Table of Contents



•Player and Parent Policies and Procedures

•Coach Policies and Procedures

•Tryouts, Team Selection and Playing

•Fees and Deposits


•Health and Safety Policies and Procedures

•Unsportsmanlike Conduct Policy

•Grievance/Complaint Policy

•Privacy Policy


•Appendix - Coach Guidelines

•Appendix – Player Information and Guidelines

•Appendix – Parent Information and Guidelines


Program overview

The Lakeville South Girls Basketball Association (LSGBA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established to provide an opportunity for girls to play the game of basketball. We have two primary purposes. The first is to provide an opportunity for all girls in Lakeville South in grades K-8 to play the game of basketball, with emphasis on sportsmanship and teamwork, in an atmosphere that is positive and constructive. The second purpose is to provide more skilled players the opportunity to play against a higher level of competition. LSGBA is to develop all of its players to the best of its ability and get them ready to complete at the next highest level, should they choose to do so.

The LSGBA is governed by a volunteer board. The program strives to develop girls to be all they can be as basketball players by encouraging them to excel and maintain a positive winning spirit. For additional details, see the LSGBA Bylaws which are posted on the LSGBA website ( under the Board tab.


Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is comprised of 6 individuals. The Lakeville South High School Girls Varsity Head Coach will serve as ex-officio, non-voting member of the Board. All of the Board members are volunteers. The annual election for Board positions is in May/June. Terms are two years, from June to June. Spouses cannot serve on the Board at the same time.

Board Position Job Descriptions


The President is responsible for the overall welfare of the Association. Duties include but are not limited to:

  • Calling to order and presiding over all meetings of the Board
  • Seeing that all orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect
  • Active Management of the business of the Association
  • Executing any legal documents or other instruments pertaining to the business of the Association
  • Organizing coaches’ selection and try-out evaluation committees
  • Assisting with Board functions or Association events as needed
  • Serving as a site coordinator at one of the locations during Cougar Classic
  • Soliciting Sponsorship Donations and Silent Auction Items for Cougar Classic


The Treasurer responsible for managing the finances, and financial obligations of the Association. Duties include but are not limited to:

  • Keeping accurate financial records
  • Endorsing and depositing all monies, drafts, and checks for the Association
  • Disbursing funds and issuing checks and drafts as ordered or required
  • Providing an account of all transactions and of the financial condition of the Association as requested
  • Preparing the books for audit at the end of the fiscal year for review by outside party at Boards request.
  • Preparing the budget for presentation and approval by the Board at the annual meeting
  • Responsibility for filing all necessary forms as required by government agencies
  • Reserving hotel rooms for out of town tournaments –Rochester
  • Coordinating activities with the High School girls basketball staff and team
  • Assisting with Board functions or Association events as needed.
  • Serving as a site coordinator at one of the locations during Cougar Classic
  • Soliciting Sponsorship Donations and Silent Auction Items for Cougar Classic

Tournament Director: Coordinator, works with Treasurer

The tournament director is responsible for Cougar Classic Tournament. Duties include but are not limited to:

  • Creating tournament flyer and sending notification of tournament dates and invitations to approved basketball association contacts
  • Reserving facilities for the tournament and setting up
  • Scheduling referees, time keepers and score keepers
  • Ordering and distribution of trophies/awards to teams
  • Game bracketing, creating tournament rules and posting tournament results
  • Purchasing food, drink and other supplies for concessions
  • Creating volunteer work schedules for concessions, site supervisors, and admissions
  • Soliciting donations and sponsorships


The Secretary in responsible for documenting and reporting the information for the Association as well as the Association’s website. Duties include but are not limited to:

  • Attending all monthly Board meetings and recording the proceedings of such meetings in the minute book
  • Providing notice of Board meetings

•Maintaining forms and other records (except financial documents)

•Assisting with Board functions or Association events as needed

•Updating and revising the website as necessary

•Serving as a site coordinator at one of the locations during Cougar Classic

•Soliciting Sponsorship Donations and Silent Auction Items for Cougar Classic

•Assist with communications as requested by Board Members and event and/or even chairperson

•Assist Coordinating activities (Tip-Off Night, Adopt a Cougar, Youth Nights, etc.) with the High School program

•Coordinating activities with the High School girls basketball staff and team

VP/Traveling Director

The Traveling Director is responsible for all Traveling basketball teams. Duties include but are not limited to:

