CPD Brochure 2014-2015 - Issue 33
1.Administration...... 03
2.Index of Courses
- All Phases - Non-Teaching Staff...... 04
- All Phases - Teaching Staff (including Leadership)...... 05
- Secondary Schools -Non-Teaching Staff...... 07
- Secondary Schools - Teaching Staff (including Leadership)...... 09
3.Courses - in alphabetical order...... 11
This section contains information on how to access course and consultancy provision along with copies of the relevant forms.
How to access course provision
Once you have found the course you require
- Photocopy the appropriate Course/Conference Application Form or download it from our website
- Complete one Course/Conference Application Form for each course/conference you wish to apply for
- Post, fax or email to the Courses Desk (details are specified on the form)
- You can also apply using the online booking system which can be found on our website (you must have an approver in school – please contact the Courses Desk for further information)
Once the Courses Desk has received your application
- Once your application has been processed you will be sent either an acceptance letter or a decline letter
- If neither of these are received: please make enquiries to the Courses Desk onthe following number: 01274 385821
You should not attend a course unless you have been accepted on it.
The acceptance letter
- This confirms your place on the course and will state details of the course
The decline letter
- This states that no remaining places are available on the course and you will not be expected to attend
Course re-runs
- If the demand for a course is high, further dates may be arranged
- If this is the case you will be sent an offer letter
The offer letter
- Invites you to attend a newly arranged date for a course which had previously been cancelled or fully booked.We ask you to reply to the letter in all cases within seven days. If you:
1Accept the place offered we will send you an acceptance letter
2Tell us that the date is not convenient but are still interested in the course, we will pass this information to the CPD Manager who will try to accommodate your needs through other provision
3No longer wish to attend a subject course in this area, we will take no further action
- Please see the reverse of the Course/Conference Application Form for further advice
- If we are required to cancel any courses you will be notified directly either by letter or telephone depending on timescales. We shall endeavour to make alternative arrangements to meet your needs
The day of the course
- We wish you a pleasant learning experience
All Phases - Non-Teaching Staff
Complex Needs
Progress for Children with Complex Needs (24.06.15)...... Q1014P/16
Cover Supervisor
Cover Supervisor Training (starts 15.06.15)...... CPD14P/21
EAL Assessment
English as an Additional Language (EAL) Assessment, Induction and
Intensive Language Support (07.05.15)...... EMA14P/11
Accelerating Language Development for EAL Pupils (26.06.15)...... EMA14P/08
Differentiation and Lesson Planning from English as an Additional Language (EAL) Perspective (24.06.15).EMA14P/20
Meeting the Needs of New Arrivals (Pupils New to English) in Primary Schools (08.05.15)...... EMA14P/03
Meeting the Needs of Pupils who are New to English (with Particular Emphasis on
Pupils and Families from an Eastern European Background) (21.04.15)...... EMA14P/14
Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Promoting WholeSchool Positive Emotional Health and Wellbeing (27.04.15)...... PSH14P/25
Food in Schools – Cooking and Nutrition in the New Curriculum, the School Food Plan and
Government Expectations (03.06.15)...... PSH14P/26
HLTA Status Preparation Course (starts 16.04.15)...... WRD14P/03
Literary Intervention
Supporting Pupils with Reading and Writing Difficulties: Delivering a Multi-Sensory Intervention
(starts 23.04.15)...... Q1014P/29
