Research compendium on nutrition and sustainability
We would also like to point out a seminal document that can be used by the panel as a starting point. The report, entitled “A Framework for Assessing Effects of the Food System.”, compared different food systems and suggested that when evaluating food systems consideration must be given to not only human and environmental health, but also social and economic factors. (IOM 2015 A Framework for Assessing Effects of the Food System
Aston LM, Smith JN, Powles JW: Impact of a reduced red and processed meat dietary pattern on disease risks and greenhouse gas emissions in the UK: a modelling study. BMJ open 2012, 2.Adam Drewnowski, Colin D Rehm, Agnes Martin, Eric O Verger, Marc Voinnesson, and Philippe Imbert: Energy and nutrient density of foods in relation to their carbon footprint Am J ClinNutr 2015;101:184–91.
Nancy Auestad and Victor L Fulgoni, II What Current Literature Tells Us about Sustainable Diets: Emerging Research Linking Dietary Patterns, Environmental Sustainability, and Economics.AdvNutr. 2015 Jan; 6(1): 19–36.
Baroni L, Cenci L, Tettamanti M, Berati M: Evaluating the environmental impact of various dietary patterns combined with different food production systems. Eur J ClinNutr2007, 61:279-286.
Barosh L, Friel S, Engelhardt K, Chan L: The cost of a healthy and sustainable diet--who can afford it? Aust N Z J Public Health 2014, 38:7-12.
Berners-Lee M, Hoolohan C, Cammack H, Hewitt CN: The relative greenhouse gas impacts of realistic dietary choices. Energy Policy 2012, 43:184-190.
Biesbroek S, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Peeters PH, Verschuren WM, van der Schouw YT, Kramer GF, Tyszler M, Temme EH: Reducing our environmental footprint and improving our health: greenhouse gas emission and land use of usual diet and mortality in EPIC-NL: a prospective cohort study. Environ Health 2014, 13:27.
Briggs AD, Kehlbacher A, Tiffin R, Garnett T, Rayner M, Scarborough P: Assessing the impact on chronic disease of incorporating the societal cost of greenhouse gases into the price of food: an econometric and comparative risk assessment modelling study. BMJ Open 2013, 3:e003543.
Buzby JC, Wells HF, Vocke G: Possible Implications for U.S. Agriculture From Adoption of Select Dietary Guidelines. United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Report 2006, 21.
Capone R, Iannetta M, Bailali HE, Colonna N, Debs P, Dernini S, Maiani G, Intorre F, Polito A, Turrini A, et al: A Preliminary Assessment of the Environmental Sustainability of the Current Italian Dietary Pattern: Water Footprint Related to Food Consumption. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research 2013, 1:59-67.
deCarvalho AM, Cesar CL, Fisberg RM, Marchioni DM: Excessive meat consumption in Brazil: diet quality and environmental impacts. Public Health Nutr2013, 16:1893-1899.
deRuiter H, Kastner T, Nonhebel S: European dietary patterns and their associated land use: Variation between and within countries. Food Policy 2014, 44:158-166.
Doidge JC, Segal L, Gospodarevskaya E: Attributable risk analysis reveals potential healthcare savings from increased consumption of dairy products. J Nutr2012, 142:1772-1780.
Dong-dong C, Wang-sheng G, Yuan-quan C, Qiao Z: Ecological footprint analysis of food consumption of rural residents in China in the latest 30 years. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 2010, 1:106-115.
Eshel G, Martin PA: Diet, Energy, and Global Warming. Earth Interactions 2006, 10:1-17.
Fazeni K, Steinmuller H: Impact of changes in diet on the availability of land, energy demand, and greenhouse gas emissions of agriculture. Energy, Sustainability and Society 2011, 1:6.
Friel S, Barosh LJ, Lawrence M: Towards healthy and sustainable food consumption: an Australian case study. Public Health Nutr2013:1-11.
Gerbens-Leenes PW, Nonhebel S: Consumption patterns and their effects on land required for food Ecological Economics 2002, 42:185-199.
Gerbens-Leenes PW, Nonhebel S: Food and land use. The influence of consumption patterns on the use of agricultural resources. Appetite 2005, 45:24-31.
Germani A, Vitiello V, Giusti AM, Pinto A, Donini LM, Del Balzo V: Environmental and economic sustainability of the Mediterranean Diet. Int J Food SciNutr2014:1-5.
