Update
It was noted that the absence rate was consistently around 4%, although could change with the onset of winter.
There was an overall reduction of 128.12 WTE in the first 6 months of 2010 due to the reduction in the overall workforce.
Starter and leavers – biggest difference of leavers compared to starters were Nursing/Midwifery and there was also an improvement in Dental.
Turnover - rate for the whole year was 11% which was a reduction as expected.
Vacancy Management – there had been a decrease in the total number of vacancies.
Discussion around Cabinet Secretary’s recent announcement of decreasing Senior Managers by 25% over next 4 years. Guidance was currently being awaited. It was noted that a number of Senior Managers had left the organisation in the last year already.
Scrutiny Panel
A National Scrutiny Panel had been set up to scrutinise NHS Board Workforce Planning to ensure that plans had been developed in partnership and that they did not impact adversely on the quality of patient care.
The proposed NHSG submission was noted, examples of evidence were still being collated, eg SAW work, workforce planning, vacancy management, etc. It was reported that the Panel would not be making comments on the position but to scrutinise the mechanisms used.
It was recommended that a risk assessment should be built in around the areas of redesign.
9.2 / Embedding Workforce Planning
It was reported that the workshops had begun with partnership reps invited and many other services signed up. A lot of good work had been done and many issues raised. The results of this exercise would inform the LDP in March, with the report due in June.
9.3 / Vacancy Management Update
The more detailed analysis of vacancy management was noted and the Committee approved the template on how to report in future. A high level scrutiny panel was in place to oversee the process.
9.4 / SAW
An update was given on the position of SAW implementation:
- An Organisational Change Overview Steering Group had been set up to look at issues that might arise pan Grampian with regard to policy deviations
- The SAW Steering Group would continue to meet to monitor the implementation of SAW
- The SAW Executive Panel would be a decision-making panel which would meet in order to review all organisational change proposals which might result in an AfC Section 16
- This Committee would oversee the implementation of SAW and a standard report would be submitted
- Three sets of Challenge Meetings had been arranged (January, March, June) to ensure implementation ongoing.
- Work ongoing around the Organisational Change Policy in partnership
- In the report it was requested that there should be definition between post removed or downbanded.
10. / Audit Scotland Report – Using Locum Doctors in Hospitals (Simon Shemilt in attendance)
The Committee noted the audit report which resulted after a self-assessment on the use of Locum Doctors in Hospitals which covered expenditure, performance, whether strategy in place to reduce spend, benchmarking performance information with other NHS boards, whether a corporate policy in place on the use of locums, and whether the board monitored its use of the new national contract for locum agencies. At the same time linked into the SAW process with appropriate HR representation.
It was stressed that NHSG should be striving to work towards not having to use locums, not only in terms of finance but also in relation to quality of service.
11. / GMC Report on the North of Scotland Deanery
The GMC carried out a visit to North of Scotland Deanery to report on the quality of speciality, including GP education and training for doctors. They met with trainers, clients and members of the team throughout Grampian.
A summary report was produced for the whole Scottish Deanery and it was noted that the NoS Deanery had fared well with only two conditions and one requirement.
It was agreed that this report should be shared with the Board and that it should be included as an item in Upfront.
Richard Coleman, Director of Education, was welcomed to the meeting. He informed the meeting that preparation for the visit was part of his induction and welcomed the outcome of the report. He agreed to prepare a brief for the Board and to meet with Lynn, Simon, and GM.
12. / Strategic Change & OD
12.1 / CSI Update
The report of the various projects was noted and the committee agreed to this format. The following was highlighted.
- Procurement BV – on track to deliver £5m at the end of financial year.
- Unscheduled Care – refocus on some of the Emergency Care Centre work
- Maternity – progressing – work to be done around the potential model of Dr Gray’s. Fitted in with Maternity Review
- Theatres – in a position now where there is an understanding of what actually happened in Theatres – so should now be able to take forward.
- Length of Stay – this had just started looking at 50/60 bed reduction across ARI but also looking at the whole pathway.
- Community – excellent piece of work now in implementation for whole of Grampian– using model with local authority.
13. / Occupational Health
13.1 / Attendance Management (Dr E Murphy in attendance)
Dr Liz Murphy gave an update on the work ongoing in relation to an integrated approach to attendance management which included the following:
- Launch Wish You Were Here campaign – the evaluation in the pilot showed acceptance of the process and support for early intervention in long term absence. This process had been expanded across NHS Grampian.
- A new pilot to move toward an early intervention and signposting service focused on short term absence ‘hot spots’ by groups in the organisation was due to start (a bid for funding had been submitted to Scottish Government but had not been successful).
Dr Murphy and her team were congratulated on the ongoing work in OHS.
14. / Risk
14.1 / Staff Governance Risks
Confirmation was given that the new identified strategic risk – Sustainability of Workforce - had been approved by SMT and was now on the risk register. The monitoring of this risk would be the responsibility of this Committee.
It was agreed to include one or two risks per meeting in order to review and update them, eg embedding workforce planning, SAW, etc.
It was agreed that the risk of deteriorating industrial relations should be included under the Control section of all risks.
It was also agreed to take the HR Risk Plan to the next meeting.
15 / Annual Review Issues affecting Staff Governance
The Committee were informed of the success of the Annual Review.
16. / For information
GAPF minute noted.
17. / AOCB
It was highlighted that whilst the staff governance standards as reported to Committee were very much organisation focused, the Committee fully recognised that these standards related to individuals and always needed to be seen as doing so.
18. / Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting is on 22 March 2011 at 11.30 am in the Seminar Room, Summerfield House.
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