Welcome to Ms. Frazier’s Class
I am very excited about the 2017-2018 school year. Third grade can be a very challenging, but rewarding year. You will see your child make many milestones in his or her education this year. I want to assure you that I am ready to face these challenges and have a wonderful year planned.
I would like to introduce myself as Lee Anne Stone-Frazier. I have lived in Cleveland and the Black Fox community my entire life of 36 years. Yes, I was a Black Fox student! I have two boys that mean the world to me. Both have been my students as well. My oldest is now at Bradley Central and My youngest is in the 5th grade. I understand your views as a parent too. This is my thirteenth year teaching. I have taught third and fourth grade in the classroom and was a librarian for a year at Valley View.
In our classroom, your child will participate in whole group, small group, peer groups, and some individual instruction. We are using the Open Court Reading program that your child is familiar with from second grade. I will work with other Third grade teachers to provide individualized instruction geared to your child’s needs. There are 3 colored bands that the program is broken into. Green is for Phonics/Word Analysis, Red is the Reading Composite, and Blue is Writing/Language Arts. Math will consist of 90 minutes of instruction with one part in the morning and the second in the afternoon.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me by email at I will try to check email daily after school hours.
Please read the important information included with this letter. I am looking forward to a great school year!
Ms. Frazier
School Days
School begins at 7:45 a.m. Please have your child here at school between 7:30-7:45 to avoid being tardy. Students begin their bellwork promptly at 7:45 and it is the starter for our Math that day. I send all monies and absentees during this time. We will have a day’s wrap up at the end of the day. Students will write down any homework for the day and reflect on their behavior with coloring it in on their calendar. Graded Work will go home on Mondays every week unless it is a short week.
Behavior is one of the most important elements of the school day. If behavior is out of control, then learning is not possible. I use several methods in my classroom that focuses on positive behavior and consequences for negative. I have learned from experience that not all classes are the same and I tend to get to know the students to see what methods work best for them. For individual behavior, We use colored cards. The colors are as follows:
Blue-Outstanding Behavior- Will be recognized for their efforts.
Green- Good Behavior- No problems
Yellow- Warning
Red- Not a good day- Consequences will depend on the severity of the incident.
Snack Time
We will have a snack time during our day. Please send healthy snacks that will nourish your child during the day. Please no sugary snacks! :)
Your child will be bringing home homework home on the 2nd week of school. Homework is given out on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays. If your child brings home any other homework, it is because of unfinished classwork. I sometimes will send home extra practice on a certain skill for students as needed. The class homework assignments are very consistent every week. Students will copy this onto their communication sheet everyday.
Most tests will occur on Friday unless it is a Math quiz. Math lessons are assessed by mastering the content knowledge before moving on to the next unit. Reading is an ongoing learning process. All Language and Reading tests will occur on Friday unless noted otherwise. Check the weekly communication sheet to see when a Math quiz will occur.
If you are interested in volunteering, I would love the help! Let me know what kind of job you are interested in. Parent and grandparents have helped with making copies, laminating things, and literacy workstation activities. I only ask that you let me know ahead of time to prepare for you. If you can’t make your scheduled time, please let me know.
More information will be sent home about our scholar program. This gives students a chance to set goals before the end of the year. The accelerated reading program is one of the components. Students will need to read and test on books to meet this year’s point goal. Also, it is important that students master their multiplication facts by memory. They will have timed drills to help with mastering these facts. Practice at home, please! This is another component for a scholar. As always, a scholar needs to exhibit exceptional citizenship and leadership roles.
Wish List for Classroom
These are items that I will need all year that I always tend to run out of.
● Extra Pencils-I refer to as Gold!
● Snacks for those who do not have one
● Band-Aids for small booboos
● Cleaning supplies-germs!
● Dry Erase Markers- we use them a lot!
● Tissues-Spring is the worst!
Please Read and Review this letter for better knowledge about our classroom. Thank you for taking the time to learn about my classroom and policies. We are going to have a fantastic voyage this year! :)