Haberl H, Erb KH, Krausmann F, Bondeau A, Lauk C, Muller C, Plutzar C, Steinberger JK: Global bioenergy potentials from agricultural land in 2050: Sensitivity to climate change, diets and yields. Biomass Bioenergy 2011, 35:4753-4769.
Heller MC, Keoleian GA: Greenhouse Gas Emission Estimates of U.S. Dietary Choices and Food Loss. Journal of Industrial Ecology 2014:n/a-n/a.
Hendrie GA, Ridoutt BG, Wiedmann TO, Noakes M: Greenhouse gas emissions and the Australian diet--comparing dietary recommendations with average intakes. Nutrients 2014, 6:289-303.
Jones CM, Kammen DM: Quantifying carbon footprint reduction opportunities for U.S. households and communities. Environ SciTechnol2011, 45:4088-4095.
Kastner T, Nonhebel, S: Changes in land requirements for food in the Philippines: A historical analysis. Land Use Policy 2010, 27:853-863.
Kastner T, Rivas MJ, Koch W, Nonhebel S: Global changes in diets and the consequences for land requirements for food. Proc Natl AcadSci U S A 2012, 109:6868-6872.
Lloyd SJ, Kovats RS, Chalabi Z: Climate change, crop yields, and undernutrition: development of a model to quantify the impact of climate scenarios on child undernutrition. Environ Health Perspect2011, 119:1817-1823.
Macdiarmid J KJ, Horgan G, Loe J, Fyfe C, Johnstone A, McNeill G: Livewell: a balance of healthy and sustainable food choices 2011.
Macdiarmid JI, Kyle J, Horgan GW, Loe J, Fyfe C, Johnstone A, McNeill G: Sustainable diets for the future: Can we contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by eating a healthy diet? Am J ClinNutr2012, 96:632-639.
Masset G, Soler LG, Vieux F, Darmon N: Identifying sustainable foods: the relationship between environmental impact, nutritional quality, and prices of foods representative of the French diet. J AcadNutr Diet 2014, 114:862-869.
Masset G, Vieux F, Verger EO, Soler LG, Touazi D, Darmon N: Reducing energy intake and energy density for a sustainable diet: a study based on self-selected diets in French adults. Am J ClinNutr2014, 99:1460-1469.
McCarron DA, Heaney RP: Estimated healthcare savings associated with adequate dairy food intake. Am J Hypertens2004, 17:88-97.
Meier T, Christen O, Semler E, Jahreis G, Voget-Kleschin L, Schrode A, Artmann M: Balancing virtual land imports by a shift in the diet. Using a land balance approach to assess the sustainability of food consumption. Germany as an example. Appetite 2014, 74:20-34.
Meier T, Christen O: Environmental impacts of dietary recommendations and dietary styles: Germany as an example. Environ SciTechnol2013, 47:877-888.
Pathak H, Jain N, Bhatia A, Patel J, Aggarwal PK: Carbon footprints of Indian food items. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 2010, 139:66-73.
Peters CJ, Wilkins JL, Fick GW: Testing a complete-diet model for estimating the land resource requirements of food consumption and agricultural carrying capacity: The New York State example. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 2007, 22:145-153.
Peters CJ, Bills N, Lembo AJ, Wilkins JL, Fick GW: Mapping potential foodsheds in New York State: A spatial model for evaluating the capacity to localize food production. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 2009, 24:72-84.
Peters CJ, Bills NL, Lembo AJ, Wilkins JL, Fick GW: Mapping potential foodsheds in New York State by food group: An approach for prioritizing which foods to grow locally. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 2011, 27:125-137.
Popp A, Lotze-Campen H, Bodirsky B: Food consumption, diet shifts and associated non-CO2 greenhouse gases from agricultural production. Global Environmental Change 2010, 20:451-462.
Pradhan P, Reusser DE, Kropp JP: Embodied greenhouse gas emissions in diets. PLoS One 2013, 8:e62228.
Risku-Norja H, Kurppa S, Helenius J: Dietary choices and greenhouse gas emissions – assessment of impact of vegetarian and organic options at national scale. Progress in Industrial Ecology – An International Journal, 2009, 6:340-354.
Saez-Almendros S, Obrador B, Bach-Faig A, Serra-Majem L: Environmental footprints of Mediterranean versus Western dietary patterns: beyond the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. Environ Health 2013, 12:118.
