Mrs. Marci Phillips

Honors Forensic Science Syllabus

Overview: This course is designed to introduce you to the concept of forensic science and the key topics of study therein. The application of real world situations to the science classroom will improve your ability to relate and understand scientific concepts and the investigation process. You will apply biology, chemistry, mathematics, and deductive reasoning skills.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Biology and Chemistry

Textbook: Criminalistics, Forensic Science

Students will not be assigned an individual copy of the course textbook.


  1. I am responsible for teaching - you are responsible for learning.
  2. Respect yourself, your teacher, your peers, the room, and the equipment at all times.
  3. Academic dishonesty will result in a zero for the assignment, a phone call home and possibly an administrative referral. This includes cheating, copying another student’s work (all students involved are guilty), plagiarism, etc. Unless an assignment explicitly states that it is a group assignment, assume that you are to work on individually.
  4. There will be times in class when we use our phones. If you choose to use it inappropriately or have it out at any time other than when it is permitted, expect to put it in the center basket.

Quarter Grade:

34% Major Assessments

66% Minor Assessments

Notes and Lectures: In order to maximize classroom time, we will be using a “flipped classroom” model when possible. This means that there will be times when you will be responsible for viewing lecture material on your own. You will sometimes be given a GRADED, OPEN NOTES quiz on this material. It is not eligible for a redo.

Missing Work: You have until TWO WEEKS before the end of the quarter to turn in any missing assignments. When you are absent, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to obtain missing notes, handouts, etc. from the class website.

Redo Policy: Not all assignments are eligible for redos. This includes long term projects, quizzes, and unit assessments. Assignments that are eligible for a redo may only be redone at my discretion, and will be an alternate assignment of my choosing.

Attendance: You are expected to be in class, on time every day. If you are not in the room WITH YOUR PHONE AWAY when the bell rings, you are late. Three latenesses will result in an after school detention to be served at a mutually agreed-upon time.

Laboratory: In order for labs to be effective, students need to understand not only how to do the experiment, but why the experiment is worth doing, and what purpose it serves for better understanding a concept, relationship, or process. To achieve these goals students need to:

  1. Come to lab with completed pre-lab and proper dress (closed-toe shoes). If the pre-lab is not complete and/or the student is not appropriately dressed, the student will complete an alternative assignment in class and complete the lab analysis using mock data at home.
  1. Demonstrate proper safety techniques at all times.
  1. Participate in the execution, data collection, and analysis of the lab. If a student does not cooperate with lab members, the student will be given an alternative assignment in class and complete the lab analysis using mock data at home.
  1. If you are absent from a lab you may be given mock data and will complete the analysis on your own.

Student/Guardian Syllabus Agreement

______has read the syllabus and agrees to be held to the standards, expectations, and consequences of this class.


Student Signature______

Parent or Guardian Signature______

Student/Guardian Syllabus Agreement

______has read the syllabus and agrees to be held to the standards, expectations, and consequences of this class.


Student Signature______

Parent or Guardian Signature______