Professor JO TACCHI

Deputy Dean, Research and Innovation, School of Media and Communication,

RMIT University, GPO Box 2476, Melbourne, VIC 3001 Australia

T: +61 (0)3 9925 4993, M: +61 (0)410421960, E:


1997 PhD Social Anthropology Radio Sound as Material Culture in the Home. University College London. (An ethnographic study of radio consumption in the home in the UK)

1991 MA Social Anthropology. University of Sussex.

1990 BA (hons) First Class Humanities, Bristol Polytechnic. (Majoring in visual anthropology and graduating with the highest pass in the history of that course – 16 years).


17.01.2011 – current

Deputy Dean Research and Innovation, School of Media and Communication, RMIT University

Roles include:

·  Strategic leadership in research and innovation across the School of Media and Communicaiton

·  Chair School Research Committee; member of School Executive; member College Research Committee; member School International Committee; member School HDR Committee.

·  First CI, Assessing Communication for Social Change, ARC Linkage research project 2007 - 2011.

·  Active researcher and research leader. HDR Supervisor.

16.10.03 – 16.01.2011

Principal Research Fellow, Creative Industries Faculty and ARC Centre Fellow, ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation, Queensland University of Technology.

Roles include:

·  Principal Researcher, Moving Content, Intel Research project 2007 - 2010.

·  First CI, Finding a Voice, ARC Linkage research project 2005 - 2009.

·  First CI, The Missing Grassroots, ARC Linkage research project 2006 - 2009.

·  First CI, Assessing Communication for Social Change, ARC Linkage research project 2007 - 2011.

·  Team Leader, Research Intensive Staff 2006 – 2008; Acting Coordinator 2010.

·  Faculty Research Ethics Advisor 2005 - current.

·  Promotion Committee, School of Humanities and Human Services 2007.

·  Member, Faculty Advisory Board 2007 & 2008.

·  Member, Strategic Research Group, 2007 & 2008.

·  Project Leader, Youth Internet Radio Network, ARC Linkage research project 2003-2006.

·  Lead Researcher, Emergent Technologies and Development Communities in the South, UK Government funded study 2003-2006.

·  Acting Research and Development Co-ordinator, CIRAC, Jan-July 2005.

1.2.03 – 30.9.03 (also 23.1.04 – 8.2.04)

Visiting Fellow, Oxford Internet Institute (OII), University of Oxford.

·  Ethnographic research into the consequences of community access to the Internet through a range of UK Online and other community-based Internet initiatives - Spreading the knowledge economy: An ethnography of the role of the Internet in engaging communities.

·  UNESCO research on ICTs and Poverty Reduction, including development of ethnographic action research methodology.

·  Development of research application for comparative Youth Internet Radio Network in the UK.

·  Contribute to the teaching of the Oxford Internet Institute’s Summer School Programme in July.

1.2.01- 31.1.03

Research Fellow, Creative Industries Research and Applications Centre (CIRAC), Creative Industries Faculty, Queensland University of Technology.

·  Australian and international comparative research on marginalised groups and their use of old and new technologies, convergence of technologies for development and community based radio and Internet projects - net.radiocracy: A Comparative Ethnography of the Role of Radio and the Internet for Civil Society, Democracy and Development.

·  Development of the Creative Industries Streaming Studio and EMIT (

·  Development of research funding applications, including the Youth Internet Radio Network ARC Linkage proposal.

1.6.99- 31.5.01

Research Fellow, Tom Hopkinson Centre for Media Research, School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies (JOMEC), Cardiff University.

·  JOMEC funded Research Fellow to research and publish on radio and marginalised groups, new media technologies and audience ethnography.

·  Fieldwork on radio and the Internet in India, Sri Lanka and Nepal July-October 2000.

·  Co-organiser of the international Radiocracy: Radio, Democracy and Development conference.


Research Associate, Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol.

·  Sept 96 – Sept 98 Teenage Health in Bristol: A Qualitative Study of Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Teenagers. Funded by South and West R&D, a two year ethnographic study concerning the sexual health of young women (16 to 20 years).