Lunchtime Supervisor Training
Lunchtime Supervisor Training (24.06.15)...... PSH14P/09
Mental Health
Mental Health Matters in Bradford Schools (24.03.15)...... Q1014P/30
Multi Sensory
Supporting Pupils with Reading and Writing Difficulties: Delivering a Multi-Sensory Intervention
(starts 23.04.15)...... Q1014P/29
Nurture Group
The National Nurture Group Network Accredited Training (starts 13.05.15)...... Q1014P/32
Poverty Proofing the School Day, including Food Poverty (06.07.15)...... PSH14P/32
Quality First
Mental Health Matters in Bradford Schools (24.03.15)...... Q1014P/30
Progress for Children with Complex Needs (24.06.15)...... Q1014P/16
Supporting Pupils with Reading and Writing Difficulties: Delivering a Multi-Sensory Intervention
(starts 23.04.15)...... Q1014P/29
The National Nurture Group Network Accredited Training (starts 13.05.15)...... Q1014P/32
Safer Recruitment
Safer Recruitment (11.06.15)...... HR014P/03
Moving on with SRE for the 21st Century: Exploring the ‘R’ in Sex and Relationships and including the
Professional Development of SRE across all Key Stages (12.05.15)...... PSH14P/23
All Phases - Teaching Staff (including Leadership)
Y2 Moderation Workshop (30.04.15)...... PRI14P/85
Y6 Writing Moderation Workshop (14.04.15)...... PRI14P/70
SchoolBuilding Project Training Workshop (13.05.15)...... CPD14F/22
Bullying in Schools - Are you Doing Enough? (11.06.15)...... Q1014P/15
Complex Learning Difficulties
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - Working with Children with Complex Learning Difficulties
and Disabilities (CLDD) (12.05.15)...... Q1014P/14
Complex Needs
Progress for Children with Complex Needs (24.06.15)...... Q1014P/16
Dyscalculia - Supporting Children in Maths (23.04.15)...... Q1014P/13
English as an Additional Language (EAL) Assessment, Induction and
Intensive Language Support (07.05.15)...... EMA14P/11
Extending Achievement through Speaking and Listening and Assessment for Learning (AfL) for
Pupils with English as an Additional Language (EAL) (08.06.15)...... EMA14P/17
Early Years
EYFSP Sense Check 2015 (08.06.15)...... EY014P/03
EYFSP Sense Check 2015 (09.06.15)...... EY014P/04
EYFSP Sense Check 2015 (10.06.15)...... EY014P/05
EYFSP Sense Check 2015 (15.06.15)...... EY014P/06
EYFSP Sense Check 2015 (16.06.15)...... EY014P/07
EYFSP Sense Check 2015 (17.06.15)...... EY014P/08
Differentiation and Lesson Planning from English as an Additional Language (EAL) Perspective (24.06.15).EMA14P/20
Meeting the Needs of New Arrivals (Pupils New to English) in Primary Schools (08.05.15)...... EMA14P/03
Meeting the Needs of Pupils who are New to English (with Particular Emphasis on
Pupils and Families from an Eastern European Background) (21.04.15)...... EMA14P/14
Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Promoting WholeSchool Positive Emotional Health and Wellbeing (27.04.15)...... PSH14P/25
Food in Schools – Cooking and Nutrition in the New Curriculum, the School Food Plan and
Government Expectations (03.06.15)...... PSH14P/26
Deploying and Managing your iPads Effectively (29.04.15)...... IT014P/16
‘Inside Out’ - Science and Outdoor Learning (25.06.15)...... IT014P/20
Literacy Co-ordinator Network (Primary) (23.03.15)...... PRI14P/79
Literacy Co-ordinator Network (Primary) (24.03.15)...... PRI14P/48
Literacy Co-ordinator Network (Primary) (25.03.15)...... PRI14P/49
Maths (Primary)
Developing Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving: Primary Maths Curriculum 2014 (21.05.15)...... PRI14P/78
Maths Co-ordinator Network (Primary) (23.03.15)...... PRI14P/80
Maths Co-ordinator Network (Primary) (25.03.15)...... PRI14P/59
Maths Co-ordinator Network (Primary) (15.06.15)...... PRI14P/61
Maths Co-ordinator Network (Primary) (16.06.15)...... PRI14P/62
Maths Co-ordinator Network (Primary) (17.06.15)...... PRI14P/63
