Step-by-Step Film Processing

  1. Put the following equipment into the changing bag:
  2. Film cassetted. Developing Tank + cover
  3. Can openere. Film Reel (s)
  4. Scissors
  5. Open the flat side of the film cassette with a can opener and take the film out. (Only touch the edges of the film)
  6. Using the Scissors, cut off the “tail” end of the film
  7. Load the film onto the reel. When you get all the way to the end of the film you will need to cut off the spool. (Wait until all of the film is reeled on to do this)
  8. Place the loaded reel into the developing tank.
  9. (**If you are only developing one roll of film in a double tank, place the loaded reel on the bottom, and an empty reel on the TOP of it.**)
  10. Cover the tank with the tank cover. Once you are sure it is completely covered, remove everything from the changing bag.
  11. Be sure to put things away and throw away garbage. (SAVE your empty film canister)
  12. DEVELOPMENT CYCLE. Bring the first chemical solutions to the required temperature of 68 Degrees F
  14. 12oz of solutionneeded per roll of film
  15. 6 oz of D-76 Developer + 6oz of water = 12oz solution TOTAL
  16. For two rolls of film, you will need 24oz of solution TOTAL

(12 oz D-76 Developer + 12 oz water)

  1. Consult the developing chart for the correct time (1:1 solution D-76 and your type of film. (generally, we use TMAX 400. Developing time =12 ½ minutes. TRI-X is another brand you may get from me which has a 9 ¾ minutes developing time)
  2. If you have a RED lid on your tank, remove it and pour in the developing solution.DO NOT UNSCREW THE BLACK LID!!!
  3. Tap the tank twice on the counter to remove air bubbles. Agitate slowly and continuously for the first 30 seconds. Then Agitate once every 5 seconds for the remaining time.
  4. CAREFULLY watch the time. When the developing time has ended, dump out the developer into the drain. DRAIN WELL.
  5. RINSE CYCLE. Add the same amount of water as you did developing solution. Agitate slowly and continuously for 15 seconds and then dump out. Make sure the water is within 5 degrees of the developer temperature. Drain well!
  6. STOP BATH CYCLE. Pour the correct amount of stop bath into the tank. Use the same amount that you used for developer solution and water.
  7. Agitate slowly and continuously for 30 seconds.
  8. Pour Stop bath back into the bottle using a funnel (We reuse this chemical). Drain well!
  9. RINSE CYCLE. Add the same amount of water as before. Agitate slowly for 15 seconds and then dump out. Drain well!
  10. FIXER CYCLE. Pour the correct amount of fixer into the tank (using same amount as before)
  11. Agitate slowly and continuously for 6 minutes
  12. At the end of the time, pour fixer back into the bottle using a funnel (We reuse this chemical). Drain well!
  13. FINAL WASH CYCLE. Take the film out of the tank.
  14. Put the film in the tall film washing tank
  15. Wash film under running water at 68 degrees F for FIVE minutes. Watch the temperature!!! It is VERY IMPORTANT!
  16. PHOTO-FLO CYCLE. Put the film back into the developing tank. Leave lid off.
  17. Pour enough Photo-Flo in your tank to cover the reels of film (or reel)
  18. Lightly swish it around for 30 seconds.
  19. Remove film reel from Photo-Flo
  20. CAREFULLY with clean hands, pull your film from the reel. Using two fingers, “squeegee” your film to get the extra water off.
  21. Place the used film canister on the bottom of the film to keep it from curling as it dries, and hang your film to dry.
  22. While you are waiting for the film to dry, wash and DRY the developing tank, reels, and measuring cups and put them in their proper place.
  23. Wash your hands well with soap and water.
  24. When the film is dry, take your film to the light board and cut into sections of 5 frames and place in a negative sleeve. (never cut them into sections smaller than 3 frames)