·  Sept 98 – May 99 (maternity cover) Public Involvement Project. Funded by South and West R&D, a study into the feasibility of involving the public in Health Authority decision making.


Visiting lecturer at the University of the West of England's (UWE) Media Centre.

·  Designing, developing and teaching 2 modules, Recording Contemporary Culture and The Anthropology of Art for the part time degree level Certificate in Higher Education.

·  Teaching on social anthropology and audio visual research and production courses on the Time Based Media degree (1st, 2nd and 3rd year courses) including Gender and Anthropology, Myth and Ritual, Body Image and Style, Identity and Belonging and Time, Space and Exchange.

·  Examining 3rd year undergraduate dissertations in anthropology, marking 1st, 2nd and 3rd year essays and presentations.

In addition to the academic and research roles listed above, and in parallel, I set up and ran an independent research company called C&G Consultants for two years 1997 -1999, and set up and acted as Research Director for Future Radio which applied for a local commercial radio station in 1999.



Hearn, G., Tacchi, J., Foth, M., & Lennie, J. (2009). Action Research and New Media: Concepts, Methods and Cases. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Tacchi, J. and MS Kiran. (Eds.) (2008) Finding a Voice: Themes and Discussions. New Delhi. UNESCO.

Watkins, J. and Tacchi, J. (Eds.) (2008) Participatory Content Creation for Development: Principles and Practices. New Delhi. UNESCO.

Slater, D. and J. Tacchi. (2004) Research: ICT Innovations for Poverty Reduction. New Delhi. UNESCO.

Tacchi, J. and Chandola, T. (in negotiation) Connections in Disconnected Spaces: an ethnography of communication in an Indian slum. Sage India.

Book chapters

Tacchi, J. (2009). ‘Finding a Voice: Digital Storytelling as Participatory Development.’ In Hartley, J. & McWilliam, K. (Eds.) Story Circle: Digital Storytelling Around the World. Wiley-Blackwell.

Tacchi, J. (2008). ‘The Need for Radio Theory in the Digital Age’ In Crisell, A. (Ed.) Radio: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies. London: Routledge.

Tacchi, J. (2008). ‘Gender, Fantasy and Radio Consumption: An Ethnographic Case Study’ In Crisell, A. (Ed.) Radio: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies. London: Routledge.

Grubb, B. and Tacchi. J. (2008) ‘Reaching out to Communities: Creatively engaging the excluded in Sri Lanka’ In Watkins, J. and Tacchi, J. (Eds.) Participatory Content Creation for Development: Principles and Practices. New Delhi. UNESCO.

Watkins, J. and Tacchi, J. (2008) ‘Finding a Voice through Content Creation’. In Watkins, J. and Tacchi, J. (Eds.) Participatory Content Creation for Development: Principles and Practices. New Delhi. UNESCO.

Tacchi, J. (2007). ‘Information, Communication, Poverty and Voice’. In Moving Targets: Mapping the Paths Between Communication, Technology and Social Change in Communities. Servaes, J. And Liu. S. (Eds.) Penang. Southbound. Pages,125-142.

Tacchi, J., Hearn, G. and Ninan, A. (2004). ‘Ethnographic Action Research: A Method for Implementing and Evaluating New Media Technologies’ In Prasad, K. (Ed.) Information and Communication Technology: Recasting Development. Delhi. BR Publishing Corporation.

Tacchi, J, Slater, D and Hearn,G. (2004) ‘Research and Evaluation: The Ethnographic Action Research Approach’. In Stella Hughes, Sucharita Eashwar and Venus E. Jennings (Eds.). How To Get Started And Keep Going : A Guide to Community Multimedia Centres. Paris: UNESCO.

Foth, M., & Tacchi, J. (2004). ‘Ethnographic Action Research Website’. In Pringle, I. & Subramanian, S. (Eds.). Profiles and Experiences in ICT Innovation for Poverty Reduction (pp. 27-32). New Delhi, India: UNESCO. ISBN 81-89218-03-4.