New Maths Curriculum for Y2 Teachers (30.06.15)...... PRI14P/25
New Maths Curriculum for Y2 Teachers (03.07.15)...... PRI14P/26
New Maths Curriculum for Y6 Teachers (23.06.15)...... PRI14P/30
New Maths Curriculum for Y6 Teachers (10.07.15)...... PRI14P/31
Teaching Fractions with Understanding - New Primary Mathematics Curriculum (18.05.15)...... PRI14P/86
Mental Health
Mental Health Matters in Bradford Schools (24.03.15)...... Q1014P/30
Multi-Sensory Literacy Intervention
Supporting Pupils with Reading and Writing Difficulties: Delivering a Multi-Sensory
Intervention - Overview for Teachers and SENCOs (16.04.15)...... Q1014P/31
NQT CPD - Moving from Induction to Appraisal (02.07.15)...... NQT14P/17
NQT CPD - Planning for SEN Pupils in the Classroom (11.06.15)...... NQT14P/15
NQT CPD - Professional Values and Practice for First Term NQTs (Summer 2015) (07.05.15)...... NQT14P/14
NQT CPD - Understanding and Managing Behaviour in our Schools (21.04.15)...... NQT14P/20
NQT Mentors
NQT Mentor Training (Summer 2015) (09.07.15)...... NQT14P/18
NQT Tutors’ Network Meeting (29.04.15)...... NQT14P/21
NQT Tutors’ Network Meeting (Summer 2015) (25.06.15)...... NQT14P/16
Nurture Group
The National Nurture Group Network Accredited Training (starts 13.05.15)...... Q1014P/32
Poverty Proofing the School Day, including Food Poverty (06.07.15)...... PSH14P/32
Balanced Bodies - Healthy Weight/Healthy Lives in the Classroom (16.06.15)...... PSH14P/03
Drugs Education in the Context of the Government Drug Strategy (23.06.15)...... PSH14P/33
Positive Change through Pupil Voice - Effective Meetings and Communication (19.05.15)...... PSH14P/06
Working with Children who live in a Domestic Abusive Environment (03.07.15)...... PSH14P/20
Quality First
Bullying in Schools - Are you Doing Enough? (11.06.15)...... Q1014P/15
Dyscalculia - Supporting Children in Maths (23.04.15)...... Q1014P/13
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - Working with Children with Complex Learning Difficulties
and Disabilities (CLDD) (12.05.15)...... Q1014P/14
Mental Health Matters in Bradford Schools (24.03.15)...... Q1014P/30
Progress for Children with Complex Needs (24.06.15)...... Q1014P/16
The National Nurture Group Network Accredited Training (starts 13.05.15)...... Q1014P/32
Named Person Refresher Training (23.03.15 - am)...... ESW14P/17
Named Person Refresher Training (23.03.15 - pm)...... ESW14P/18
Named Person Refresher Training (19.06.15 - am)...... ESW14P/21
New Named Person Training (starts 25.06.15)...... ESW14P/20
Safer Recruitment
Safer Recruitment (11.06.15)...... HR014P/03
Science (Primary)
‘Inside Out’ - Science and Outdoor Learning (25.06.15)...... IT014P/20
Primary Science Coordinator Network Meeting (Focus on KS2) (10.06.15)...... PRI14P/03
Moving on with SRE for the 21st Century: Exploring the ‘R’ in Sex and Relationships and including the
Professional Development of SRE across all Key Stages (12.05.15)...... PSH14P/23
Secondary Schools - Non-Teaching Staff
Complex Needs
Progress for Children with Complex Needs (24.06.15)...... Q1014P/16
Cover Supervisor
Cover Supervisor Training (starts 15.06.15)...... CPD14P/21
Child Sexual Exploitation and Legal Perspective (17.06.15)...... PSH14P/28
Child Sexual Exploitation and Legal Perspective (08.07.15)...... PSH14P/29
Child Sexual Exploitation: Exploring the Myths and Understanding the Legal Framework (05.05.15)...... PSH14P/30
Child Sexual Exploitation: Exploring the Myths and Understanding the Legal Framework (08.07.15)...... PSH14P/31
EAL Assessment
English as an Additional Language (EAL) Assessment, Induction and
Intensive Language Support (07.05.15)...... EMA14P/11
Differentiation and Lesson Planning from English as an Additional Language (EAL) Perspective (24.06.15).EMA14P/20
Meeting the Needs of Pupils who are New to English (with Particular Emphasis on
Pupils and Families from an Eastern European Background) (21.04.15)...... EMA14P/14
Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Promoting WholeSchool Positive Emotional Health and Wellbeing (27.04.15)...... PSH14P/25
Food in Schools - Cooking and Nutrition in the New Curriculum, the School Food Plan and
Government Expectations (03.06.15)...... PSH14P/26
HLTA Status Preparation Course (starts 16.04.15)...... WRD14P/03
Literacy Intervention
Supporting Pupils with Reading and Writing Difficulties: Delivering a Multi-Sensory Intervention
(starts 23.04.15)...... Q1014P/29
Mental Health
Mental Health Matters in Bradford Schools (24.03.15)...... Q1014P/30
Multi Sensory
Supporting Pupils with Reading and Writing Difficulties: Delivering a Multi-Sensory Intervention
(starts 23.04.15)...... Q1014P/29
Nurture Group
The National Nurture Group Network Accredited Training (starts 13.05.15)...... Q1014P/32
Poverty Proofing the School Day, including Food Poverty (06.07.15)...... PSH14P/32
Quality First
Mental Health Matters in Bradford Schools (24.03.15)...... Q1014P/30
Progress for Children with Complex Needs (24.06.15)...... Q1014P/16
Supporting Pupils with Reading and Writing Difficulties: Delivering a Multi-Sensory Intervention
(starts 23.04.15)...... Q1014P/29
The National Nurture Group Network Accredited Training (starts 13.05.15)...... Q1014P/32
Child Sexual Exploitation and Legal Perspective (17.06.15)...... PSH14P/28
Child Sexual Exploitation and Legal Perspective (08.07.15)...... PSH14P/29
Child Sexual Exploitation: Exploring the Myths and Understanding the Legal Framework (05.05.15)...... PSH14P/30
Child Sexual Exploitation: Exploring the Myths and Understanding the Legal Framework (08.07.15)...... PSH14P/31
Safer Recruitment
Safer Recruitment (11.06.15)...... HR014P/03
Moving on with SRE for the 21st Century: Exploring the ‘R’ in Sex and Relationships and including the
Professional Development of SRE across all Key Stages (12.05.15)...... PSH14P/23
Teaching Assistants
Developing 21st Century Teaching Assistants in English and Mathematics (06.07.15)...... SEC14P/18
Secondary Schools - Teaching Staff (including Leadership)
SchoolBuilding Project Training Workshop (13.05.15)...... CPD14F/22
Bullying in Schools - Are you Doing Enough? (11.06.15)...... Q1014P/15
Complex Learning Difficulties
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - Working with Children with Complex Learning Difficulties
and Disabilities (CLDD) (12.05.15)...... Q1014P/14
Complex Needs
Progress for Children with Complex Needs (24.06.15)...... Q1014P/16
Child Sexual Exploitation and Legal Perspective (17.06.15)...... PSH14P/28
Child Sexual Exploitation and Legal Perspective (08.07.15)...... PSH14P/29
Child Sexual Exploitation: Exploring the Myths and Understanding the Legal Framework (05.05.15)...... PSH14P/30
Child Sexual Exploitation: Exploring the Myths and Understanding the Legal Framework (08.07.15)...... PSH14P/31
Dyscalculia - Supporting Children in Maths (23.04.15)...... Q1014P/13
English as an Additional Language (EAL) Assessment, Induction and
Intensive Language Support (07.05.15)...... EMA14P/11
Extending Achievement through Speaking and Listening and Assessment for Learning (AfL) for
Pupils with English as an Additional Language (EAL) (08.06.15)...... EMA14P/17
Differentiation and Lesson Planning from English as an Additional Language (EAL) Perspective (24.06.15).EMA14P/20
Meeting the Needs of Pupils who are New to English (with Particular Emphasis on
Pupils and Families from an Eastern European Background) (21.04.15)...... EMA14P/14
Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Promoting WholeSchool Positive Emotional Health and Wellbeing (27.04.15)...... PSH14P/25
Food in Schools – Cooking and Nutrition in the New Curriculum, the School Food Plan and
Government Expectations (03.06.15)...... PSH14P/26
Gifted and Talented