  • Organizing tryouts and posting tryout results with Secretary’s assistance
  • Recruiting coaching applicants and participating in the interview and selection process for coaches
  • Organizing and participating in the parents meeting and coaches meeting at beginning of season
  • Communicating with parents and coaches throughout the season (and off-season as needed)
  • Collecting player registration fees and registration forms with Secretary’s assistance
  • Scheduling, registering and communicating information for tournaments with Treasurer’s assistance
  • Scheduling and communication information regarding team pictures
  • Providing support and direction to coaches and assisting with player development
  • Resolving escalation issues from parents or coaches
  • Observing practices and tournament play of team
  • Creating end of year surveys and presenting results of feedback to Board
  • Enforcing policies and procedures of the Association
  • Assisting with Board functions or Association events as needed
  • Serving as a site coordinator at one of the locations during Cougar Classic
  • Soliciting Sponsorship Donation and Silent Auction Items for Cougar Classic

Training Coordinator

The training coordinator takes direction from the Traveling and In House Directors and is responsible for the development of players and coaches. Duties include but are not limited to:

  • Recruiting coaching applicants and participating in the interview and selection process of coaches
  • Scheduling of player clinics and private team trainings with organizations
  • Providing tools, support and direction to coaches and assisting with player development
  • Scheduling open gym times and providing camp information to players
  • Observing practices and tournament play of teams
  • Assisting with Board functions or Association events as needed
  • Serving as a site coordinator at one of the locations during Cougar Classic

Scheduling Coordinator

The scheduling coordinator takes direction from the In House and Traveling Directors. Duties include but are not limited to:

  • Scheduling all practice times for in house and traveling teams
  • Scheduling all open gyms that is needed for entire organization
  • Assist in the scheduling of tournaments for entire organization
  • Assisting with Board functions or Association events as needed
  • Serving as a site coordinator at one of the locations during Cougar Classis
  • Soliciting Sponsorship Donations and Silent Auction Items for Cougar Classic

VP/In House Director

In House Director is responsible for all In-House basketball teams. Duties include but are not limited to:

  • Organizing structure of in-house program and forming teams
  • Collecting player registrations and program fees
  • Recruiting volunteers for coaching
  • Communicating with parents and coaches
  • Providing tools, support and direction to coaches
  • Distributing and collecting equipment
  • Observing practices and games
  • Scheduling and communicating information regarding team pictures
  • Resolving escalation issues from parents or coaches
  • Organizing end of season tournament, awards, and trophies
  • Enforcing policies and procedures of the Association
  • Creating end of year surveys and presenting results of feedback to Board
  • Assisting with Board functions or Association events as needed
  • Serving as a site coordinator at one of the locations during Cougar Classic
  • Soliciting Sponsorship Donations and Silent Auction Items for Cougar Classic
  • Coordinate K-8 Camps with Varsity Girls Basketball Coach at Lakeville South
  • Coordinate leagues with other associations

Apparel Director

The apparel director is responsible for all uniform and apparel ordering, distribution and organization. Duties include but are not limited to:

  • Selecting vendors and organizing choices for apparel to sell and uniforms
  • Distributing and collecting equipment-includes practice uniforms and coaches kits
  • Ordering distributing and/or collecting apparel and uniforms
  • Assisting with Board functions or Association events as needed
  • Serving as a site coordinator at one of the locations during Cougar Classic
  • Soliciting Sponsorship Donations and Silent Auction Items for Cougar Classic

Board Meetings

The date, time and location of the Board meetings will be posted on the Calendar on the LSGBA website. Generally, these meetings will be open to the membership. Occasionally meetings may be closed to discuss confidential or sensitive matters or to complete time-sensitive matters. The annual meeting is held in May of each year. The purpose of that meeting is to elect Board Members and receive reports from each of the Board of Directors and whoever else the Board feels appropriate.

Board Agendas and Meeting Minutes

The agenda for each LSGBA Board meeting is available the day before each scheduled meeting. If you would like a copy, one can be requested from the President, found on the LSGBA website under the Board tab. Copies of meeting minutes can be requested from the Secretary via the website.

Player/Parent Volunteer Commitment

The primary way to fulfill the annual family volunteer commitment is to work a designated shift during the Cougar Classic tournament. Typical duties include concessions, admissions, setup and cleanup, and site coordinators. Signup shifts are posted online, typically one week before the tournament.

Player and Parent Policies and Procedures

Team Definition

Generally LSGBA will have at least one girls traveling team at each grade level for grades 4-8. If there are enough players for more than one team, then additional teams may be added. There are generally 8-10 players on a team. No Gold team will have more than 10 players. Teams shall be comprised of players in the same grade, whenever possible. Team designations of Gold (A) – Red (B)– White (C) will be made at the time of tryouts dependent on the number of participants. Teams will play at the A, B, or C level throughout the season depending on the relative competitive level of the team. It may be necessary to start teams at a lower level and move them up during the season. In the fourth grade, LSGBA will generally form equal teams that will play at the A, B and/or C level. In fifth through eighth grade, teams are formed based on the skill level of the participants.