Tacchi, J. (2003) ‘Nostalgia and Radio Sound’. In M. Bull and L.Back (eds.). The Auditory Culture Reader. Oxford. Berg.

Tacchi, J (2003) ‘Spaces for Freedom and Innovation’ In Acoustic.Space (4): Media Architecture. Riga, Latvia. E-LAB/RIXC & Xchange Network.

Slater, D. and Tacchi, J. (2003) ‘Moderniteit in opbouw’ [Modernity Under Construction]. In de Kloet, J., Kuipers, G. and Kuik, S. (Eds.) Digitaal Contact. Amsterdam. Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift. Pages 205-222.

Tacchi,J. (2002) ‘Radio Texture: Between Self and Others’. In K. Askew and R. Wilk (eds.). The Anthropology of Media: A Reader. London. Blackwell. Pages 241-257.

Tacchi,J. (2001) ‘Who Listens to Radio: The Role of Industrial Audience Research’. In M.Bromley (ed.). No News is Bad News: Radio, Television and the Public. London. Longman. Pages 137-156.

Tacchi, J. (2000). Gender, Fantasy and Radio Consumption: An Ethnographic Case Study, in Women and Radio (ed.) C. Mitchell. London: Routledge.

Tacchi, J. (1998). ‘Radio Texture: Between Self and Others’. In Material Cultures: Why Some Things Matter. (ed.). D. Miller. Chicago. University of Chicago Press.

Journal articles

Tacchi, J. (forthcoming, accepted September 15, 2010) ‘Open content creation: the issues of voice and the challenges of listening’ New Media and Society.

Tacchi, J. (2009) ‘Radio and Affective Rhythm in the Everyday’ The Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast and Audio Media 7(2), pages 171-183.

Tacchi, J., Watkins, J. and Keerthirathne, K. (2009) ‘Participatory Content Creation: Voice, Communication and Development’ Development in Practice. Volume 19 Nos 4&5, pages 573-584.

Tacchi, J., Foth, M. and Hearn, G. (2009) ‘Action Research Practices and Media for Development’ International Journal of Education and Development Using Information and Communication Technology, 5(2).

Kiran, M.S., Watkins, J. and Tacchi, J. (2008) ‘Optimizing Rural E-service Engagement: Comparing development-driven and entrepreneurial models’. Information Technology in Developing Countries, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, vol. 18, no. 2, June 2008.

Tacchi, J. (2008) ‘Voice and Poverty’ Media Development. 1:2008. Pp 12-16.

Tacchi, J. and Grubb, B. (2007). ‘The Case of the e-tuktuk’. Media International Australia incorporating Culture and Policy 125. Pp. 71-82.

Tacchi, J. (2005) ‘Supporting the Democratic Voice through Community Media Centres in South Asia’ 3CMedia. Journal of Community, Citizen's and Third Sector Media. Issue 1.

Notley, T. and Tacchi, J. (2005) 'Online Youth Networks: Researching the Experiences of 'Peripheral' Young People in Using New Media Tools for Creative Participation and Representation', 3CMedia. Journal of Community, Citizen's and Third Sector Media. Issue 1.

Tacchi, J. (2004) ‘Creative Applications of New Information and Communication Technologies’. International Journal of Cultural Studies. 7(1)

Tacchi, J. (2003) ‘The promise of citizens’ media: some lessons from community radio in Australia and South Africa’. Economic & Political Weekly. Vol.XXXVIII No.22. 2183-2187.

Tacchi,J. (2002) ‘Transforming the Mediascape in South Africa: The Continuing Struggle to Develop Community Radio’. Media International Australia (Incorporating Culture and Policy). No 103, May, pp. 68-77.

Litva, A., Coast, J., Donovan, J., Eyles, J., Shepherd, M., Tacchi, J., Abelson, J. and Morgan, K. 2002. ‘“The public is too subjective”: public involvement at different levels of health-care decision making’ Social Science & Medicine 54 (12).