Y9 and Y10 Gifted and Talented Mathematics Workshop (25.06.15)...... SEC14P/46
Deploying and Managing your iPads Effectively (29.04.15)...... IT014P/16
A2A*: Moving Students from Grade A to Grade A* (20.04.15)...... SEC14P/35
A2A*: Moving Students from Grade A to Grade A* (23.04.15)...... SEC14P/36
A2A*: Moving Students from Grade A to Grade A* (24.04.15)...... SEC14P/37
Collaborative Learning in Mathematics: Essential Development for NQTs/RQTs (16.06.15)...... SEC14P/15
D2C: Moving Students from Grade D to Grade C (12.05.15)...... SEC14P/41
D2C: Moving Students from Grade D to Grade C (13.05.15)...... SEC14P/42
D2C: Moving Students from Grade D to Grade C (14.05.15)...... SEC14P/43
D2C: Moving Students from Grade D to Grade C (18.05.15)...... SEC14P/44
D2C: Moving Students from Grade D to Grade C (19.05.15)...... SEC14P/45
Mental Health
Mental Health Matters in Bradford Schools (24.03.15)...... Q1014P/30
NQT CPD - Moving from Induction to Appraisal (02.07.15)...... NQT14P/17
NQT CPD - Planning for SEN Pupils in the Classroom (11.06.15)...... NQT14P/15
NQT CPD - Professional Values and Practice for First Term NQTs (Summer 2015) (07.05.15)...... NQT14P/14
NQT CPD - Understanding and Managing Behaviour in our Schools (21.04.15)...... NQT14P/20
NQT Mentors
NQT Mentor Training (Summer 2015) (09.07.15)...... NQT14P/18
NQT Tutors’ Network Meeting (29.04.15)...... NQT14P/21
NQT Tutors’ Network Meeting (Summer 2015) (25.06.15)...... NQT14P/16
Nurture Group
The National Nurture Group Network Accredited Training (starts 13.05.15)...... Q1014P/32
Poverty Proofing the School Day, including Food Poverty (06.07.15)...... PSH14P/32
Drugs Education in the Context of the Government Drug Strategy (23.06.15)...... PSH14P/33
Working with Children who live in a Domestic Abusive Environment (03.07.15)...... PSH14P/20
Quality First
Bullying in Schools - Are you Doing Enough? (11.06.15)...... Q1014P/15
Dyscalculia - Supporting Children in Maths (23.04.15)...... Q1014P/13
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - Working with Children with Complex Learning Difficulties
and Disabilities (CLDD) (12.05.15)...... Q1014P/14
Mental Health Matters in Bradford Schools (24.03.15)...... Q1014P/30
Progress for Children with Complex Needs (24.06.15)...... Q1014P/16
The National Nurture Group Network Accredited Training (starts 13.05.15)...... Q1014P/32
Child Sexual Exploitation and Legal Perspective (17.06.15)...... PSH14P/28
Child Sexual Exploitation and Legal Perspective (08.07.15)...... PSH14P/29
Child Sexual Exploitation: Exploring the Myths and Understanding the Legal Framework (05.05.15)...... PSH14P/30
Child Sexual Exploitation: Exploring the Myths and Understanding the Legal Framework (08.07.15)...... PSH14P/31
Named Person Refresher Training (23.03.15 - am)...... ESW14P/17
Named Person Refresher Training (23.03.15 - pm)...... ESW14P/18
Named Person Refresher Training (19.06.15 - am)...... ESW14P/21
New Named Person Training (starts 25.06.15)...... ESW14P/20
Safer Recruitment
Safer Recruitment (11.06.15)...... HR014P/03
Moving on with SRE for the 21st Century: Exploring the ‘R’ in Sex and Relationships and including the
Professional Development of SRE across all Key Stages (12.05.15)...... PSH14P/23
A2A*: Moving Students from Grade A to Grade A* /Course number
SEC14P/35Description of Course
Intended outcomes for learners:- Accelerate their progress and confidence through collaborative learning
- Enhance their understanding in mathematical processes and applications
Provide teachers with rich activities that generates creative mathematical thinking
Content of the course:
Focusing on activities that have been tried and tested in many secondary mathematics classrooms that foster both generic thinking strategies and creative mathematical thinking, the sessions will be designed to impact on students’ learning capability and will support higher attainment too.