Any player in grades 4 - 8 who tries out for a traveling team and is not selected is able to register for the In House program.

Player Eligibility Guidelines

LSGBA traveling basketball is currently offered for all girls in grades 4-8 who either reside or attend school in Lakeville South Independent School District 194. Girls from outside the district are welcome to tryout, but cannot displace a player from Lakeville South’s school district boundaries. After tryouts, if a roster spot is available, they will be placed on the lowest team and must present a waiver from the program within their school district. Deviation from the eligibility guidelines requires approval by the Board of Directors.

Following are the LSGBA guidelines for issuing a Waiver of Release from the LSGBA program:

•Per the Minnesota Girls Traveling Athletic Services (MYAS) guidelines, "... The winter basketball season is for community-based teams that are formed by the local athletic associations and schools. All-star/Open teams have their playing opportunities in the spring and fall."

•Unless there are extenuating circumstances during the winter travel basketball season, a player is only eligible to play for the travel association where they reside in or attend school in. Players who choose not to play for LSGBA must secure a waiver from the LSGBA President. This waiver covers one season at a time. In talking with MYAS, we understand ‘extenuating circumstances’ to be limited to situations where a player has been granted a release by LSGBA or the association did not field a team for players in that grade/gender.

•If there are extenuating circumstances, the family will be asked to provide a letter describing their circumstance(s). The President will be responsible for bringing the situation to the board to determine if LSGBA is able to provide a waiver.

•Players who withdraw from an LSGBA team after the designated cut-off (usually 8am on the morning of the final tryout session) or after being assigned to a team, will not receive a refund, and the President will be responsible for bringing the situation to the board to determine if LSGBA is willing to provide a waiver to play for another program.

•Players who withdraw from an LSGBA team cannot practice or play with any LSGBA team on a fill-in basis during the season. Because they would be considered an unregistered player, therefore not covered by LSGBA insurance. Players who withdraw can request reinstatement, but that must be approved by the LSGBA Board.

LSGBA Season

Tryouts are generally held in September. The LSGBA season begins early to mid-October and concludes at the MYAS state tournament in March. All teams will play between 7 – 10 tournaments each season. Coaches have the discretion to sign up for additional tournaments during the LSGBA season. The cost of doing so is an additional cost to the players’ families (i.e. not part of the registration fee), not the LSGBA.

Tournament Schedules

Tournament schedules will be posted on the LSGBA website. Tournament schedules are typically posted by the beginning of November. There is an opportunity for one LSGBA-paid overnight tournament for 4th through 8th grade teams. Information regarding hotel accommodations will be sent via email.

Player Practice Time Commitment

The LSGBA Board strives to have teams practice two times a week for 1 to 1 ½ hours per practice and participate in traveling tournaments. Teams may practice 3 times a week when they do not play in a tournament that weekend. Times for practices can range anywhere from 5 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. during the week for all age groups depending on available gym space and coaches preferences. Friday evening and Saturday practices are also a possibility. LSGBA rents gym time from the Lakeville South School District and competes for gym time with school sporting practices and events, Community Education programs, in-house basketball, adult recreation programs and other community groups. The school calendar and extracurricular activities directly impact gym space availability. After first taking into consideration coach availability LSGBA does its best to spread gym time among all of the LSGBA teams.


Players or their parents are expected to notify the coach directly (please do not ask another player or parent to give the coach a message, except in the case of an emergency) as far in advance as possible if they are unable to attend a practice or a game. Any player who misses a practice or a game without an authorized excuse may have their playing time adjusted for the following game. Absences are authorized for the following reasons, but players must still notify the coach:

•Illness / injury / family emergencies

•Official school function

•Religious education or services

LSGBA believes it is very important for our players to be the very best student athletes they can. That said; please note missing practice to complete homework is NOT an excused absence. Rather, LSGBA believes players need to learn the more important life skills of planning and managing their time. If they are unable to do so, playing time will be affected.

Coach Policies and Procedures

Selection of Coaches

It is the goal of the LSGBA to select the most qualified coaches for all grades and all teams. To avoid any conflicts of interest, board members will not act as coach interviewers specific to their child’s grade. Coaching candidates should express their interest by submitting a coaching application to the LSGBA Travel Director at the designated period, before tryouts. All candidates must complete a background check authorization form and agree to the Coaches Code of Conduct.