Saxe H, Larsen TM, Mogensen L: The global warming potential of two healthy Nordic diets compared with the average Danish diet. Climatic Change 2013, 116:249-262.
Saxe H: The New Nordic Diet is an effective tool in environmental protection: it reduces the associated socioeconomic cost of diets. Am J ClinNutr2014, 99:1117-1125.
Scarborough P, Allender S, Clarke D, Wickramasinghe K, Rayner M: Modelling the health impact of environmentally sustainable dietary scenarios in the UK. Eur J ClinNutr2012, 66:710-715.
Scarborough P, Appleby PN, Mizdrak A, Briggs ADM, Travis RC, Bradbury KE, Key TJ: Dietary greenhouse gas emissions of meat-eaters, fish-eaters, vegetarians and vegans in the UK. Climatic Change 2014, 125:179-192.
Springer NP, Duchin F: Feeding nine billion people sustainably: conserving land and water through shifting diets and changes in technologies. Environ SciTechnol2014, 48:4444-4451.
Stylianou et al., 2015. A life cycle assessment framework combining nutritional and environmental health impacts of diet: a case study on milk. International J or LCA, 2015; in press.
Temme EH, Toxopeus IB, Kramer GF, Brosens MC, Drijvers JM, Tyszler M, Ocke MC: Greenhouse gas emission of diets in the Netherlands and associations with food, energy and macronutrient intakes. Public Health Nutr2014:1-13.
Temme EH, van der Voet H, Thissen JT, Verkaik-Kloosterman J, van Donkersgoed G, Nonhebel S: Replacement of meat and dairy by plant-derived foods: estimated effects on land use, iron and SFA intakes in young Dutch adult females. Public Health Nutr2013, 16:1900-1907.
Thompson S, Gower R, Darmon N, Vieux F, Murphy-Bokern D, Maillot M: A balance of healthy and sustainable food choices for France, Spain and Sweden: WWF Report 2013.
Tukker A, Goldbohm RA, de Koning A, Verheijden M, Kleijn R, Wolf O, Pérez-Domínguez I, Rueda-Cantuche JM: Environmental impacts of changes to healthier diets in Europe. Ecological Economics 2011, 70:1776-1788.
vanDooren C, Marinussen M, Blonk H, Aiking H, Vellinga P: Exploring dietary guidelines based on ecological and nutritional values: A comparison of six dietary patterns. Food Policy 2014, 44:36-46.
Vanham D, Bidoglio G: The water footprint of Milan. Water SciTechnol2014, 69:789-795.
Vanham D, Mekonnen MM, Hoekstra AY: The water footprint of the EU for different diets. Ecological Indicators 2013, 32:1-8.
Vanham D: The water footprint of Austria for different diets. Water SciTechnol2013, 67:824-830.
Vieux F, Darmon, N, Touazi, D, Soler, LG: Greenhouse gas emissions of self-selected individual diets in France: Changing the diet structure or consuming less? Ecological Economics 2012, 75:91-101.
Vieux F, Soler LG, Touazi D, Darmon N: High nutritional quality is not associated with low greenhouse gas emissions in self-selected diets of French adults. Am J ClinNutr2013.
Werner LB, Flysjo A, Tholstrup T: Greenhouse gas emissions of realistic dietary choices in Denmark: the carbon footprint and nutritional value of dairy products. Food Nutr Res 2014, 58.
Westhoek H, Lesschen JP, Rood T, Wagner S, De Marco A, Murphy-Bokern D, Leip A, van Grinsven H, Sutton MA, Oenema O: Food choices, health and environment: Effects of cutting Europe's meat and dairy intake. Global Environmental Change 2014, 26:196-205.
Wilson N, Nghiem N, Ni Mhurchu C, Eyles H, Baker MG, Blakely T: Foods and dietary patterns that are healthy, low-cost, and environmentally sustainable: a case study of optimization modeling for new zealand. PLoS One 2013, 8:e59648.
Wolf O, Pérez-Domínguez, I, Rueda-Cantuche, JM, Tukker A, Kleijn R, de Koning, A, Bausch-Goldbohm, S, Verheijden, M: Do healthy diets in Europe matter to the environment? A quantitative analysis. Journal of Policy Making 2011, 33:8-28.
Zhen L, Cao S, Cheng S, Xie G, Wei Y, Liu X, Li F: Arable land requirements based on food consumption patterns: Case study in rural Guyuan District, Western China. Ecological Economics 2010, 69:1443-1453