Intended Participants / Teachers and GCSE Students
Phase of education: / Secondary
Date/s / 20.04.15 /
/ 09.00-12.30 /Venue
/ Future House / No of sessions / 1Cost / £12 per student / Tutor / Raj Kumar - Internal Tutor
A2A*: Moving Students from Grade A to Grade A* /Course number
SEC14P/36Description of Course
As above.Intended Participants / Teachers and GCSE Students
Phase of education: / Secondary
Date/s / 23.04.15 /
/ 09.00-12.30 /Venue
/ Future House / No of sessions / 1Cost / £12 per student / Tutor / Raj Kumar - Internal Tutor
A2A*: Moving Students from Grade A to Grade A* /Course number
SEC14P/37Description of Course
As above.Intended Participants / Teachers and GCSE Students
Phase of education: / Secondary
Date/s / 24.04.15 /
/ 09.00-12.30 /Venue
/ Future House / No of sessions / 1Cost / £12 per student / Tutor / Raj Kumar - Internal Tutor
Accelerating Language Development for EAL Pupils /Course number
EMA14P/08Description of Course
Intended outcomes for learners:As a result of implementing the strategies highlighted in this course, pupils will acquire key language skills to use academic language to impact on all aspects of their language development.
Intended outcomes for participants:
- Ideas for promoting purposeful talk in the classroom, eg 'Picture Talks', 'Barrier Games' and other collaborative strategies.
- Suggestions and resources to take back into your classroom which will promote language development with a focus on 'EAL' pupils.
Input and practical activities linked to the course content.
Any course follow up:
If a school taking part in this training requires further support, this will be negotiated with the individual school.
Intended Participants / Please choose from this drop down listEarly Professional DevelopmentLeadership Team MemberLearning MentorsLibrary StaffMiddle ManagementNew HeadteacherOffice StaffTeaching AssistantsTeachers and Teaching AssistantsNewly Qualified TeachersExperienced HeadteacherAssistant/Deputy HeadteacherSupport StaffTeachersKS1 TeachersKS2 TeachersKS3 TeachersKS4 TeachersFoundation Stage TeachersKS1 and KS2 TeachersKS3 and KS4 TeachersAdvanced Skills TeachersAll/any adultsSubject Managers
Phase of education: / Please selectAllSecondaryPrimarySpecialEarly Years/Foundation StageOther
Date/s / 26.06.15 /
/ 09.00-12.00 /Venue
/ Future House / No of sessions / 1Cost / Please select£90£170per person / Tutor / Rita Kumar- Please state whether Internal or External tutor- External Tutor- Internal Tutor
Balanced Bodies – Healthy Weight / Healthy Lives in the Classroom /Course number
PSH14P/03Description of Course
Intended outcomes for learners:- Will understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle, combining a healthy diet with regular physical activity.
- Will impact positively on the lifestyles of young people.
This course will equip professionals working with young people, a programme focusing on healthy weight - designed to address the rising problem of obesity and encourage a healthy lifestyle.
Content of the course:
Following the Cochrane Report, a programme has been developed which combines a focus on the importance of a healthy diet with physical activity. This course will provide opportunity to sample the resource materials with a view to implementing the programme as part of the whole school curriculum.
Intended Participants / All/Any Adults
Phase of education: / Primary
Date/s / 16.06.15 /