Coast, J., Donovan, J., Litva, A., Eyles, J., Morgan, K., Shepherd, M. and Tacchi, J. 2002. ‘"If there were a war tomorrow, we'd find the money": contrasting perspectives on the rationing of health care’ Social Science & Medicine 54 (12).

Tacchi, J. (2000) ‘The Need for Radio Theory in the Digital Age’. International Journal of Cultural Studies. (Vol.3 Issue 2).

Jewell, D., Tacchi, J. and Donovan, J. 2000. ‘Teenage pregnancy: whose problem is it?’ Family Practice 17 (6).

Other publications

Tacchi, J. (2009) Book review for the Economic and Political Weekly of Vinod Pavarala and Kanchan K Malik (2007) Other Voices: The Struggle for Community Radio in India, Sage, New Delhi, pp 318

Tacchi, J., Fildes, J., Martin, K., Mulenahalli, K., Baulch, E. and Skuse, A. (2007) Ethnographic Action Research: Trainers Handbook. CD ROM version. Delhi. UNESCO.

Skuse, A., Fildes, J., Tacchi, J., Martin, K. and Baulch, E. (2007) Poverty and Digital Inclusion: preliminary findings of the Finding a Voice project. Delhi. UNESCO.

Tacchi, J., and L. English. (Dec. 2006) "Jam," M/C Journal, 9(6). Retrieved 23 Apr. 2007 from <>. (Editors of ‘Jam’ issue)

Tacchi, J. (2005). ‘Finding a Voice: The Potential of Creative ICT Literacy and Voice in Community Multimedia Centres in South Asia’ Information Society Research Group Working Paper Series No. 3.

Tacchi, J. (2005) Book review Empire of the Senses: The Sensual Culture Reader David Howes (ed.) Oxford: Berg, 2005. 411 pp. ISBN 185973863X (pb). International Journal of Cultural Studies 8(3) 377-378.

Tacchi, J., Slater, D. and Hearn, G. (2003) Ethnographic Action Research: A User’s Handbook. New Delhi. UNESCO.

Tacchi, J. and McCarthy, R. 2003. Putting ICTs in the Hands of the Poor. Short film about a UNESCO ICT and poverty reduction project in South Asia.

Slater, D., J. Tacchi and P. Lewis (2002) Ethnographic Monitoring and Evaluation of Community Multimedia Centres: A Study of Kothmale Community Radio Internet Project,Sri Lanka. London, DfID.

Cunningham, S., Rennie, E., Glover, S., Henkel, C., Keane, M, Tacchi, J., Hearn, G. and Doneman, M. 2002. ‘Smart State All Over: Opportunities for Broadcasting and Content Creation Enterprises in Regional Queensland’ Report and Recommendations to the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Queensland Government

Price-Davies, E. & Tacchi, J. (2001). Community Radio in a Global Context: A Comparative Analysis in Six Countries. (Report). Sheffield. Community Media Association.

Flew, T., Ching, J., Stafford, A. and Tacchi, J., 2001, 'Music Industry Development and Brisbane's Future as a Creative City' , a report prepared by CIRAC for the Brisbane City Council.

Tacchi, J. (December 2000) ‘Radio, Nostalgia and Everyday Life’. Media @ LSE Electronic Working Paper no. 1

Hopkinson, A and Tacchi, J. (2000) Guest Editors of special Radiocracy issue International Journal of Cultural Studies. (Vol.3 Issue 2)

Conference and other Presentations

Tacchi, J., Lennie, J. & Willmore, M. (2010) ‘Critical reflections on the use of participatory methodologies to build evaluation capacities in international development organisations’ ALARA (Action Learning, Action Research Association) World Congress, Melbourne, 6-9 September 2010.

Lennie, J., Tacchi, J. & Willmore, M. (2010) ‘Critical reflections on the use of meta-evaluation in the “Assessing Communication for Social Change” project’ AES (Australasian Evaluation Society) conference, Wellington, New Zealand 1-3 September 2010.

Tacchi, J. (2010) 'Voice, Development and Listening', paper presented at Cultural Research and Political Theory: New Intersections Preconference at ICA's 60th annual conference, Singapore Tuesday 22 June.